W. Alan Canty Tour 2010

Back in 1996-1997 when I was pregnant with my daughter, my mom gave me this paperback book to read. I am generally one of those types of people who does not like book recommendations, I don’t like anything shoved at me or anyone insisting I read something….but you know what? 90% of the time I do enjoy the rec. Yeah, I can be stubborn sometimes. I don’t often enjoy fiction except for a few old favorites like the old V.C. Andrews junk which reminds me of my teen years (and, by the way two winters ago, I proceeded to purchase all of the hard covers I could find on Amazon and Ebay of the Flowers in the Attic, Heaven series, and the one My Sweet Audrina book and re-read all of them AGAIN…!). I’ve been wanting to read some of those old Judy Blume books too. Most of the time, I enjoy biographies, autobiographies, memoirs, true crime, things like that.

Alright, so back to this book my mom gave me. It was called “Masquerade” by Lowell Cauffiel (clicky the linky for more info). In a nutshell, it is about a successful man by the name of W. Alan Canty: Married psychologist, resident of the affluent community of Grosse Pointe, with a prestigious Fisher Building office space, who gets involved with some Cass Corridor users. He shells out a great deal of cash to help support a young prostitute, Dawn Spens, a troubled 19-year-old woman who grew up in Harper Woods, and her late-30-something “pimp boyfriend” John “Lucky” Fry, over a period of about 2 years.  Then in 1985, after his financial support is waning and a heated argument with Lucky, finds himself killed and dismembered.

I cannot believe it’s been about 14 years since I first discovered this book….geez. Ever since the first reading, I was fascinated by the entire story. I was only 10 years old when it happened. I kicked myself for not watching the news or reading the paper much back then. I was too busy watching Three’s Company. But, I was 10.

So many references, neighborhoods, places in the book were familiar to me. Virtually everything happened in Detroit, the suburbs of, or in other spots in Michigan. All of this went down not too far from me. It all happened right around here! Even as a kid, I was frequently in Detroit and belatedly wondered if I had or have ever unknowingly come across any of the key characters in this book.

I read this book about once every year or two. A modest guess would be that I’ve read it around 7 times, but I suspect more. And, EVERY time after I finish it, I sit there wondering what ever happened to these people after the hooplah ended. I not only wondered about the main characters in the book, but about their families, the “minor” characters, the officers involved, their neighbors, Canty’s patients,  even the members of the jury… Every time I finish the book again, I find myself Googling their names, searching for any possible tidbit or information I can find.

Skip to May 2010. One of my best friends moved to Grosse Pointe. Driving from Canton through Detroit on my first visit to her new place…sailing down Jefferson Ave and passing Alter Road seeing the very obvious class line between the two cities (Grosse Pointe and Detroit, I don’t think there is a more clear difference of two cities than that Alter Road divide)…strolling down a handful of blocks…Oh my gosh! Berkshire! That’s the street that Canty and his wife lived on! And my recently-located friend’s new home is only the next street over!

I got home and pulled out my book and examined the photo of the Berkshire house, engraved it in my brain so that the next time I visited my friend, I could drive down Berkshire and see the old Canty home, and perhaps catch a glimpse of that brick driveway Canty had done so many years ago; the “antique” bricks collected by the trunkload by Canty himself from various demolition sites around Detroit.

Then, I brought the book up to my friend Amanda, the new Grosse Pointe resident. I gave her my beloved hard cover copy of the book and immediately ordered myself another one from Amazon. I found myself doing what I hate done to me: pushing a book on someone! Ha!

Reading the book, she, too, became interested in the story and the people involved. Finally after all of these years, someone else I knew personally had read the book and was able to discuss it in detail with me. I had already exhausted any other small sources of information (Amazon reviews from other readers, another book review blog about it that I found – there simply isn’t a lot of info out there and the book is not a “new & hot” and was not written at a time when people were heavily in to internet discussions like now). We shared a lot of similar questions and small theories on situations in the book…we wondered aloud together about these people.

The next step was inevitable: The Canty Tour. I skimmed through the book and made notes on various areas, places, locations, addresses, and then we had the beginnings of our tour outline. On a sunny, hot July day almost 25 years to the day of Canty’s killing, we sat at Small Plates downtown and, GPS on-hand, mapped out our “tour” over our Small Plates lunch and a couple of beers.

And so began “Canty Tour 2010”. Being 25 years later, many of the locations, homes, businesses have long-since been demolished or closed. Disappointing indeed, but to be expected.

Here are our photos from our “tour”, and my disclaimer that some of the exact locations were unknown, so we took photos of the general area, not knowing whether we were correct or not. If anyone out there happens upon this blog and cares to make a correction or add any information, by all means please feel free to do so! I have had a minor (morbid?) obsession with this story and case for many years and would welcome any additions anyone would care to offer.

The Temple Hotel, site of Canty’s first paid “encounter” with then-prostitute Dawn Spens:

Homewood Manor, where Dawn and John “Lucky” Fry lived in the Cass Corridor -Side and front view…now surrounded by fence and razor wire:

Supposedly Dawn’s “favorite corner” according to the book, at 2nd & Peterboro:

Now-closed Charlotte Lounge, which was formerly the Gaiety Bar, the site of the bar altercation mentioned in the book between Al and another patron at the pool table when John went to the restroom. That night Al was probably sporting his steel-toe boots and “Cadieux Bar” jacket that he had made at a Grosse Pointe sporting goods store…his “outfit” to fit in around the Cass Corridor? :

Chung’s Restaurant, now closed (and torn down maybe? this was just painted on a wall, so we were not sure if this was the actual building of the restaurant). Al supposedly loved to eat here, and supposedly had his 50th birthday dinner here alone, the same night as his first encounter with Dawn Spens, while his wife Jan was in Arizona staying at her parents’ home recovering from a bout of mono:

White Grove Restaurant…still open and functional….mentioned a handful of times in the book:

Detroit’s fabulous Fisher Building ~ Where both Al’s and Jan’s offices were located (they moved from the 9th to the 10th floor, or vice-versa, shortly before Al’s murder. As many times as I have read this book, I should know this, but I get the floors mixed up):

The GPS took us here for all of the Clayton Street addresses. Clearly the GPS either steered us wrong, or the homes have since been torn down. John and Dawn lived briefly on Clayton, I believe in John’s sister-in-law Janet’s home (widow of John’s brother Jim who supposedly committed suicide during everyone’s trip down south to TN to visit John’s father, Pete Fry. And well, technically I don’t think Jim & Janet were married, but you get the picture) and turned the Clayton house in to a “trick pad” for a while. The chapter of the book opened with John kicking out the sister-in-law’s boyfriend Ike for punishing his twin niece and nephew in inhumane ways. I always found it ironic how he would kick this guy out for the good of the children, yet turn around and make the place a prostitute flop house and drug source with the kids still living there:

We tried to find the “Morrell Apartments”, but we are not sure whether or not we were successful. This was the only apartment-type dwelling in the area mentioned in the book, off of Morrell Street. We only assumed, and could be wayyy off:

Behind the wooden fence is where the Casper home was supposed to be located. We were severely disappointed to find that it has been torn down. My mom mentioned that it had not been torn down, but she has not been by the location in years. The Casper home was where W. Alan Canty suffered several blows to the head with a baseball bat by John “Lucky” Fry, and was then dismembered with a Ginsu knife in the bathtub….later his body parts were disposed of in various locations in Michigan (I-75/Joslyn Rd exit I believe, and up in Alanson at Dale “Frank” McMasters home, and some others in the actual Detroit area). The book has a photo of the tiny home when it stood:

The area off of Federal St on the south side of Detroit near some railroad tracks, where Alan Canty’s Buick Regal was found stripped and burned:

Historic Elmwood Cemetary in Detroit. It was closed when Amanda and I got there, so we returned the next day:

The Canty plot at Elmwood:

W. Alan Canty’s final resting place. Amanda and I wondered if anyone ever stops by to visit Al here:

Final resting places of Canty’s parents, Gladys and Al Sr:

Al and Jan’s “Tudor-Style” home in Grosse Pointe as it stands today, a.k.a. “The Big Tudor” as it was phrased often in the book:

The frequently-mentioned “antique” bricks Al liked to collect from demolition sites, eventually turned in to a driveway at their Grosse Pointe home. The book mentioned that Jan even buried a couple of his beloved bricks with him:

Amanda first, then me – being stupid at a bar after the first day of our tour and trying to pose like Detroit Homicide Inspector Gil Hill in his “actor photo” posted in the book. Gil landed a roll in 1984’s Beverly Hills Cop movie with Eddie Murphy:

This photo somehow ended up being uploaded with the rest so I left it. These are the beers we picked up from a party store on Jefferson about a mile from Grosse Pointe. You won’t find them individually priced like this in Grosse Pointe I’ll bet!

And there concludes our Canty Tour 2010. When writing this blog, I tried my best to be somewhat respectful considering the situation…in the event that one day anyone still alive who was involved with this story, having  such a prominent role in it such as Dawn Spens, or those who un-knowingly had their lives turned upside-down such as Jan Canty, ever happens to run across this online somewhere. In the information I’ve been able to find online over the years…I’ve gathered that Lucky Fry died in prison of hepatitis, Cheryl Krizanovic went on to have 2 children with Frank McMasters and she also passed away of hepatitis or some sort of past drug-use-related health complications years later. Of course we know Alan Canty Jr, is no longer around to tell his story. Rumors online are that Dawn Spens cleaned up and is living a “normal life” now. And where is Jan? Jan, in my opinon, was the ultimate victim in the whole thing. What little I gathered about her character in the book, she is and was a strong, intelligent woman. I mean, I kind of feel like I “know” these people; But really, how well can you get to know someone you’ve never met through one book that is not their personal biography, and only has a few scattered chapters and tidbits of information on them? There are so many questions left unanswered, many gaps in what these people did on a daily basis when their lives did not pertain specifically to Al, Dawn and John. I remember a passage in the book even, it went something like, “…but Al’s visits were only one hour of a 24-hour day in the life of Dawn Spens and John Fry….” (will get the actual correct quote on the next read!)

Is everyone happy and living life now? How did they manage to go on after all of this? How long did it take for the pain to finally subside a little? I’ll bet this case still haunts each and every one of their minds every single day. I hate to drudge things up and dwell on the past, but the fact is, a book was written – Bringing this case to homes everywhere, sitting right on my chest as I lay in bed or on my couch, unable to put it down.

I leave you with one piece of advice – if you read this and like it, check out House of Secrets, also by the same author Lowell Cauffiel. Not a Detroit crime story, but an Ohio one. It will then lead you to start wondering what ever happened to all of the Sexton family children…and the cycle will start all over again (beginning with Google searches!).



As the author of this blog, I have currently closed the comments. Temporarily, maybe. If anyone else would like to pick at each other, type profanities and insult each other, you may now choose a spot on the internet other than my blog comments to do so.

This blog has had some positive connections of people related to the case, and also connections of those not related to the case, but intrigued by it. I get it – this is a very personal subject for those written about in the book and that some of the things posted IN my blog or IN the comments section can be tough to read. The fact is, a book was written and humans will be humans. Who are we to judge what intrigues and interests someone else?

I believe there are over 1,000 comments in this section, and I would like to say I had the time to go through all of them again. Unfortunately, I do not, but I would hate to hide all of them in one swipe of a hand. Eventually though, I would like to filter out all of the garbage to allow mainly comments from those in the book, those closely related, and those interested in discussing the case, to remain.

Believe me, I don’t feel as though I am doing some sort of special service to society here. I simply read a book and wrote a blog. My feelings and thoughts on the book’s “characters” have evolved and changed a lot since this blog was originally written and since I have corresponded privately with a handful of those individuals – and those individuals know how to get in contact with me if you would like to. -RC


Comments are available again but will be moderated. It’s taken me a couple of years, but I am finally getting around to cleaning up some of the old comments. This blog blew up at a really bad time and honestly, I wanted nothing to do with it. Please feel free to contact me if you would like, I will do my best to respond when I can. (rreneecaudill at gmail)

~ by Rachel C on August 20, 2010.

909 Responses to “W. Alan Canty Tour 2010”

  1. Cantaaaaayyyyy!

    • I actually grew up with dawn spense and her daughter who is my age in alanson michigan!… dawn married frank mcmasters and had two children with him. Dawn died just a few years back after a horrible battle with canser. After all this happened dawn lived in alanson and petoskey michigan. Her and my grandmother were great friends, my grandmother tryied her hardest to help her : )!….want more info? I still know the family! Contact me threw email mandieholmesjo@gmail.com

      • Wow, I thought Cheryl was the one who married Frank – I only read that on an Amazon book review I think it was. Thanks for stopping in, I am amazed that this story has been on the minds of so any people for so long that they actually ran across my little blog!

      • Dawn did not marry Frank. Dawn grew up in Harper woods not Alanson. Dawn is not dead !

      • Cheryl Jean Krizanovic, McMaster was my sister and at first she had one child by John Fry. and then she started using the name of McMaster and had two more children Christa and Michel. Cheryl died on 07 Mar 2007, in Petoskey, Emmet, Michigan, from Complications of Hep. A & B, Cancer, a host of other things.

        I’m looking for ANY pictures of Cheryl John, Frank, the kids

      • Yes. I have one of each (digital). I can send them to you if I have your email address.

      • To clarify no pictures of the twins, just the adults

      • yeah you should probably take this post down if you dont want to get e-mails from garbage.

      • Please take down this blog. To the writer I can prove I’m who I say. I dont want this in my life anymore. This has haunted me since I was a child and I want it to go away. My brother, sister and I never asked to be a part of this and I just want it to go away. Its been almost 30 years. You’ve all had your fun now leave us alone.

      • Don’t be fooled. Amanda at mandieholmesjo@gmail.com dose not know anyone. She is so not here, she confuses Dawn with Cheryl and claims she grew up with people that she never met in person. She has such a dull boring life, she has to pretend to be something she’s not.

  2. I first read Masquerade about 4 yr’s ago and like you I’ve since read it again and again.I work in Detroit at one of the casino’s so I have passed by alot of the place’s mentioned in the book.I also felt like I knew these people or wondered what happened to them.I wonder if Jan Jan kept the Canty name?I wish that Lowell would come to my town and solve a murder that happened here last summer of a lttle girl they found by the river covered by concrete she had been missing for 9 days before a fisherman found her. her name was Nevaeh and it happened in Monroe Michigan.Anyway Thank you for the Canty Tour it was nice to see how everything has changed.

    • Thanks for writing, I didn’t even know if this blog would ever come up in a search! I doubt Jan kept the Canty name…I probably wouldn’t. I think I will always wonder about the people in this book. The book covered a lot, but still so many questions unanswered. I heard about the Nevaeh murder of course….IDK that Cauffiel could *solve* it but I am sure he could write a damn good book about it anyway!

    • Carolyn who is Jan Jan ? You also said “I wish that Lowell would come to my town and solve a murder” . Sorry but Lowell did not solve a murder, he only reported on it.

  3. I lived in detroit at the time of Canty’s death and the story always captivated me. I lived on the streets for a time, and could easily have ended up in similar lifestyles. I, too, have wondered whatever happened to Dawn Spens. I read somewhere that she married a man last name Hammes in Ann Arbor. I always felt that she got off so easy and should have been sentenced to prison, yet she was able to go on and live a “normal life”. I always felt the true victims were Jan Canty, Gladys Canty and ofcourse Alan Canty. While, the men in th ebook did appear to live off Dawn Spens either financially or otherwise, I felt she was no idiot to survive the streets of Detroit. She sure pulled the victim act out when she needed it most. I agree the book is a good read and I will read again.

    • Thanks for leaving a comment! I agree with you, she absolutely got off easy! The girl was no dummy…but I am pretty certain she turned out to be a success story after all which I think is all that matters at this point in time. I could have sworn I had found her listed in Canton at some point too (I live in Canton). I am sure by now, most of this is behind all of the surviving people associated with this case and hopefully lives have changed for the better. I would hope so, being 25 years later.

      • I wonder if Dawn ever wakes up at night with dreams of what she did…or did she “pine” for John Fry after he died

      • I too have always been intrigued by this ” event”…
        Jan changed her name.. married and adopted and raised two children. She has written a book and it should be coming out soon….

    • Elena No one involved in this book went on to live a normal life. and Dawn was not the only hooker in the book. You forgot my sister Cheryl..

      • I don’t want to start a “blog war” but in all of your posts regarding Cheryl or any part of the book your are constantly talking negative about her. Cheryl DID straighten up her life ( like a few of us did) yet you harp on her past
        One’s past is EXACTLY that ..a past..I am sure you were no alter boy

      • That’s okay, I ‘m not about to have a battle of wits with an unarmed “Dimples”

      • Actually I was a alter boy for a short time at All Saints Roman Cath. Church, on Fort and Springwells. and I was brought up in the Catholic School that is no longer standing there . I have never fabricated anything about her. She was a good kid and had a sweet soul and payed everyday for the choices she made,

      • Not saying you fabricated anything…she USED dope and WAS a hooker…”past tense” ! Ones past IS NOT their present or future. You say she got away with info about doc cantys murder, she was a hooker and a dope fiend..y not say how she turned her life around ( most likely unlike u)

      • I did not say that she got away with anything. I said she got off easy. Only one person murdered anyone and that was John. Dawn had no choice in the matter. She likely feared if she did not cooperate that she would end up like the good Dr. You need to stop twisting what people say.

      • Dimples Your saying that she turned into a saint. Yes, she did clean herself up but did not improve it much. When I saw her not long before she died, she was living in a A-frame house with no running water and no utilities. Yes, she was no longer a hooker and when she did hook she did the drugs to wash her thoughts of the sex. Sex was not enjoyable to her any longer. It was more just like a action, like changing clothing, of using the toilet. She was never a beast. like when when John lost his temper, I never knew her to loose her cool
        She loved her children and she tried her best I knew her hart was right and I tried to help her out. I sent them Christmas a couple of times. I never met Frank that I knew of. She was a manipulator, but she need to be. We all are to one point or another. She did what she had to do to survive for her and her two children.
        In the early to late 70’s and 80’s up until 11/30/2012 our home life, and family life went to hell. Our mother went through a change of life at about the age of 40, divorced our dad, turned her back on her children and we all skittered. I moved in with my dad for fear of my life, our baby brother ran away to live in his girlfriends basement. and my sisters hit the streets. I loved all of my siblings but I could not agree with everything Cheryl did. In 85 Cheryl was with child and close to giving birth to her second child.
        As for speaking in “past tense”. Everything about My sister is past tense. She died 2007. I never accused her of being a “dope fiend..y” Dimples. I knew my sister better and longer than anyone in this blog and you never knew her. You only know what you found in “Masquerade”.

      • Thank you for giving such a thoughtful insight into Cheryl. I hope she is at rest after all these years.

      • not a saint but she was no longer using. getting well cost money…i havent used since 82. i am losing my home ,utilities will be shut off, my car will get repossessed and my animals will have to be euthanized.

      • Based on when we talked the last time I saw her she is resting well. I’m trying to locate a copy of the DVD or a picture of her for our family tree. I only have a 4th grade picture of her.

      • at least she had a house,,,,i wont even have that its called the high cost of dying

      • my living situation will be no better. and i am not using!!!!!

      • I did not sat you were using.

  4. Thanks for sharing your tour!!! I too read the book more than a few times over the years. The first time was just by chance around 1987-88 when I felt the flu coming on. knowing that I was going to be laid up for a few days I stopped at a bookstore on Mack Avenue to grab something to read while sick. I spun the true crime rack and never even read the title of the paperback that I grabbed because I recognized the picture on the cover. Al Canty was my neighbor while growing up on Berkshire Road!!! I spent the next few days with a fever and in shock from what I was reading. I remember Al, or as I called him Dr. Canty well. He used to pay me to do little things around his house, including moving his bricks around and replacing bricks on his driveway. Jan Canty was always very nice to me when I would see her in their house but the late Dr. always seemed kinda off and alittle weird. My parents didnt care for him to much either when they saw him during neighborhood gatherings. Anyway, after reading Masquerade and feeling better, I passed it on to my friend who I worked with so he could read it also. Since we drove a delivery truck all around the Detroit area and had plenty of free time during work, we too did “the tour”. We were even able to go inside the house on Casper!!! I wish I took pictures!!! I have read Masquerade every few years and also periodically search Google for more information. Why? I dont know, except I still find the story oddly intriguing and more then alittle spooky. Thanks for the photos, they brought back a lot of memories. P.S. When I saw the red CANTY headstone it was in the winter with snow on the ground and the marker stood out like a sore thumb,kinda like I remember Dr. Canty himself. Thanks again for sharing your tour.

    • Oh wow, how intriguing that you actually met the Cantys and moved his beloved bricks around. I had suspected he was probably eccentric or a little off. I’m with you, something about this story just intrigues me to no end! Thanks so much for writing!!

      • Hi. I just read your blood again after over a year since I first did. It’s really cool how many people have contributed to it. Someone mentioned that maybe you could upload the videos you have to YouTube… Please try. Also I read that a couple of people couldn’t find the Casper house. Since I’ve moved to San Diego 20 years ago I can’t say when it was torn down. The Casper house actually was a smaller house behind the main house that faced the street. I remember having to go through a gate on the right side of the main house to get into the back yard. I also remember that it was easier seen from an alley in the back then it was from the street. We (my co worker John and I) payed the kid who answered the door $14 total to go into the house. The rooms were alot smaller then I thought they would be and I can’t tell you how weird it was to see the tub that my neighbor was chopped up in. I wish it was like today when we all have cameras. Thanks again for starting the blog. I look forward to reading more in the future. Please check on putting those videos you have on YouTube.
        Thanks again,

      • Sorry for the typo in the first sentence… Blood is supposed to be blog. I can blame auto correct but it just comes down to not proof reading. 🙂

    • What was the street name where’re dr canty live on in Grosse pointe my girlfriend and I bike ride in Grosse pointe and I think I’ve seen that house

  5. I am going to have to pick up a copy of the book. Very intriguing now that you’ve researched and added pictures!

    Nice write!

    • One of The Amanda Adventures! But the book is one I’ve never been able to put down and often think of it. I always always always make it a point to go around the block either before stopping at or leaving Amanda’s so I can stroll by the old Canty home. Just did it on Sunday as a matter of fact. LOL.

    • Have you gotten a chance to read it yet? There are photographs of the main people and some of the original places in the book. Problem is that many of the “neighborhoods” in Detroit that are referred to in the book are a skeleton of their former selves. There’s not much left to see. 😦

      • The biggest true crime story to come out of Detroit was back a few years ago when Al Capone hired four men to go from Detroit to Chicago, IL to gun down 6 men in a barber shop on St Valentines day. 3 did the shooting and the fourth stood guard out side.
        Detroit was used for a long time by the mob for it’s murders, before Motown and the Moter City, Detroit was known as Murder City.

      • I thought that happened in Chicago

      • Yes it did but if you read the post. Al Capone hired the men from Detroit to go to Chicago to do the killing.

      • Sorry.

      • Yes, it happened in Chicago, but the men that did the killing were hired from Detroit. The gang of mobsters in Detroit was called the Purple gang. The bridge was not built yet and the tunnel was too low for trucks so the only way that the mob had to get the Canadian boos to Detroit from Windsor was by trying to float it across the river. They tried to run a guiding cable across the river but there were too many barges going up and down the river. needless to say that there is a lot of very slowly aged whiskey on the bottom of the river If you could pull up a bottle of 7 crown or Canadian Club from the bottom of the river it would be worth no less that $1000.00 per bottle

      • The first attorney I worked for represented the Purple Gang in the day.

      • I had a grand uncle that was a member

      • There was also the Ann Arbor Strangler

      • john norman collins

      • yes, a lot bigger a lot more bodies but today nothing but no blog

  6. I work downtown and drive up and down Cass Corridor often. My boss mentioned Dawn Spens and the murder of Dr. Canty and it immediately flooded back to my memory of what I had heard on the news back then. I graduated high school in 1985 from a Detroit school so I vaguely remembered the story. I googled the name and came across your blog. Good job. The weird thing for me is that my boss mentioned Dawn Spens and we talked about it was on the same day you undertook this adventure. Weird coincidence? Probably but thought I’d throw that out there.

    • That’s crazy, everyone must have had Canty on the brain right around the anniversary of his murder. Glad you wrote, I like getting comments from others who this story has made an impact on. I wish there had been better internet back then and we might have a lot more info and answers (as if anyone owes us answers, lol).

  7. I lived in Detroit for 25 years and I was there in the city when this murder took place.I believe everyone was intrigue with the story of the pimp,prostitude and psychologist.Dawn Spens was a victim also,being an addict and with a sociopath,John Fry was crazy! I’ve been reading the book for years and still pick it up every now and then. We use to drive down West Grand Blvd and look at the Fisher Building right across the street from General Motors Building. Looking at your pictures bring back memories,Peterboro is where COTES is where the homeless live near Cass Corridor. I heard that Dr Canty wasn’t dead when John cut him up,this is why I know Dawn was afraid of him too. My prayers goes out to his wife,she was married to someone she didn’t even know. I believe she changed her name for privacy reasons,because the murder was such a high profile case,something none of us will forget. Good Job Ladies!

    • Thanks for writing & stopping by! I doubt Canty could have survived the blows to the head with the baseball bat served up by John Fry long enough to be still alive while being cut up. Although, he probably wasn’t cold yet…those two didn’t hesitate to start slicing him to pieces 😦 I’d have changed my name if I were Jan too…none of this was her fault but she was definitely the ultimate victim in the whole mess.

    • Dawn was a very very manipulative female. She was Already in the corridor when she met Fry.

      • You’re right…Dawn was an addict and they are all manipulative and will do anything for their drugs. If she has a conscience, she is sentence to life, knowing what she did to Dr. Alan Canty…she will never have peace.

  8. Hi. You may recognize my name as one from the book. Actually, I’m a jr. and it was my father that was featured prominently in the book. I remember Al and Jan from family and friend get-togethers at my house in Harper Woods. In a odd coincidence, my sister knew Dawn from school in Harper Woods. I was working midnights when my dad called me for advice, Al was missing and my dad was afraid that it was because he decided to stand up to Fry. I “taped’ as many of the news stories as I could with my VHS as the story was breaking, from the discovery of the car to the funeral and trial. I accompanied my dad to the trial and even ended up “acting” in a recreation for a national tv show. (my mother was angry with me over that for a while.) I know a little about some of the principal players of the story, and what they’re doing now, I don’t know about Jan though. We heard she moved out west. The last time I saw Al was at our house in Harper Woods at my sister’s graduation party, I believe it was. He sat quietly in a corner of the kitchen watching everyone and smiling.

    • I saw this comment come across my phone and recognized the name immediately – wow! Thanks so much for taking the time to leave comments! This book moved me in a way that I just cannot explain; I think about the story often. Al struck me as quite a strange bird but probably a good guy, a human being who made some poor decisions and found himself in over his head. Thank you so much Ray (Jr)! Drew & Mike on WRIF brought up the story very briefly on the air a couple of weeks ago but butchered the details a bit, and I found myself yelling at the radio in my car.

      Are you and your family still in the metro Detroit area?

    • Ray,

      Could you please get in touch with me at the following email address…I am a former GP PO and would be interested to talk with you. Thanks.

    • Did u know Donnie Carlton who’s mentioned in the book?

  9. Love this book, I have read over 300 true crime books & rarely read the same 1 twice but have read this 3 times over the last 15 years. The story has stayed with me. I would love for Hollywood to make a movie about this…I could see Mila Kunis as Dawn, William H Macy as Dr Canty & maybe Jeff Bridges as Lucky.

    • I would love a movie too, it’s too good a story to never have been made a movie!! I always pictured Juliette Lewis as Dawn. Thanks for coming by!!

  10. I have been thinking for quite a while now about this book. when the event happened, I was living with my news junkie great grandmother . Then my Aunt gave me the book in 1990 when I was 16, and she also SWEARS up and down that Dawn and Lucky came to look at a house she had up for sale in Taylor at that time. I then lent it out to a friend that I never saw again. Found the book again at a used book store in W. Bloomfield when I was between jobs and staying with my mom. Later I had a boyfriend who knew people that lived om Casper but I could never find the house.
    I have lived in AZ for the past few years, preparing to move back to SE Michigan, and have been revisiting the area online. Thank god for Amazon, I could have this book within the week! I dont mind waiting, I am reading an Ann Rule book right now.
    Nice blog, I’ll be back

  11. Juliette Lewis would be a great choice as Dawn but she is a bit too old for the part now. I read that the author was working on a screenplay for the story, but that was in ’06. Wish it would come true.

  12. Hello my name is tonya and I’m actually in the book I had stayed the night with john and dawn the night before the murder john was my moms cousin them and al dropped me off at home the morning of the murder please send me your email and we can talk more.

    • Wow….as long ago as all this happened, quite a handful of people are still searching the internet on it. I’ll drop you an email 🙂

    • this is for tonya,.if your the tonya im thinking of..we might have some history! i was around the hood near clayton where janet and six-pack lived’
      i know your last name if you could send me an e-mail i would love to confim if its you!!. im kerry klk337@hotmail.com

  13. If they make a movie,Linsey Lohan should play Dawn and Mark Wahlberg should play John. Billy Bob Thornton,should play psychologist W.Alan Canty,his wife should be played by Kathy Bates.That would be a good cast,I hope someone is interested in making the movie! I keep going over the book and you were right cheetah14 he was dead after the blows to the head.John Frye was a sick man and was doing drugs too that made him even worst!

  14. “Masquerade” is indeed a fascinating book. I’ve been to some of the locations mentioned in the book, but not all. The Homewood Manor is much larger than I had pictured it. I had assumed it was one of those 2-story brownstones that are all over Detroit.

    BTW, here’s a 2009 Metro Times article about the White Grove:

    Somewhere on the Internet, I read that Jan Canty remarried. I was surprised to find out that Gladys Canty lived nearly ten years after her son’s murder. At the time I read the book, I felt so badly for her. I feared the shock would be too much for a woman her age, especially since Al was her only family. I was very sorry to hear that Cheryl died young. I’d always hoped she and Frank had somehow managed to live happily ever after.

  15. I just found this book in the basement after 10 years of having moved from the Detroit area to Grand Blanc. I was always fascinated by this story. I just googled Dawn Spens and your website popped up. I always wondered what happened to the people involved. Dr. Camty did work with autistic children. Being the mother of twins with Asperger’s Syndrome which is a mild form of autism, it sounds a lot like Dr. Canty had the same condition. It would explain his social awkwardness and his obsession with his coffee thermos. I also belive Dawn Spens got off too easy and Jan Canty was an innocent victim. I hope she is living a happy life (Jan Canty that is). Thanks for the tour!

  16. wow…I think you are almost as obsessed as me! and that’s saying alot..lol…I used to live in Detroit and found myself driving around to try to find alot of the places as well…I’ve read the book like 10 times, i think. anyway, just off the top of my head, there are a few other places in the book that are coming to mind..Jumbo’s bar, Chris and Carl’s on cass ( i think this is gone), i think there was also another chinese restuarant ..where Dawn first told AL about her drug habit (not chung’s)..forbidden city or soemething…?? AL’s favorite hambuger place called Marcus’ Hamburgers, the congress inn ( i think dawn stayed here for awhile while john was up north), a drive-in movie theater on the border of dearborn and detroit…and yeah, I drove by the casper house back in 1998 and it was not there…anyway thanks so much for the pix! I am thinking next time I am in detroit, maybe going into a libary and looking at the old newspapers on microfilm..i really want to see more pics of some of these people!

    • Hey Brynn! Do you remember Al’s friend Ray Danford from the book? His son, Ray Jr, wrote a comment on this blog and got in touch with me. He awesomely sent me a DVD from video tape on which he had taped a lot of the news stories and some other things. Some of the key people in the book are on this DVD, brief news interviews & etc.

  17. Your tour is exactly what I wanted to do for years!! It was ‘comforting’ to find out that so many people are still haunted by this book. I was turned on to the book by my college roomie who worked as a criminal investigator for the Detroit Police. After leaving MI and many moves to other states, I gave my book to a local library – hoping it would stop haunting me! Not a chance. Here I am in the late hours of the evening, Googling Dawn Spens, and fortunate to find your blog.

    • Hi Lori! I am amazed at how many people have run across this blog and are as obsessed with the story as I was….am! I think it’s about that time of year to bust it out and read it again!

    • too bad they did not do the tour years ago while the buildings were still standing and the people were still around.

      • The TEMPLE Hotel will soon be torn down to make way for a power co. sub-station. Take your pictures soon. [and whatever] the city already bought it.

  18. I grew up in Detroit and remembered this story clearly. Being a true crime book fan, I bought the book soon after it came out. I have been fascinated with the story and have read Masquerade 2 or 3 times before loaning the book out (and never got it back). Just ordered it again – putting together a book collection of true crime in Michigan. (Another great book is Michigan Murders by Keyes. I remember driving to Wayne State at night with my dad to pick up my sister after evening classes in the late 60’s at the height of public histeria. My sister lives a few blocks from where John Norman Collins lived in Center Line.) Anyway, I used to work at one of the Detroit utilities and remember looking up Dawn Spens back then. I found an account she had and couldn’t resist calling the phone number – not sure why. I didn’t leave a message but it was chilling just hearing her voice on her answering machine. I also looked up John Fry and saw he had a delinquent bill but can’t remember if it was from Casper or his prior address. I drove past Casper around that time and remember it being a very short street right off the freeway. Not sure if I was in the right area because I didn’t have the address of the infamous house with me. I think Dawn should have got more time. She contributed greatly to Canty getting so involved and surely could have done something to prevent things from getting so out of hand. I moved to Texas a year ago for my job but still hold the Metro Detroit area close to my heart. Thanks for posting the pics of your tour. You are not the only person fascinated with this kind of stuff for sure!

    • Hi Bob! Well, I hope that next copy comes soon, and don’t loan it out, lol! I would probably also have called those phone numbers if I’d had access to them, lol. Thanks for stopping in and saying hello!

      • Hello Cheetah 14 this is Tonya again I was wondering did you figure out how to burn dvds if not I was wondering is there any way to upload it to YouTube maybe I’m very interested in who’s all in this ,I wrote on a comment on here a while back john fry was my moms cousin my moms name was Linda sue.my email is tonya_cavazos@yahoo.com please let me know if its possible to upload the dvd please I would lobe to be able to see it,thanks.

  19. Hello Cheetah 14 this is Tonya again I was wondering did you figure out how to burn dvds if not I was wondering is there any way to upload it to YouTube maybe I’m very interested in who’s all in this ,I wrote on a comment on here a while back john fry was my moms cousin my moms name was Linda sue.my email is tonya_cavazos@yahoo.com please let me know if its possible to upload the dvd please I would lobe to be able to see it,thanks.

  20. Hi! Just finished the book today. Got it from work from a fellow true crime enthusiest! I too just googlled Dawn Spens and found this blog. GREAT job!! I see that Ray has found the blog and responded also…wow! Aslo Ray, if you are reading this, I know it has been many years since this horrible crime, but I’d like to say I’m truley sorry that you’ve lost a good friend! Obviously Al felt close enough in yours and his friendship to confide in you about what he’d been doing. Such a great, but sad story!

    Rachel, do you know if John Fry is still in prison (just wondering if he ever found a way to escape!)? I know he received life….

    Anyway….what a fascinating story! Love your blog…i will visit often!! 🙂

  21. no John Fry died in prison in the 90’s.

  22. hey good job on the tour.i just finished the book today and enjoyed every chapter. is was such an easy read the way it was written with the short chapters and how the author switched from each persons perspective i think it would make for a great screenplay know any good directors maybe martin scorsese hell yeah.

  23. In July of 1985 I raced in the Port Huron to Mackinac Race. During that race a boat sank and our boat rescued the crew. That story made the front page of both the Detroit Free Press and the Detroit News. On that same day, Tuesday, July 23, both papers also had front page stories about the Dawn Spens – W. Alan Canty saga. Later a fuller treatment of the story was published in a magamzine that I once worked for named “Monthly Detroit”, which is no longer in existence. I don’t know why the fascination with that story has stayed with me all these years. I have some theories, but I’m not going to put them out on the internet. In googling the name Dawn Spens, I came across your blog. Thanks for the interesting tour and update. If you’d like to see those articles, let me know.

    • I’d be interested in seeing the Monthly Detroit article again. As I remember, it was pages long. How can I find a copy, Tim?

    • Would love to see the articles – if they can be scanned in and emailed to me somehow, let me know and I will send my email address!

    • Monthly Detroit was a great magazine. Hour Detroit (I don’t know if Hour Detroit arose from Monthly Detroit or it just started independently) is nothing like it.

      • Investigation Discovery channel has a new episode of “Who the F***? Did I Marry” about this case. It’s recent and the episode is called: “The ID and the Ego”. It features interviews with Jan Canty, PhD, “Masquerade” author Lowell Cauffiel, reporter Ti-Hua Chang, and an officer (I’m sorry I don’t remember his name. It’s something like Ostrewski. I’m WAY off on the officer’s name though, sorry. It has clips from news stories at the time also.
        It’s interesting that some smallish details differ from the book. One example: In the book, Jan Canty was not already taking classes at Wayne State. A big point was made in the book that Al convinced her to try at least one course at WSU to start, which grew to a full load. In the show, she was already a full-time student at WSU when she met Al.
        I was pretty surprised to stumble on this show. I didn’t watch it before hearing about this episode. And the title of the show has the f word censored, so search for it like that, LOL.

      • Someone recently tipped me off on that program. I was able to catch it on my cable on demand, since I think it aired last fall. Lots of great photos I had never seen, assuming many provided by Jan. Jan interviewed wonderfully. She is so very well-spoken.

        I found some parts of the reenactments in the program cheesy, but whatever.

      • The re-enactments *were* cheesy. And inaccurate in places. Like having Dawn run and and give Alan a big hug. That never happened. The book mentions that Al didn’t want any physical affection like hugging and kissing or even holding hands. Also, Dawn was mostly disdainful to his face. She’d greet him oftentimes by holding out her hand and asking how much Al had brought her that day. She called him “pinhead” behind his back.
        And the prostitute/informant “SuzyQ” dressed like a TV show 70s hooker, LOL.

      • Yeah – the reenacted SuzyQ was wearing a gold sequin dress or something. This was the Cass Corridor in the 80’s, and I doubt a street hooker down there dressed that flashy. Then the reenacted Dawn with the stereotypical hooker “uniform” of a tight dress and tall boots, plus that enthusiasm. I felt like she was probably more smug in real life during that time, but I don’t know. Obviously I wasn’t there and can only go on what Cauffiel’s book said.

      • Interesting. I would imagine this latest TV DOCU-drama is the last thing Dawn wants. Bringing new attention to events that are approaching 40 years. I just recently read Jan’s book “A Life Divided” I would recommend it. It’s definitely a good read. Jan clearly has a story worth telling, and I’m glad she has chosen to do so. There’s no substitute for hearing her speak and speculate about events in the first person. Her story is amazing. That being said. I still believe Dawn has the story of stories. I find it absolutely remarkable that she picked up the pieces of a life that by all accounts was completely shattered. I don’t think many of us realize how fortunate and how dependent we are at times to have the support structure most of us have around us, (parents, siblings, friends etc). She seemingly had little or none of that when her life was at rock bottom. To rise from that, to accomplish what she apparently has is absolutely amazing. I loved Jan’s book, but I not nearly as much I like to hear Dawn’s story.

      • Agreed, I loved Monthly Detroit. IIRC, it had humorous articles also. Hour Detroit always struck me as a glossy magazine with local metro Detroit celebrities and socially prominent people and lots of ads for very expensive things. Empty.

  24. Doing a test to see what I have to do to post – My interest in this case was also piqued by the book, its existance told to me by Mark Bando, DPD (ret) ho is featured in the book. Once I get this figured out I can relay to him and hopefully he can provide some additional perspective.

    • Looks like you posted just fine Kyle – It went through 🙂 Obviously I haven’t been checking my blog comments for a couple of months, but I am still around!

  25. My uncle is a retired Wayne Co. Sherrif who knew John Fry as an inmate, quite well actually. YEARS ago, he was telling me story after story about this guy…just daily events in prison. I was so captured that he gave me the book to read, but I don’t think I ever read it. Nor did my uncle! My husband started reading it a few days ago and is totally infactuated with it, and has peeked my interest again. It’s really interesting to find out what happened to everyone. Conflicting reports on Dawn’s whereabouts, living vs. deceased etc. I would have to believe that it was Cheryl that married Frank, and not Dawn as someone else mentioned. I’ve seen elsewhere that Dawn is living a normal life, married to someone with last name Hammes and living in Harrison Twp, Mi. Anyway, it’s interesting to hear everyones bits of information regarding this sad, but consuming story. I remember my uncle telling me that John Fry was actually a nice man (which is hard for me to imagine) and that he only saw him mad one time: John would write notes to Dawn while they were locked up (as well as other female inmates), and the guards would exchange the notes for them, but one time they mixed up the notes on purpose and Dawn got a note John wrote to another female inmate. That really got John angry. Suprises me that someone who is capable of such a horrific crime is generally a “nice guy”. Not how I imagined. Also, I asked him if he ever just flat out asked John how could he do it or why he did it, and he said yes he asked him and John told him he did it because he was angry that Al cut the money off. Wow. So that’s my interesting tidbit, or not so interesting tidbit. It’s a tidbit, nonetheless. So, I’m going to read Masquerade as well as your other recommended read House of Secrets now.

    • Hi Cynthia! I could imagine anyone would be a “nice guy” when in jail and off drugs. We’ve heard stories of murders for less, and people who have an addiction don’t seem to have the same ability to reason as those of us who aren’t addicted. Money cut off = less money for drugs = “a good reason” to kill someone who did not deserve to die. Canty made some very poor decisions, but I really don’t think that the best route was to end the man’s life. But, apparently it made sense at the time to Fry. There is a serious screw loose in the minds of those who make the decision to take another person’s life for cutting off their drug money. Al just got himself in way over his head, and didn’t take the right roads to end it. I don’t think he realized how potentially dangerous – fatal – it was to be playing with this fire.

    • I enjoyed “Masquerade” which I read after stumbling across your blog. As a transplant to the Detroit area, I had not heard about this case since it occurred prior to me moving here. Very good book, and I always enjoy reading about local true crime when I can visualize the streets, cities, buildings, etc., being described. In the early 90s I read Cauffiel’s book “Forever and Five Days” and I enjoyed that one too as I also have some knowledge of the Grand Rapids area. “House of Secrets” was well-written and well-researched but the subject matter was very disturbing and graphic. That might sound odd after I just said I “enjoyed” books about a man being beaten and dismembered, and innocent nursing home patients being murdered, so take my word, “House of Secrets” will leave you unsettled.

    • The other female inmate John was writing was my best friend, she was Dawns cell mate. She told me that when Dawn was released she married and moved to Windsor. John continued to write her after he was sentenced, they were both in Huron Valley, him in the mens prison and her on the other side.

  26. I also have read the book many times & find it fascinating every time I do.
    My daughter lives down the street from the “Cadieux Bar” _ it’s still open.
    I really enjoyed your visual tour of these places referenced in the book.

    Al Canty was a real sicko & Dawn Spens played him like a fiddle.

    • Yeah, I’ve passed that Cadieux Cafe quite a few times. I don’t think there was a real “Cadieux Bar” as Canty’s jacket sported though. I am 36 and by far a Detroit expert, but my mom said she also could not recall any bar with such a name. I also wouldn’t go so far as to say Al was a sicko. He had some issues, that’s clear, but I’ve definitely heard of worse behaviors of human beings that have made news the past few years. The aftermath and how it affected Jan was definitely sick in my opinion, this poor woman to me was the true victim. But this many years after, I doubt she would ever enjoy being seen as a victim.

      • Hello, Cheetah. Thanks for the great blog!

        I agree on your first point: the Cadieux CAFE is/has been a long-standing Detroit establishment, known in particular for its Feather-Bowling lanes & leagues. As you know, it’s about a mile out of Grosse Pointe. Many of Canty’s neighbors & fellow Fisher Bldg tenants were sporting polos and jackets (blazers? ;)) adorned with emblems of the Grosse Pointe Yacht Club (GPYC) , Country Club of Detroit, Bayview (BYC) …or any number of other private clubs. Having read about Alan Canty and grown up in Grosse Pointe, it makes sense that a Cadieux Cafe jacket would be perfect for him to use to invent some “street cred” with his friends in the rough part of town.

        As to your second point that you wouldn’t “go so far as to say Al was a sicko”: I won’t argue that there are a lot more depraved people out there than Alan Canty. But I definitely think he was mentally ill. The first edition of the DSM (Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) came out when he was in his late teens (1952) and I’d bet money Dr Canty, Sr, Dr. Awes, and others were madly flipping pages to try to gain insight into Alan’s issues. And with the current edition DSM-IV, Al would meet the criteria for numerous psychological disorders (and would have way more initials after his name than Ph.D).

        As for Dr. Jan Canty: you gotta think that as her world crumbled around her, she shook her head in horror and utter disbelief so many times that it nearly twisted off. You also have to figure she kicked herself to the curb of Berkshire Rd and back for the things in retrospect she “should have/could have” suspected or questioned or followed up on or…or…or…..forever. I would hope that she walked away from her life in the “big tudor” and the Canty name and in the decades since has, through her intelligence, strong character, and perseverence built herself a new life out of the ashes. And you’re probably right that she would not want to be considered a victim any longer.

        What I don’t see is how Mrs. Canty, Sr. managed to wake up for ten years after her son’s murder. In the book, the door is certainly blown wide open to at least wonder how the influences, pressures, and enabling from both his parents may have “contributed” to his screwed up life. But when the dust settled, he had totally trashed his mother’s life as well. It’s hard to imagine what she had to pull out of the ashes, and I can’t help but feel overwhelming pity for her.

      • Grace, I’m surprised that Jan was not able to see what was going on with her husband.

  27. Wow, lots of good info. Loved seeing all the pictures. i too would like to know what happen to the survivors of this story.
    I’ve had this book for years and just finally read it. My uncle (woody) was related to john fry, not sure how.
    To tonya who has family connections to the story? would be interesting to find out if there is any connection between the 2.
    I so wish there was a movie of this book.
    For the tapes you have, there are places out there that will put them onto dvd for you. thank you for this blog, hope there is lots more info to read about

  28. I just read this book and have been intrigued ALL night! I read true crimes often, but this book captivated me. How awesome it would be to go on a tour! Great photos, GREAT blog!!

  29. I have also read this book several times and have just finished it again. I often wonder myself what happened to Dawn and thanks to a few of you we have learned that she possibly married and is living a normal life. I myself would have to disagree with the comment that she was a victim. I don’t but that for a minute. I think she was an active party to all the events including the death and mutilation of Al Canty and should have recieved a life sentence as well. I wonder has she ever goggled her own name and come accross this blog. I think it is quite possible. Great blog by the way

  30. Believe it or not, I just read this book by Lowell Caulffiiel. I work in a library, and a patron recommended it to me. I am a huge fan of real life murder mysteries. I always recommend Mark Fuhrman’s “Murder in Greenwich” about Martha Moxley or The Michigan Murders about John Norman Collins aka “The Coed Killer” from the late 60’s. While reading Lowell’s account, I was particularly chilled when reading that at one point “Lucky” Fry and his buddy from Alanson dropped the identifiable parts of Canty’s body exactly where friends and I staying at a cottage on Douglas Lake went hiking! Yeah, where Douglas Lake Rd veers from 31 and then a two tracker road appears with signs for UM nature observations nearby! I read that part and actually had to close the book! I actually hiked down that very same road.

    Anyway, great book. I also recommend Ann Rule’s “Everything She Ever Wanted”. The Book, NOT the Lifetime movie.

    Currently reading about the murder in Good Hart back in the late 60’s of the Robison Family.

    • Hi Scout!
      I told Rachel too about the Michigan Murders. I really like the way it’s written, so much attention to detail. The Robison case is really fascinating too, even though it seems they know who did it, there are a few unanswered questions that are very compelling.

    • Scout, Jean Louise Finch, drop me a line @ summer_of_95@hotmail.com

  31. I am one of the characters in the book and am still in-contact with the author. I’ve had difficulty getting a post to show-up on here. If this works, I’ll post a bit of information I know about. I’m still alive & well in the greater Detroit area.

    • Very very very cool, HI MARK! Thanks for stopping by and leaving some messages! I am friends with Ray Danford (Jr) on Facebook also and he has been awesome, sent me a DVD of all of the news stories he had captured back then. I cannot begin to tell everyone here how cool it’s been to be in touch with some people close to this case, a story that has touched me and obviously so many others. I am overwhelmed by the responses to this single little blog!!

    • Hi Mark , just one question, do u think Dawn didnt know what was happening when Fry killed Canty???

      • As to the actual murder itself, all I know is what I read in the book. It seems to me that Dawn was standing there, watching, when the argument and assault took place right in front of her. Even if that is so, I don’t think she could’ve done anything to save Doc Canty at that point.
        Getting in-between a burly, enraged and armed biker with a bat and his intended prey can be a hazardous proposition.
        After the murder, there is no doubt that she assisted in the dismembering of the corpse and later in the disposal of the parts. Considering that, the prison sentence she received was remarkably lenient. But then, I always thought Judge Sapala was swayed by her physical presence, as were so many others who saw her at that time.

    • Mark, I am surprised you are posting here. I have read that you don’t like to discuss this case.

      Did you write some books on the civil war?

      • Hi LCG-who are you??? I’m a bit confused. Do I know you? Are you one of the moderators of the Canty Blog? If so, why are you just writing to me now, , when I posted some things, back in 2011. I have written 8 books on WW2, not the Civil War, but you can read my book reviews, by searching my name in the books section of Amazon.com It is not true that I dislike talking abut the Canty case, Lucky Fry, Dawn, and the other people in this story. Is there some specific thing you want to ask me? I’ve heard an independent film company is planning to make a movie of Masquerade. Do you know the producers or anything abut that project? Wow, it seems i have a lot of questions. All for now, Best, M. Bando

      • Mark, to clarify, I am the owner of the blog and no one else has access.

  32. M. Bando, formerly 13th Pct Detroit PD. They say everyone who lived in Detroit in the 50s-60s-70s knows at least one person mentioned in’Masquerade’ personally. That would be true for me, even if I never became a cop. Ray Danford, who just posted above, and who was a highschool buddy of Al Canty, worked at the WSU Computer Center with me in the late 1960s. I last saw him at the ‘Masquerade’ book signing, circa 1988 at the Detroit Press Club. I think a Masquerade tour should also include lunch at Marcus Hamburgers.

  33. Author Lowell Cauffiel has a Facebook page, where you can catch-up with him. He moved to So. California about 20 years ago and became a screenplay writer. More recently, he moved back to Michigan. He wrote a screenplay for ‘Masqueade’ but Phoenix Pictures still hasn’t produced it, due to lack of funding. The film almost happened back in 2003 and they even cast actors to play to various characters. James Wood was supposed to play Dr Canty.
    Lowell’s daughter Jessica became an actress and has a website-she played Reese Witherspoon’s girlfriend in ‘Legally Blonde.’
    Tony Randall originally bought a 3 yr movie option to make this book into an HBO movie around 1990, but his option expired and the film was never made. After reading the story, Mr Randall identified with Alan Canty and wanted to portray him on film. (go figure???)
    My DPD partner at the time we knew Dawn & Lucky in the Corridor was John Woodington. He died of a massive heart attack in November, 2008 (just before Thanksgiving) at the age of 56. Mr Cauffiel told me some updated info about Dawn in 2003, but I hesitate to repeat it here, because I’m not sure if it is accurate. You should contact him on Facebook and get him on-board here, for some real input.
    I think a Masquerade dinner for fans of, and surviving characters in the book, should be organized.

  34. MARK BANDO—-Do you remember Phil Love? He was a Sgt. in DPD and retired a couple of years ago!

    I have looking for information on the cast of characters from Masquerade, and I am so sorry to hear about your partner’s passing. I an from Detroit area as well and I too took a tour after reading the book in 1988. I should have taken pictures!!

    I talked to Dawn Spens around 1989 I think. I called her then place of employment. I am certain it was a shelter in the Detroit area. I asked her to meet me for a lunch or something because I so much wanted to hear her story and to see this person in the flesh. She was very reluctant to do this, but she did agree to meet me. Then, on the day we were going to meet, she called me to cancel, saying she did not feel comfortable meeting me because my then husband knew Lowel Cauffiel and she did not have anything polite to say about him. So I did not get to meet her.

    In some ways, perhaps it was for the best. I see that she married and is living in the Canton area?

    I wish someone could put those news stories about the murder on You Tube!!!! I would so much like to see them!!!

  35. re: ” I should have taken pictures!!” Absolutely right Connnie- Although I took many photos in the Coridor in the 70s-80s, most were of people who resided there and not the buildings, which you just assumed would always be there. Not so-the giant Seville Hotel is even long-gone, without a trace, as are smaller placers like the Traveler’s Motel. My old high school Cass Tech bit the dust this summer as well. All the old Woodward Ave spots like the Duffield and United Bars, the pawn shops, the Colonial & Roxy Theatres, ‘Greenfields’ restaurnet. etc are gone forever. If I’d just thought to aim the camera down Woodward Ave and shoot a block at a time…In answer to your question, yes I did know Phil Love from his days at the 9th Pct-he didn’t go to the 13th until many years after I’d left. He was not a pretty boy but he was a legendary street policeman. I haven’t seen him since I retired in 1999.

  36. Just a note on Dawn Spens-Mr. Cauffiel told me in 2003, that she was living in Canada and making a lucrative living as a financial analyst. When the judge ordered her rehabilitation, they did ‘too good a job’. If what Lowell told me is true, she now makes more money than anyone mentioned in the book ever did…probably more than Doc Canty made per year.

    • Quite ironic but good for her! I am sure this case is probably the last thing she wants to think about on a daily basis these days…but circumstances and decisions we make in our youth can haunt us for the rest of our lives.

  37. Mark, phil love is my uncle. A great guy!!! Not a great fashion sense but that’s ok! How would Lowel know what became of dawn?

    I wonder if she is on facebook??

  38. Connie-Pleass give my regards to Uncle Phil. He
    did things the “old school” way (so did I), but he
    always achieved his objectives.
    As to Dawn, I have no idea what source Mr.
    Cauffiel gets his info from, but he does try to
    keep-up with what happens to folks he has written
    about. No doubt he has better and more reliable sources
    than I do about matters like that. As to Dawn’s current
    annual income, imagine what someone earns if they make
    more than anyone you know, then double that amount.

    • This is the 3rd time and I hope this gets through! Uncle phil moved to arizona with his wife helen. He is doing good! Do u live in the detroit area? Its a sad city, detroit that is.

  39. Connie-I do live in the greater Detroit area-I moved to
    the suburbs finally in 2008. Email me off forum if you
    want to talk, It is getting to where we are engaging in a 2 person conversation, which may not interest the others who visit here- markbando@aol.com
    Blue skies, MB

  40. Hi just finished the book and caught your blog . I am in Ca if you have any more interesting facts please send me more . Thank you.”THERE IT IS THERE”. Duggan.

  41. I am a student at Henry Ford community college and my professor is Greg Osowski who was one of the homicide detectives. He cureently heads the school’s Criminal Justice program.

  42. PEOPLE!!!!! We need to do a tour of the Alan Canty and surrounding area in the Cass Corridor!!! There are so many of us who want to see and smell the sights of this situation!!!!

    What are we waiting for?????

  43. Okay Rachel and everyone else!

    I had the distinct privilege of spending the day with Mark Bando touring the Cass Corridor and he is very much wanting to have a get together to share stories!!! This is something that I am willing to help put together, and perhaps Mr. Bando can help too!

    RACHEL, lets all get together and get the nitty gritty on the Al Canty story! Mr. Bando has many pictures of the scene that was going on with Dawn Spens and the rest of the characters! Seeing is truly believing and I want everyone to know that we need to put something together and lets all meet and dine and listen to the real stories from the copper that was very involved in the whore scene during Al Canty’s time in the Corridor!

    Mark Bando is awesome company and I really think we could benefit and get more answers on the Masquerade environment!!

    If interested, my email is ladymcquaid2@hotmail.com

    Come on gang! Let’s do this!!!

    • WOW I haven’t been checking my comments lately! Sorry all!! I will catch up and respond back ASAP!! I am the author of this blog but the email I usually use was getting so much spam that I barely check it any more…I’ve put a better email to reach me at below – Rachel

  44. I went to henry ford college in early 90’s and had Greg Osowski teach my Criminal Justice class one night…very cool guy with lots of cool stories

    I read Masquerade for this class and I was obsessed with it. Dawn was so addicted to Heroin that she had sex with strangers, yet she was even more addicted to Lucky Fry to give him most of her $$/smack.

    My dad is a retired Detroit cop…he was a narc and supposedly dawn was supposed to meet him to give up so info (if I remember the story correctly) and she never showed up…

    Its cool that Mark Bando posted here as well…my dad didnt know him personally but he knew OF Mark and his partner…they worked a ROUGH area…I am also a WWII nut so Ive enjoyed Bando’s website on that as well…

    I would be interested in the Cass Corridor tour as well…

  45. Did Alan Canty’s initial W stand for anything?

    • My mother says it was for “William”. His father had the same name and he didn’t use “William” either, opting for the initial instead also.

      • Hi Ray,

        Is there any possibility of getting a cdof the new stories that circulated during the Canty murder case? I am aware you gave one to Rachel. Would be happy to pay for any costs.

      • Hi Connie.
        Yes, I can make a copy of the dvd that I had made from the original vhs tape. Send your address to me at: summer_of_95@hotmail.com


  46. Hi Ray!

    We are on! Thank you very much in advance and please let me know of any costs.

  47. Thanks,Ray.

  48. Thank you Ray for the dvd…I watched it last night and it was fascinating to actually see and hear John Fry…I had no Idea he was interviewed…too bad they didnt get Dawns interview on camera…
    It was also great to see Frank mcmasters and Cheryl…always wondered what they looked like…

    • You’re welcome, I’m glad you liked it. Yeah I sat near Frank McMasters and Cheryl in court. I heard that she has died and Frank’s health is poor.

      • Ray Jr.,

        Watching you “play” Fry was a little scary, as in you were REALLY swinging that bat! It is a GREAT piece of history you captured. Nice, nice job!!!

  49. I worked with Dawn for quite a few years after this happened. Dawn has amazingly turned her live totally around. She graduated top in her class from U of M and is very intelligent. She moved on from where we worked and at that time made a very good move into the Corporate World. I give her a lot of credit. She is one of the few that can beat such a messed up life. She is a very caring person that I admired. She came to work and worked along side managers, her also holding a management position at the company we worked for. She moved on got married and has a lot to be proud of. Lets not forget the book was told from one side and if I remember correctly Dawn never told her side to any of it.

    • That’s really great to hear, Debbie. I would totally read a book detailing Dawn’s life events prior to this happening, the events leading up to the case, and following through to her overcoming a lot of the deck stacked against her to make her life sucessful and productive.

  50. I too am facinated with this story. Just finished this book for the 2nd time. I am familiar with many of the places mentioned in the book. I think that is what hooks us detroiters in. I would love to pay for, or borrow a copy of the news reports and interviews on the DVD.

    I always incorporate a detour through the Corridor on my way downtown. Back in the day it was on the way to Tiger games and more recently on my way to Motor City Casino.

    Any info on the DVD, my email is djs1013@yahoo.com

  51. I too am facinated by the case/story. I was a patient of Dr. Jan Canty at the time. I read the book long ago and have since lost my copy but after reading this I intend to buy a new one and re-read it. Back in the day Dr Al Canty gave me the creeps — I’d occasionally see him entering his office while I waited. He always seemed so furtive…after everything that happened I then wondered where he was coming from when I saw him….
    Dr Jan Canty was amazing– strong ,capable and so very kind. I’ll have to re-read the book to try to remember/get the feel for the others– I have a vague memory of reading the book and fearing Fry and thinking thank goodness he never knew of Jan and I kind of remember being replused and not liking Dawn. I too have heard she’s a highly placed exec at an automotive supplier and I guess that’s good that she was able to make something of herself. Anyway this is all the more interesting I think that its pre-internet…info on it isn’t as plentiful.

  52. I recently purchased an old sign that my girlfriend fell in love with at an Holly, Mi. antique store for her birthday. The proprietor said that it originally belonged to a brothel in Detroit. In researching the internet for anything that may be related to the sign I ran across the W. Alan Canty story portrayed in Masquerade. I’ve read the book and am intrigued by the story especially with the Jane Bashara murder making current headlines. I grew up in Grosse Pointe and am familiar with the locations mentioned in Masquerade. I am not sure if this is the same Gaiety bar which became the Charlotte Lounge or not but thought there may be interest out there. Maybe someone could confirm whether or not my sign once adorned the building pictured above.

    • Your sign may have come from an “apartment” (now since torn down) a few blocks down from the Royal Palms Hotel (now called Park Ave House) in the corridor. Dawn also lived at the Royal Palms Hotel with her 1st b/f named Donnie (who got the crapp beat out of him by some gay guys living in the bldg next to the Palms)

  53. Interesting blog. I just came upon it after the Canty murder was mentioned in Detroit newspapers as part of the Bashara murder.

  54. I initially read Masquerade in the 90s and like everyone here found it intruiging. I grew up in GP, a few blocks from the Fisher Rd home referred to in the book. My mother knew both Maggie Canty (the first Mrs. W. Alan Canty, Jr) and Gladys through various charitable and school endeavors, so that naturally piqued my interest. I suppose the aspect of having a secret second life is the most baffling and fascinating. I found the author’s use of actual quotations from the works of Dr Canty Sr and Jr. particularly gripping.

    I picked up the book again recently and was even more “hooked” the second time around. My mother now lives on Windmill Pointe Dr near “the big tudor” and it’s hard not to drive by. And, as Bill above said, a recent murder a couple blocks away and the news reports suggesting a possible “second life” has many of us thinking of the Canty case again.

    I have incredible sympathy for Mrs. Canty, Sr. It is hard to fathom her horror and self questioning for the decade she lived after her son’s murder. That she even survived another ten years — through the trials, etc. speaks to her fortitude.

    There is not much left of Chalmers Rd where Alan Jr. grew up, but I often wonder if their fomer home is one of the few left standing.

    I disagree with Debbie who says the book was “…told from one side….” and “…Dawn never told her side of any of it.” This information came via police reports, interviews, court documents, legal proceedings, and trial testimony. I’m not discounting that she maybe had a tough life, and would be happy she’s turned things around, but she very much got the chance to tell her side, in addition to having attorneys tell it for her.

  55. True story: Alan Canty was my mother’s psychologist. He was also her long term boyfriend. This was in the late 60’s. Long before any of the series of events that killed him occurred. As a child, I spent several years fending off Al’s interest in me. He was too friendly, too interested. He was desperately trying to connect to me. I wouldn’t have any of it. I felt as though I always had to be on my guard with him. My mother would often take me to visit Al at his office in the Fisher building. He used to buy my favorite candy, (German Berries) at the candy shop that was then on the ground floor. He would often sleep at our house. I hated him. Al used to come into my bedroom at night when I was 12 or 13 “to talk” to me. The lights were usually out. He never tried anything else, but he used to use hypnosis to get me to sleep and taught me how to hypnotize myself. (No, I am not kidding). He was obsessed with me. Even though I was only a kid, I thought he was one of the most uncomfortable people I had ever met. He gave me the creeps.

    When my mother called me to tell me what had happened to Al, my response was, “Good. it couldn’t have happened to a nicer guy.”

    Even creepier….I have seen a photo of Dawn. She looks like me.

    • Wow, Nora! I can’t imagine how creeped out you must have been. The more things I read as comments on this blog, the more I feel the guy was completely a weirdo. Sometimes I felt sorry for him, other times not so much. My opinion about the man means squat, I realize this, but for some reason this whole case & story has really touched me over the years.

    • That is incredible. What a pattern. Remember the part of the book where there was a hooker also named Dawn who talked about her sugar daddy (Canty) and died of an overdose.

    • Eeek, what an experience. Obviously I am just now getting around to going back and reading comments on here 😉

  56. About 5 years ago, I met a retired Wayne Co. Sheriff’s Deputy, who had grown-up with Dr. Canty and went to high school with him. He says they dated some of the same girls and the girls told this guy that Canty was a weird kisser and gave them the creeps when he kissed them. From this same Sheriff I got a photo taken of Canty’s group of high school friends (Canty is in the photo too) and it was taken about 1 week before Canty disappeared and turned-up dead. Canty was the organizer of these annual summer reunions, held in his back yard. I’ve tried in the past to post pictures on this blog, but it didn’t work. Anyhow if some of eventually have a get-together I can bring that photo and more. Btw, this WCS deputy went in the US Army right after high school and became a paratrooper in the famous 187th Regimental Combat Team and made a jump onto Koji-Do island during the prisoner riots there. I saw the Airborne ballcap he was wearing at a WCS pig roast, which is why we talked. Then he realized he’d seen me in the book and the Canty info flowed from there-small world.

    • Hi Mark;

      Deepest respect to you for nobly performing your job on the “whore patrol” in the Cass Corridor and for trying to help the people who were receptive to get out of street life. My father is retired DPD as well. I posted yesterday regarding the sign I purchased and wonder if you recognized it. I believe the photo will pop up to a fairly large size on the gravatar site if you click it in the lower right hand corner below. I’d love to see your photos as well but realize that posting one at a time as an avatar on that site may be tedious.

  57. Hi Bill-
    I seldom went inside the Gaiety bar during my working years, so I can’t verify seeing that sign hanging-up in there. However, I can verify that the current Charlotte Lounge is the same building and bar that used to be the Gaiety.
    My biggest memory of the Gaiety was facing-down a drunk
    armed with a baseball bat in front of the place at closing time one night. He in a batter’s stance, verbally goading me to come take the bat away from him if I was “so bad”, and me with a .44 magnum aimed at his ‘5 ring’, debating whether or not to drop the hammer on him- he’ll never know how close he came to the hereafter that night. His mother later phoned the station to thank me for not gunning-down her son. He was Johnny Rhinehart, known as ‘Johnny Wolf’, 1/2 German and 1/2 Native American and all A**hole.

  58. I got the impression that either consciously or unconsciously, Alan Canty was going to commit suicide through John. I read that his appointment book was blank after the scheduled meeting.

  59. My old friend Dawn. She and I worked at Little Cearsars Pizza station at Eastland during her senior year at Harper High. Wonderful girl, extremely attractive and sexy, very smart, but an obvious burn out. I found her to be a very nice person and friend, but perhaps, in hindsight, seeking something that most highschoolers would not be.
    I’ll always remember her and I and a couple other friends going on a tour of the Hari Krishna Mansion (did I spell it right?) in Grosse Pointe. Not because we were interested in joining, just interested in doing something we had never done before.
    I too have read that book many many times. I read one day during one of my internet searches that she lived anonymously in Canada with her husband and kids.
    Of course she got off too easy, because she was a young female is the overwhelming reason, but I’m glad she did. I hope she’s well.
    Dawn if you read this drop me a note to say hi, you are loved and missed. Janderson50@yahoo.com

  60. I, too, ran across the Canty story while reading about the Bashara murder. Noticed a comment about the Cantys having lived just blocks away from Middlesex, on Berkshire. Well, I grew up on Berkshire and have been gone from the area for many years. Started researching and imagine my surprise when I scrolled through the photos on this blog and saw MY old house!! I lived in that “old tudor” from ’61 – ’73. After searching the public county records I found that Canty purchased the house from the people who bought it from my father. It is a great house, I have wonderful memories of it. But now I am so curious about the whole murder story – so I ordered the book, which arrived today. I can’t wait to finish it and then reread all of your posts!

    • Wow, Sue, I can imagine your SHOCK!!!!! It is a beautiful home. Did you leave GP in ’73? I think Masquerade is very well-written. I’ve shared it with many former and current area residents and it’s been fascinating to everyone I’ve offered it to. Hope yours comes soon!

      • Yes, I left for college and my parents moved up north. I can’t believe that I never heard about the Canty murder. However, most of my friends moved away as well and I later moved out of state. I am very anxious to receive my copy and begin reading!

      • Correction there, Grace Ann – that book arrived today, so I am very anxious to begin reading tonight!!

      • Hope you have lots of free time the next few days. :))

    • Hi Sue;

      After closely looking at the pictures of the house and especially the brick driveway again I was blown away to realize I’ve been in that house many times…The current owners (adult) kids are friends of mine. I’ve been in that basement many times playing pool and hanging out. Oddly enough, we watched the OJ Simpson white bronco chase down there!!

      • Sounds like that basement holds some memories for you! And, I’m glad the current owners made it a fun and inviting place! As a kid, that basement was a scary place, we never used it much! I actually contacted the current owners a couple of years ago to see if I could stop by while we were in GP for a visit. Unfortunately, they were going to be out of town.

  61. I’m just finishing the book and am fascinated by the story. Please, please include me in a ‘get-together’ or tour or whatever. I’ll be checking back to see if you all set up anything. Thanks!

  62. I just finished reading the book for the umpteenth time, and found this excellent treatment of the case. I first learned of the W. Alan Canty murder from a brief summary in the Detroit Almanac, and found the book in a used bookstore. There is something oddly compelling about this story which is tragic in so many ways. One huge tragedy is that of Cheryl Krizanowic. She extracted herself from that awful life, only to succumb to cancer. I feel for her.

  63. I went to school and hung out with Donnie Carlton. I got caught up a little in the street action and I was actually one of Dawns first tricks. She wasnt working the streets yet. The gilr definitely had something about her and I fell hard for her…she eventually left donnie, who ended up in prison…

    I found out some time later she was living on Clayton with a bunch of other street prostitutes and I became a regular again. She had aged, she was strung out on drugs…but there was still something that drew me to her
    Fry found out who I was and he walked me out to my car and threatened me…so that was it

    Dawn was very good at using and manipulating…


  64. I love the blog, went on my own “tour” after reading the book and this block. All very sad.

  65. Would you like another piece of puzzle in alan canty murder. I know you think you heard it all but nope not all. Need an email to ya. Can’t do this on here. Some things you never forget.

  66. I knew the Canty family, from abr.1952.Al,Jr. was a member of our “group”.We were all teen-agers together having a great time.Although Al was different,in his own way, you couldn’t dislike him,he was too nice.Although we all remained friends over the years,many of us have passed away.There is too much mis-information,out there,abt. Al, and his parents. Too many assumptions,of his character.He ,like all of us ,had enough flaws,he doesn’t need any more.Al’s problem was he thought he knew how people’s minds worked.He had NO idea, what was out there,in terms of danger. My friend,Ray,Sr.tried to tell him, he was playing w/fire,but he didn’t think it could happen,to him.
    I knew Jan,personally,& my heart ached,for her.She was smart,attractive, & so personable.The book tells you, abt. the excuses,& why they were believable.It was the ultimate betrayal,& many women would have been broken by it.Her mother told me they used to call her “Mighty Mouse”,for her ability to rise up, & tackle things. They were right-
    When she decided to get on w/her life, she left it all behind.It was a good decision, & I’m sure the best one.Many people know where she went,etc.,but they would not “betray” her.
    I remained friends w/Mrs. Canty, until she died.Don’t presume ANYTHING re:her.She was heartbroken, but strong,& remained the lady she always was.

    • What you wrote is so true. Al was a great guy and it bothers me when people speak poorly of him (especially people who never met him).

  67. I have read the book several times and found it interesting because I knew the area. The Cass Corridor is a lot different today

  68. Wow.I thought I was the only one so taken with this book.
    Ive probably read it 6 times over the years.
    Unlike other true crime books this story has stayed with me.Im from Idaho but I got to visit the Detroit area in 1992.
    (previous to that trip the farthest east I had been was Butte Montana!)
    Unfortunately I spent most of my time in the Wayne area during the two weeks I was there but I did see parts of downtown Detroit.
    I too have often wondered what became of the people involved in this story.
    It was such a joy to come across this blog ,thank you for putting it together.
    Even posts from Mark Bando! How cool.
    Anyway thanks again!

  69. Hello D. Lee-Just wanted to tell you I was in Sand Point, ID last October, visiting friends. That was my first trip to ID-one of my friends sees Mark Fuhrman regularly in that area. If you get back to MI any time soon, post it here-we are gradually collecting people for a small group tour of the Cass Corridor. M. Bando

  70. Wow…just googled Dr. Canty and found this blog. Can’t believe people are still talking about it but maybe it’s because the Bashara murder has the focus on GP again. I am the retired owner of the Cadieux Cafe and the Canty’s were regulars that came in almost every Friday night. Such a nice couple even if he was a little eccentric. We were totally shocked as was everyone else at that time. I lent out my signed copy of the book and haven’t gotten it back so went and bought another. The author told me that Jan relocated in Seattle,,,,not sure if that still holds true because that was a long time ago.

  71. I just discovered this blog. If you’re interested, I can give you a link to a public profile for Dawn’s (it is under her married name–a name that does not appear anywhere on this page.)

    • Sorry, I wrote that last post in the middle of the night last night–it was past my bedtime, and re-reading it now, it doesn’t really make a lot of sense. I, too, am originally from Michigan and have read “Masquerade” several times. In fact, Judge Michael Sapala, the judge who sentenced both Dawn and Lucky, is a cousin of mine, although I’ve never asked him about the case–really, what is there to ask? Cauffiel did a pretty good job of summing up his work in thatr trial. Anyway, I did do some digging on Dawn Spens, and she has, in fact, significantly turned her life around. I found a recent photo of her on a professional networking site, although I don’t want to publically post the link. I also found a recent photo of Jan Canty (who, like Dawn, has been using a different name for many years now) on a similar networking site; unlike Dawn, she has moved far away from Michigan. It is unclear if she is still in practice as a psychologist, although she appears to be still licensed in the state of Michigan.

      I should also mention that a few years back, I was at a party where I met a guy who was (apparently) a friend of Cauffiel’s. He was kind of a drunken jackass, and he hadn’t read “Masquerade”, but he did mention that Cauffiel had shown him the police photo of Canty’s dismembered head and hands arranged on an table. Apparently it is quite a memorable photograph, and no, I’ve never seen it myself. Anyway, shoot me an e-mail if you are interested in these links (and if you are Rachel. I don’t know how you could prove to me that you are her, but, well…anyway I have the links.

      • Hey Hank! You should be able to email me through this response on the avatar below. Would love to see the links. I still can’t believe how this blog has blown up with comments…I don’t check it often any more but wow. I am way over-due to re-read this book again, I usually read it about once a year!

  72. Is Donnie Carlton still in prison I wonder? i did a search on the Michigan Dept. of Corrections website, and it came up blank.

    • Donald S. Carlton, born May, 1964, is listed as discharged by the Michigan Department of Corrections. It appears to have happened within the past couple of years, and he seems to be currently living in Pennsylvania.

    • My father was a news reporter at the Detroit News and was friends of Lowell Cauffiel. I first read the book in 1990. My wife just discovered it tonight in my archives and next thing I know I thumbing through it. I worked with a therapist who’s now retired and she was a year behind Al Canty in high school. She remembered him from back then.

  73. Great Blog you should go talk to Greg Oskowski retired Detroit PD Dect. Who worked the case he was my teacher and is still working At H.F.FC. in Dearborn head of the Criminal justice Dept.

  74. I’m not sure if this has been mentioned already but I saw on Julia Verdin’s sight she is making a film based on Masquerade. If you click on films then on up New Projects in the drop down it lists Masquerade with a description. I’m guessing straight to video if it happens.

  75. It is hard to believe that so many years and so many more important stories have flashed across the news since the murder of my husband in 1985. I am puzzled by this. The last posting to this blog was just last week…. I thought by now the dust would have long settled and Al would have been forgotten.

    I have followed this blog once or twice a year. I did’t have to, of course, but I keep trying to find ways of “weaving” my life together, of crossing the footbridges over unsettling waters. His murder, the people I did not know who were associated with it… Such a disconnect. It is like looking into a fractured mirror. The face is familiar but not right. After so many decades his death, the trial and all the intrusiveness is in the recesses of my mind, fortunately, and only crops up with some external trigger.

    There are inaccuracies in some of the postings here but they are not significant. For example, we held only one high school reunion in our backyard – they were not annual events.

    DGC and MO..thank you for your kind words and empathy. I hope to live up to them. And Cheetah14… you are so right. I NEVER saw myself as a victim. I recoil at pity.

    If I can leave you with some requests. Please, never see this story as entertainment. Second, please do not conjecture. Third, please do not presume to think such tragedies can only happen to someone else. Everyday in this county a family is torn apart by murder. The ripple effect does not diminish. And the same is true for others with trauma in their histories – those who have been to war, who have had their children kidnapped and people who escape a car crash with disabling injuries. I so connect with them. I draw strength from people who rise above – and there are many successes out there.

    • Jan-I was at that reunion,what a fun day it was. Who would have ever thought…There’s only a few of us left now,but, we keep in touch. I tried to help you,with the “bricks”. I’ve always hoped that your life would be okay,& that you would find some contentment.That the sense of dis-trust would /could be over-come.I hope it has, & I still wish you the best. I think of you often-

      • Thank you DGC. The reunion was fun. Even the mosquitoes behaved that evening. My life is OK. I am back on track. thanks for asking. I wish you well, too.

      • Can you contact me off the blog? Can you give me your email or I can contact you through Ray , Jr…..

      • Absolutely! I don’t want to put it “out there”, but, go through Ray,Jr. He’ll give it to you., & I look forward to it.

    • Thank you for commenting Mrs. Canty. It couldn’t have been easy. I hope that you have a happy and successful new life, and have been able to move as north as possible from this tragedy in your life. A friend recenlty lost her husband of 35+ years, a Nam PTSD veteran, and very difficult to live with. They eventually divorced, and then remarried years later when his health began to fail, mentally as well as physically. With his recent death, she is starting to feel the pain and sorrow of his loss, of his life that could have been before the reactions to the war overtook him mentally. I reassured her that her reaction is normal, and then went onto explain what she has to do and should give into. I feel that she has to fall down deep into her memories, like a fall into a deep well, where at the bottom are all the horrors in memory balls. I told her to immerse herself into this hell, review, examine, and yet, a spark still within her will accept the horror, see it for what it was, and drop the ball, as it fall depleted into nothing. As she opens each and every ball, examines the truth inside, she is slowly rising from the depths of hell, as her spirit forgives each truth. As she rises, the memory balls that float by become bigger and brighter in color, as each ball she opens reveals a better memory than the one before, a kinder and loving memory that is easier to accept. As she rises, each memory should be accepted with love and understanding, kindness and forgiveness, not just to her husband, but to herself. Eventually the light from above will start to shine down upon her as she continues her gentle float upward, and she becomes aware of humming, then music.. Each new memory will bring joy and gladness, her happiness of their wedding day, the birth of their children, laughter around the family dinner table, etc., till she finds herself standing outside her well of memories, healed from within as she acknowledges her love and goodness towards her husband, and her forgiveness of the pain he caused, and her forgiveness to herself for not being able to protect him better than she could and did. Her depth of goodness towards his health at the end is a tribute to her love and forgiveness, to the only man she ever loved, the father of her children, and a terribly sad man who was a war victim himself. In thus, she frees herself from the hell of the memories and whatifs… and for you, I hope the same can be said, and that you are healed and no longer a victim to the world he brought to you. Grow in happiness.

      • Hi Dawn – Thanks for all of the info. There was another posting with a phone number and other info on Dawn Spens, for some reason it went in to the comment bank ‘for approval’ but I didn’t publish it for obvious reasons. Things have taken a funky turn in this blog comment area so I just left that one in the box. Hope you understand!

    • Thank you Jan. Enough said.

    • Jan, I always wondered about your wonderful friend “Cec” and her family. Talk about unconditional love! Everyone should be blessed to have friends like those two.

      I hope you don’t mind me asking. I was in awe of their strength and love. Exceptional people.

      • they not only had my back, they were fine parents, hard workers, devoted spouses and a joy to their respective families. we lost touch over the years but i have every belief they are doing well. i loved their laughter, loud dinners and integrity.

  76. I’d rather be naive and foolish assuming the above post is truly from the former Jan Canty, than assuming it isn’t and risk being disrespectful to her…..

    For someone who has found the story of Alan Canty’s life and murder intriguing, to know that you are “ok” is really good to hear. It sounds odd, but if you think that many of us have read “Masquerade” several times, we have also wondered, worried, and yes…even conjectured …but above all HOPED hundreds of times that wherever you were, that you did indeed “rise above” the murder and subsequent trauma and intrusiveness.

    I am grateful that your memories of those years don’t surface often, and hope that those external triggers are few and far between.

    There are many facets of this case that lead to people still being interested….the psychological angles, the police and legal wrangling, and indeed the entire “masquerade” that Alan, Jr. played out leads many of us to, sadly, conjecture about the whys.

    I trust, and sincerely hope, that you have built yourself a rewarding life and a deeply satisfying career in the years since 1985. That would certainly be the happiest possible “ending” to the story.

    Thank you for posting, Jan. Godspeed…….

  77. Thank you Grace. Yes. It is from me. It has taken me decades to get to this point where I can speak of it. I visited his grave once and that took me 15 years to do. I am embarrassed to admit I could not go alone. But I am strong-willed, tend to be optimistic and fortunately came from a wonderful family who taught me how to manage what life can throw at you. (My parents are still alive, too!) I have built a private and productive life since then. I am happy, busy, healthy and find meaning in life. I am occasionally in touch with Lowell C. and he has respected my privacy. But the main person I have always wished to connect with is Officer Landeros. She was my Godsend during the ordeal. I wonder where she is now…. I always admired her and borrowed heavily from her strength and knowledge during those months…
    Happy Thanksgiving.
    PS Al’s birthday is Nov 30th…….. : ( He would have been 79. Hard to picture him that age

    • Jan – I wrote the above post before I read yours. I am so glad that you are doing well. That book has haunted me for years, and part of it is because of you. I am so glad that you moved on and followed your dreams. I have two girls with Asperger’s, so I know it is hard to know what is in people’s heads. I am so glad that you kept doing what you do. You give survivors of tragedy hope that they can move on. Happy Thanksgiving!


    • Would the Detroit Police Department be able to forward a message to Officer Landeros?

  78. 1/7/13.
    just finished the book which I haphazardly picked out at the local library. Really enjoyed it. Chilling, sad, gutsy stuff. I liked the title and thought I’d find a quote from the song by George Benson instead of Leon Russell. I will look for House Of Secrets. Great blog BTW.

  79. I have read this book so many times, I can’t count how many. I was a Detroit east sider and in my early 20s when it happened. I became facebook friends with Lowell a few years ago and he is a great guy. I asked him to write a book about the Tara Grant story.

    Anytime I see a copy, I buy it! All his books are great.

  80. I just read the book and am intrigued by the story. I would love to get a copy of that DVD. I have a friend that has taken the tour and I would love to surprise her with the DVD.

  81. I would also love a to have a copy of that DVD, I have read the book many times. I was 18 when the murder and all that happened and don’t much remember anything on the news. I live 15 miles south of Detroit and know the area well.

  82. Reading this book now. It baffles me how disfunctional professionals and disfunctional losers find each other. My heart is definatly with Jan – she didn’t deserve any of this.

  83. Rachel – you say Dirty Bar Whore like it’s a bad thing! Dirty Bar Whores UNITE!

  84. sorry, need to edit the line regarding Dr. Awes. My intent had been to say that I was glad that the analysis of the Doc was held off till the end of the book, because it clearly helped to show the difference between the outward depiction of the Doc to his friends, and enemies, and then the new concealed depiction of the Doc as being aware of the dupliciites, the dangers in the Dawn/Fry triangle, as well as the growing awareness of his own neurosis and how they had managed and shaped his life. In the authors descriptions near the end of the book, we, as the readers, become aware of his growth and intent to handle his future with positiveness, to face up to the damages his fears had brought to him to this point. It was a welcome surprise, especially banishing the grinning clown to a man that was a victim of his own environment as a child, and one who definately had a brighter future ahead. I suppose, in looking back after the events of that tragic week, each new loving and positive offering from the Doc to his loved ones must have been bittersweet, as they came to understand the internal battle that he had fought for so long, and the solution just around the corner. This is why I believe the Doc was not sure, but ready, to accept the final outcome with Dawn and Fry. I am sure that this eventually helped Mrs. Canty in the years ahead.

  85. I have yet to read the book but i lived down the street from the home on casper. Where Canty was murdered. Myself and my friend Lois were interviewed by news reporters. I was 14. I babysat in the home in front of the home he was killed in and had shared the side yard with Lucky and dawn while tge kids i sat for played. Id forgotten about the book and now im on a hunt for it, so i can read it.

  86. Awesome blog! I too am a murder mystery geek lol the “St. Aubin murders” has always drawn me in, I always tend to look up stuff about it and found out a few years back that my mom was actually aquatinted with one of the victims (that was crazy to me because I’ve always been interested in the case and don’t quite know why). I just recently heard of the Canty case and happened upon you blog while looking for more info on it now I’m on a hunt for info On the Sexton family! Lol thanks people think I’m weird lots of times for my interest in things like this and ghosts etc but good to see in not the only one! Lol

  87. I am definitely about tO do an amazon search for this book, I really want to read it now

  88. For those who are interested in photographs of buildings located in downtown Detroit and its surrounding neighborhoods circa 1976, here is a great resource:

    You just type in the address you’re looking for, or else click the link that says “Detroit” and scroll through the list. If you are searching for a business, you might be able to find it by typing the name into the correct window. I was scrolling around, looking mostly at buildings around Wayne State, but when I saw the names and addresses of certain locations in the Cass Corridor, I immediately thought of this page.

    I don’t know if Mark Bando still stops by here, but here is a link to a photo of the Traveler’s Motel, which he mentioned earlier:

    Here is the Homewood Manor:

    There’s much, much more. It’s shocking how dense some of these neighborhoods appear in the photos. Most of the buildings are occupied and there isn’t much vacant land around them. You don’t see blocks where there is just one house left, with nothing next door or behind it, which is the case in most Detroit neighborhoods (including the Cass Corridor) today.

    I don’t know if the database includes the southwest Detroit neighborhoods mentioned in Masquerade. I looked at a specific block in Mexicantown which happens to be familiar to me, but I don’t recall seeing too many streets west of there on the list.

  89. Hello Mark sorry its taken me nearly a year to see your post!
    My son was born in Sandpoint in 1986 .
    I live about six hours south of their now in Orofino .
    Just started reading the book (again!) and did a google search which included you which led me back here.
    I love all the posts and its amazing how many folks have been haunted by this story.
    It funny even though I was in the Detroit area for a short time whenever I read this book the atmosphere just seems so palpable .
    I just got to the part of the book where your partner was kind enough to take you on a ride along during your unfortunate ‘vegetative state’.
    That part never fails to crack me up !
    I worked for seven years as a Correctional Officer so Im familiar with using Gallows Humor as a coping mechanism.
    Sometimes finding the absudity and being able to laugh is the best way to keep from screaming.
    I ll have to get your books off Amazon since I also find WW2 very interesting as well.(though my brother is the real buff )
    Rachel thanks again for this Blog and Mark I hope your well and I hope we get to talk someday,maybe in Idaho if not Michigan!

    • Hello Dan- I guess I don’t know you, but thanks for writing. It takes someone with your work background, to comprehend why ghetto cops resort to ‘gallows humor’, to cope with the stress and outrageous scenes they witness daily, for years. I don’t know how many bloggers here saw ‘End of Watch’, but it is the only cop film ever to capture the spirit of interaction between 2 ghetto cops and the sort of comments they make to each other while patrolling. Patrolling the Cass Corridor in the 70s-80s was very similar. I suggest that fans of ‘Masquerade’ see this film, to better understand why Woodington and I were prone to gallows humor. ‘End of Watch’ has nailed the ghetto policing experience more accurately than any Hollywood film, to date.

    • Re: the vegetative state…That part always cracked me up too Dan.

  90. Hi Mark!
    Youd mentioned in reply to one of my earlier posts that youd been to Sandpoint…but then I never made it back to the Blog for almost a year and only saw your post yesterday.
    I have seen End Of Watch…Im not surprised that film spoke to you..when I saw it I felt the same way.
    I too would recomend it to anyone.
    It really captured the papable sense of tension thats always there…even when nothing is happening the potential for things to spin completly out of control is always there…you have to find someway to cope or a person wont last long.
    (And many dont as Im sure you know.)
    It also captured very well the struggle to compartmentalize your ‘normal life’ without letting the Chaos and sadness and sometimes downright Evil that you live with most of your waking hours begin to color it too.
    Sometimes thats easier said then done…im sure your interest in writing and WW2 helped you,Im a musician which certainly saved me on many occasions .
    Of course Compartmentalization didnt work too well for Alan Canty jr.obviously.
    Speaking of which I was reading some of the earlier posts and a few people who had met Lucky Fry seemed surprised that he seemed like a ‘Nice Guy’.
    I wasnt surprised at all since in my experience MOST Borderline/Sociopaths seem like some of the most articulate witty good natured folks in the world.
    Since their specialty is turning whichever one of their faces is most pleasing and relatable to you toward you.
    If you ever want to feel intelligent and appreciated warmly by a person who sees you as a unique individual,invite a Sociopath to dinner.
    Youll marvel at their insight into just what a wonderful person you always knew you were!
    Its also been my experience that if you’ve met one Psychopath youve pretty much met them all.
    Id be curious what take your experience has given you on that subject?
    When I read the book I thought “Ive met this guy….about 500 times!”

    • Dan-
      I was in Sand Point in Oct. 2011, because one of the WW2 vets I’ve written about shares my birthday (month & day) and we celebrated our birthdays together that year, at his place. His son-in-law looks like GW Bush and talks regularly with Mark Fuhrman.
      At various times in my life I’ve done graphic art work and I used to be in the musician’s union, but since entering police work, writing has been my form of escapist therapy. I plan to someday write several books about the Detroit PD, one non-fiction and two novels.

      Interesting that you mentioned the concept of ‘evil’. Those who have worked in law enforcement and corrections and mental health have seen the human face of evil repeatedly, making it easy to understand and believe in the concept, which many ‘normal’ people are seldom if ever exposed to. Regular criminals do bad & wrong things. Evil criminals take it to a whole different level. It’s quite disturbing, even to be in their presence. Many normal citizens don’t comprehend what some individuals are capable of, or that Satan is alive & well in our universe. Those who have witnessed the devil speaking through the face of a mortal human, understand the need for removing such individuals from society and related conservative causes, such as funding more prisons, in some cases capital punishment, etc. As bad as Lucky Fry was, I do believe I’ve seen individuals who were a lot more evil than he was. Lucky Fry was capable of schmoozing, even with the police and I witnessed his personable, bullshitter act…which brings us to the subject of sociopaths.

      As to sociopaths, although they all share a common denominator, each one has his own specific goals and agenda. Interesting dynamics, when 2 world class sociopaths meet & converse-each evaluating the other and sizing them up, to figure-out what they can exploit them for. Also, as in all endeavors, some sociopaths are more skilled at what they do, than others.

  91. Hi Mark!
    Boy you nailed it.
    I think it is difficult for most people to wrap their minds around the concept of Evil.
    Unless like you say youve been face to face with it.
    After seven years in Corrections and the last seven years in the Mental Health profession Im grateful that I can say Ive only ran into a handful who absolutely qualify.
    Its something you never forget,to be face to face with someone and no matter what they are saying its almost as if you can see a completely seperate intelligence right behind their eyes whose presence is so malevolant and palpable it raises the hair on the back of your neck.
    I dont think its possible to describe it to someone who hasnt experienced it.
    Its has become fashionable in our society to view everything as ‘relative’ there is no right and wrong everyone is just a ‘victim’ to one degree or another.
    Unfortunately that isnt true.
    Some people take as much pleasure in causing pain to others as I might take from playing my Stratocaster or you might take from nailing a complicated piece of writing.
    And no amount of ‘reaching out to them’ is going to make one bit of difference.
    Or if you do reach out Id count your fingers first.
    Speaking of writing…I can hardly wait to read your work dealing with your time involved in Urban Law Enforcement.
    THAT sounds awesome!
    Hope your having a great Memorial Day weekend!
    (better then mine at least,im working.)

    • To : dan lee said this on May 27, 2013 at 2:20 am , I find it very odd that only humans seem to get pleasure in killing other humans destroying and torturing. Some murders even report sexual gratification at the time of murder, the longer and the more painful the death the greater the sexual gratification, and with more murders the gratification lessons. Like a high on drugs.

  92. I spent a lot of time living next door to Johnny Fry. I knew his family well. He was a good guy back then. This was when he lived on Wolverine Lake. His mother and my mothelr worked together for a while at a toy company. I used to go with his mother to pick up John when he worked at a gas station in Milford. This is back in the early 60’s. His mother was wonderful. His younger brother Jimmy was an okay guy, but his father was a creepy guy, not friendly at all. Too bad what happened, though not totally surprising. I’m kind of glad that his mom didn’t have to see what happened. Wolverine Lake back then was an interesting place to grow up. There were many characters, though some were like the cast from Deliverance. Anyway that’s my perspective.

  93. This Saturday, 28 years………

    • Jan,
      Thank you for letting us know you are alive and moving forward continuously. So amazing how time (and life itself) continues. Thank you for your insight and I apologize for expressing what is a morbid interest in something so shocking and yet so close to those of us who have lived in Detroit. Those of us who live with a subtle sense of time control greatly step back and appreciate you from afar. Rest well and God Bless You. I have wanted to apologize to you for quite some time because of earlier posts.

  94. Hello… I enjoyed your blog. I read this book in about 1994..when i was a freshman in in H.S. My dad brought me onto this book.. At the time period of the incidents.. He was a narcotics cop for the 13th precinct… (Cass corridor area) He had locked up Dawn a few times. And was good friends with Ofc. Mark Bando at the time. (i believe Bando wrote a few books). To make things more bizarre, he was transferred to the 4th pct. (southwest) and remembered the call when a body part was found behind a Moble gas Sta. (we only lived a few blocks away).
    Since my dad had contact with Dawn, and probably J.Fry… I was completely fascinated with this story as well. I grew up in southwest Detroit.. And i eventually became a DPD OFFICER as well…
    Here’s the craziest part of MY story. While I was in the academy, we had the homicide section come in. They started to show us slide shows of various homicide scenes…. So this one scene starts showing this young attractive female and a bald rough looking biker guys “posing” with body parts… I raised my hand and asked “is that Dawn Spens?” My classmates laughed if I personally knew her… The instructor said it was Dawn..and asked me how I knew. I said i recognized her from the book “Masquerade”. These Pictures were satanic… That’s putting it lightly… From what i heard at that time (2000) Dawn was still around but had changed her name.
    Furthermore, I was eventually assigned to the 4th Precinct as well… And to fulfill my fascination with the story… I did go to the Casper address to look around… The bath tub was there… And I could easily picture Mr Cantys final moments… With the vivid description in the book describing how he was hit in the head by John. Contact me if u would like to

  95. Very cool! It lives on . . .

    • Wow Lowell. Nice to see your comment. Can you believe I have now lost two copies of your book? The first was a signed one that I got from you and loaned out….never to be seen again. Bought another and made the same mistake and loaned it out. Again no one seems to remember what they did with it. So I’m back to looking at used book stores for a copy. It hits close to home for me because of the family business…Cadieux Cafe. They were a wonderful couple and it was a very sad ending but it’s good to hear that Jan has moved on.

      Fern Misuraca

  96. Does anyone on this blog have any of the original news articles about Al’s murder which I could borrow or get copied? Thank you in advance.

    • Jan- Just last night, I was looking at an original Doubleday hard cover edition of the book and several 80s newspaper articles I had clipped dropped out. They all pertain to the case and one of them tells about Tony Randall buying movie rights. I will scan and email them to you.

  97. I recall it all being a native Detroiter. As a Mental Health professional, Canty fascinated me.

  98. You might enjoy the Michigan Murders about the Serial Killer who worked Eastern Michigan U in the early 70s.

  99. Great! Now Lowell is going to spread his skewed story here…he only knows ONE side of this story…JANS!!!

    • Ooooh,BS-many people were interviewed,re:both this story,& abt. Al . Friends, acq., & professionals. Jan knew nothing, including these two pieces of in-humanity, so ONLY her side of the story would have been pretty un-informative. My original opinion abt. your identity still stands-

    • Well if you REALLY are Dawn, why don’t u tell YOUR side of the story??? The only thing that has changed about you is your location! If John got out of prison you would still be with him.

    • Well tell us YOUR side dawn…and I dont believe your dawn..maybe a relative


    • Ms Spens, I have seen you trash John’s name while he isn’t here to defend himself and your alive whining about one side of the story “Jan’s” . My father may have been not the most honerable person around but he is my father and he never mistreated me , my cousins or my friends. From what I have been told you were all over my dad and he defended you in the end. If he was that terrible he would have included you in the murder. I think I was told by my aunt he asked the court for mercy on you and he took full responsibilty for all parts of the murder. You spit vile hatered things out on here to anybody who even says one thing you consider negative about you. You know what your part was in the murder so just please shut your mouth and keep your nasty comments to yourself and stop bashing my dad because unlike you he isnt here to defend himself

      • Cant believe I missed this…oh my!
        I dont need to trash his name…history does that for me…
        are you really trying to sell me on his worth as a man, a father, a human being?? With my tainted past, my opionions on what makes someone good are probably not worth much here, but please spare me. Your father used and physically abused women, lived off of them, used them to feed his drug habit…beat them…look what he did ti cheryl…and then killed someone.
        No one put that bat in his hands, NO ONE…I DO know my part…what I did BEFORE and AFTER the murder is unforgivable…but I did NOT help your father kill anyone…nor did I support that action…

      • I didn’t know John had children!

      • THANK YOU, DAWN! For keeping it “Real”, what you are saying is that you were there, but you didn’t do the killing of Dr. Alan Canty? Your “Forgiveness” is between you and “God”…..their are many people including myself, who have opinions about the murder and we speculate about what really happened. “You” are the one who can clear that up….if I said anything that was inappropriate, I apologize….

      • Couldn’t have said it better myself. Now it not the time to bust open old wounds, but the case has clearly hit many people in some pretty personal ways. If it were today’s day and age, this case would have been completely over-sensationalized and we’d find a whole mess of information on the internet. So many people seeking more info just happened to stumble on this blog in their search, and while I know life isn’t unicorns and rainbows, I don’t want anyone hurt as a result of a little blog written by one person who was also seeking more information herself (me).

        On some things we’ll have to agree to disagree, consider who out there may be reading this stuff, and call it a day. I am really glad things have become more civil in here in a short period. This book was not fiction, these are actual human beings we’re speaking of, some of whom have made themselves known and others who may be lurking.

      • Cheetah ,
        I don’t understand your comment here…….. “I don’t want anyone hurt as a result of a little blog written by one person who was also seeking more information herself (me).??? I didn’t write this blog.

      • Hey “Me” I was actually talking about myself when I said “(me)” in that comment as in I was also seeking more information myself. Pick a traditional name so there is no confusion, haha!! 🙂

      • WHAT CAN BE more TRADITIONAL than “me”??/ hahahah ok I will pick a new nic

      • Dimples, LOL, I love it

      • I agree! Dimples is much better than Pimples! Tension breaker….couldn’t help myself!

      • I kinda like whale but my son said dimples

      • What?! No whales…Dimples is just fine. Hopefully we’ll only have one of you here this time.

      • Imitation is a form of flattery! I saw the pix of Mark Bando and Jan, how awesome!!

      • Shucks…wasn’t nothin at all!

      • Thank you….someone needed to say something with all of the negativity that was going on. I seen that the conversation was going another direction nothing to do with this blog….sex. The blog had started to get personal, for me I wanted to get information from the horses mouth. Through it all be civilized about it……

      • John had a few from different moms…I dont think I ever knew the actual number…I dont remember ever even seeing them…but there was a fuzzy day or 2 back then.

        Kids loved him, he was very good with kids…

        I was there..it happened so fast there was no time to run away…one second they were screaming, the next, john had the bat…I hadnt even comprehended what had happened until seconds after it was over…HORRIBLE HORRIBLE !!!!

  100. I had no idea this site even existed until two years ago, long after its webmaster created it. I didn’t commission it. I’m not “spreading” anything. These are just folks fascinated with the story. As for the “skewing,” if you have more information, I’d be glad to hear it. Every person in the book was given the opportunity to tell their side of the story. And even among those who chose not to contribute, I made a great effort to get their version of events through documents and other sources. Accusing me of “slanting” anything is libelous. Either come forward with the evidence it is biased, or withdraw the comment.

    • Lowell, I have had the good fortune of reading your articles in the Detroit News years ago. I remember reading about this case in the News and have read your well-written book at least three times. I think you really fleshed out the characters and didn’t make anyone seem worse than what they were. While Alan Canty surely did not deserve what he got, the true victim was Jan Canty. I’m sure she would not like to see it that way because she seems like a stong woman. I hope she is living a happy and prosperous life. I think the person calling themself DMS is not Dawn Spens but a wannabe.

    • I have neither the time nor the inclination to plead a case no one will believe…so since you are using big words like libelous, I will withdraw my accusation, at least my insistance that it is fact.

      SEEMS to me, and oh this is just opinion, that regardless of who agreed to contribute and who did not, that there are POSSIBLY other sides to the story. I am not saying the bad guys in this story are not bad, nor am I saying they didnt do it…just that I would have loved other perspectives…and I dont blame Lowell for that, maybe other key players could have written their own books…

    • Hi Lowell, thanks for dropping in with your comments and clarification. As I keep repeating, I had no idea when I wrote this blog that it would get nearly the attention that it has, or that so many people IN the book would actually be commenting here. I am a huge fan of your work.

  101. I’ve been trying unsuccessfully to post a photo here. Maybe I could email it to the moderators of this forum, so they could post it up with the Tour photos at the top of this msg board? I think the visitors might be interested to see what 2 characters from the book look like ‘now’. This past summer, I had dinner with Jan Canty, somewhere in the western U.S. and we had our picture taken together. If one of the forum moderators can help me post it, please email me at: markbando@aol.com

    • Yes please email me..I still think Dawn got off wayyyyy to easy! To me Dawn and John were actually one person. They were sociopaths that fed off each other. I often wonder if Dawn wakes up at night having had dreams about what she and John did to Alan Canty. I also eneded up at one of the hotels Dawn lived in, but i straightened up and left long ago.

      • You have NO CLUE how someone deals with such a horrible past…no clue. Being young, stupid, selfish doesnt automatically make you an evil monster for the rest of your life. Once the self-medicating stops, your sober, and stuck with your thoughts and memories, it is a living hell at time…

      • Ohh yes I have a clue!! I lived in the corridor AND at the Royal Palms hotel! So yes I have a clue! I came clean made my amends to the many people I hurt during my addiction. I can HONESTLY say I sleep well at night

      • Do you realize the person you are villifying is now a mother, a wife, and has a successful career…had they set John free, what would he have done??? he would have killed someone else, he was a broken man. No matter how hard one tries, their past will always be there and will occasionally rear its ugly head. Taking on a mans last name only does so much to hide one from their past. Someone always recognizes you. And with the internet, there is NO MORE hiding or privacy. Im sure many people who did horrible things, paid for it, moved forward and are now thrust back into FUCKING HELL because of the internet and the ease with which information is available.

      • So you married to change your name???

    • Hi Mark – I will email you and will post it. I trust that you have Jan’s permission for me to post the photo, I would not want to post it if it would upset her.

  102. If this is the real Dawn Spens, I believe that you are truly remorseful for what had happen in the past and trying to get on with your life. That happened almost 30 years ago. Time to forgive and forget and move forward in life. I am around the same age as you and I let the past be. I live south of Detroit all my life.

    • This is for dawn(if it IS her) you say you were young and stupid ?? You were young but FAR from stupid! So stop acting like a ‘victim” again. You probably cried when John died…but never shed a tear or made “amends” to Al’s wife Jan. Your vey lucky u “beat” a mrder rap. Never forget te souds of cutting up Al..i hope they haunt you the rest of your life . You will NEVER have peace until you make amends and you never will.

      • you are sad and pathetic…when you were lving the life, where you on anything?? What addictions were YOU feeding. You know nothing about me, only what you ASSume from reading a book. ANYONE who puts that shit into their system is STUPID, I dont care WHAT their IQ tests or grades say…STUPID!!!!!!

        To talk about Al being cut up and the sounds made just to insult who you THINK I am is unbelievably selfish and cruel. What is the worst thing that happened TO YOU on the Corridor?? Were you raped, beaten up a few times, bad junk maybe…boo hoo you just HAVE NO CLUE and make assumptions based on a book you read a couple times…

      • I was a 242 a day junkie…i was in the life. I remember when the gay guys next door to the Palms Hotel beat the crap out of donnie. Yes I too am a mother and have a partner. I make NO ECCUSES for my actions (like you) I blame NO ONE! I never read the book…I saw it with my own eyes. And yes I still am “villified” my certain members of my family ( some of whom were in law enforcment) most embaressing for them. BUT I have made peace with myself..I made my amends to them several times and what they CHOSE to do with it is their business now, NOT MINE. They can think what they want. I’ve “paid my dues” it seems like you still have a chip on your shoulder and blame John. You and John are cut from the same cloth! If he got out you would be right next to him. You ARE NOT the “victim” remember when you point the finger 3 point back at you. I feel sorry for you in a way…My past is NOT my present, nor my future, but YOUR past is in your present and in your future. Blame the papers, blame John, blame the internet…but put the blame where it truely belongs, at you!

      • Amen!

      • wow t is blog really took a nosedive

      • It sure did…but that’s OK 🙂 There’s only so much we can discuss about just one book…LOL. The traffic stats from mid to late November were pretty high, now they’re back down to ‘normal’ levels.


      • To:me said this on November 8, 2013 at 3:03 pm . I’m praying for you as well, your just as bad off as you believe Dawn is. For you to have it in your heart to want anyone to relive that kind of past shows that you still have a long way to go in your treatments.God forgives a person of their past.

        To all that read this “When ever the devil starts to remind you of your past. Remind his of his future” . As soon as you ask God to forgive you of your sins, He also forgets your sin.

      • To: me said this on November 8, 2013 at 3:03 pm . You must really like your posts.If a post of yours gets no hits, You copy it and place it in a different part of the blog, Like others , you like to keep the hate stirred up. 😦

    • How can anyone be a mother, a wife, and NOT be remorseful. No matter how many drugs are in ones system, the memories can and do come back. And they can be dibilitating. Unless someone is an evil monster who revels in their past, their horrible unforgivable past, they pay for it every day when thet close their eyes and have a flashback…

      • I can’t imagine how horrible those flashbacks / memories would be.

      • Dawn knows….she hears the bat swing and Al’s skull crusing all the time. She remembers the saw going thru his bones and the blood…ohh she remembers all the time. I can ONLY pray her children didnt inherit her sociopathic genes

      • Good, I hope they haunt you til the day you die.

  103. Me
    If a pimp takes a baseball bat and beats a trick to death, and then orders his girl to help with the clean up…what choice is the best choice for the girl?? What exactly would D blame and on whom??? If someone is an addict, and extorts money from a trick and ultimately watches him die horribly, then that someone knows damned well the role they played. If there was no girl, there was no trick, there was no murder…period.

    My past is so NOT my present and wont be my future…as you well know being a junkie that those demons NEVER totally go away. When things are at their worst, they come back…and still my past is not my present

    • Now its Johns fault??? The internets fault?? He was JUST your pimp??? John MADE you do EVERYTING??? You were terrified of him??? You REALLY expect people to believe that???

      • Me,

        Just curious….did you know Dawn?

      • No i on’t know dawn personally, but i could have been her. I have known any “Dawns” I have been clean and sober for over 20 yrs and I also lived in the corridor. I don’t blame anybody for my past as Dawn STILL does! I used to do quite a bit of 12 step work in domestic violence, etc..As I stated I made my amends where I could…of which Dawn has done neither. She still plays the “victim” all she did was put lipstick on a pig and change geograpy. She still a dangerous sociopath in my opinion

  104. Yes she does hear the skull crushing…and the horrible look on his face when it happens…im sure she sees that every day. Without the numbing effects of the smack, its right there in full color. Im sure she also can detail the cutting up process and the rest of the shitty clean up the two junkies did. Does that make u happy, me??

    • I would have been very afraid of John Fry. One would have had to ask “how high” when he said “jump.”

      • Doesnt make me happy….I only wonder how Jan Canty feels on te anniversary of is death. Dawn didn’t stay with John out of fear…she stayed because she WANTED too! They were both broken misfits that fed off each other

      • if u want to be private y do u use DMS?? isnt your married named hammes now?? Mayb u still seek some “connection” with John Fys kids or family

      • EXACTLY!!!!!! The book makes him out to be this genlte giant, always high and cuddly…MY ASS!!!! Let John beat your ass a few times and then tell me he was a gentle giant!!!

        Anyone who knew him KNEW the second he was pissed to get the FUCK out of his way…

      • If you were SO afraid of John why didn’t you go to canada and stay with your mom, or go to a batterd women’s shelter/??? You loved John (and probably still do) Remember the letter you wrote to John while BOT of your were locked up? “Drugs only mess people up, dig? I want to have a baby with you….U were STILL afraid of him in lockup? U got mad because he was writing another female. I am NOT saying John was a “gentle giant” but he did ask the court for mercy on YOUR behalf. A real “pimp” would have let u take the entire fall! So quit trying to make John the ENTIRE fall person for your actions!

    • Yes she does hear the skull crushing…and the horrible look on his face when it happens…im sure she sees that every day. Without the numbing effects of the smack, its right there in full color. Im sure she also can detail the cutting up process and the rest of the shitty clean up the two junkies did. Does that make u happy, me?? SHE??? your talking about u in the 3d person??? Ya you must be a ‘friend” of dawns…just another loser who is being used by a sociopath

      • WOW! I can’t believe what I’m reading….John is dead! He’s answering to “God” almighty for what he did…Dawn, will never have peace for the things she did. Every day she wakes up…those visions haunts her, she’s paying because she is the only one who is still alive. One thing we all need to remember is Dr. Alan Canty wife and family and let him “Rest In Peace”! Dawn…if you have a heart, it’s been years…show some remorse for Dr. Canty and his family! I was there on the west side of Detroit when the murder happened, for everybody who read the news papers, it was shocking that another human being could be so diabolical to another human being. You’ve got to look at the other side of the coin…put yourself in the family shoes. My advice to you is to “Give Yourself to God” and change your attitude and your way of thinking…ask “God” to give you a clean “Heart”! One day in the near future….try and make “Amend” with Dr. Canty family.

      • Thank you, Soul4Real

      • You’re welcome and “God” bless you and your family….

      • I believe you are rigt Jan……I would lke Dawn” (if it REALLY is her) to tell us her side of the story. Yes Alan Canty was a strange duck but his death was undeserving. I do hope a move comes out of this.

      • To: Soul4Real said this on November 9, 2013 at 12:33 pm I don’t know what Bible you read but peace can come to any soul if they truly ask God to forgive them for what they had dun only God can bring peace to the soul.
        He can also give peace to Jan, and her family and to you and yours
        . You Soul4Real also have a troubled soul, Like all of us, sin leaves no one alone.

    • I thought you weren’t there. How could you possibly see the look on his face?

  105. Who the FUCK said there was NO remorse for the Canty family??? Questioning the accuracy of the story is by no means a justification for what happened. ANYONE who is not an evil monster, and who lived through this horrible story, will spend the rest of their lives in remorse.

    Like I said, how can a mother NOT feel remorse?? I wake up many a night screaming, nightmares about my children…about what happened…once you witness something that horrible, something that YOU directly caused, you dont get to come back. Oh you can try and be the best person you can, but you dont get to come back.

    Dawn Marie Spens is the catalyst that brought the victim and the murderer together. But for every Dawn, there are thousands of working girls who’s pimp NEVER killed their trick. Dawn didnt swing the bat, nor was she in on any plan to kill Alan. What she did and didnt do AFTER the murder is unforgivable. But should she spend her life in prison??

    • No, not your whole life, but, 10 yrs. as an accessory to murder,& a little obstruction of justice would have been a good start. Most people in the inner circle believe you got off so light because your “family member” was in law enforcement. Hell, they lock drug users up longer that what you got. It wasw disgusting-

      • They lock up drug users longer… NOW…almost 30 years later…yes…

        Do you think justice/punishment began and ENDED with the small sentence “dawn” got??? Do you think her life wasnt already a prison BEFORE, and that the second she walked out of jail her “imprisonment” was over, that it was all forgotten and roses and happiness after that??

        Or maybe…just maybe…going to college, getting a degree, a career, a family was also part of repaying what she did. Just thoughts

      • Waa-waa-waa! Poor Dawnie-you should have stayed quiet,but then,you couldn’t play “lookie me”!
        You’ll never get a square shake,out of me,PERIOD!! I knew Alan for over 30 years before you, & yours, slaughtered him. I know the devastation it brought, & the loss. Because you see, Dawn, with his quirks,& eccentricities ,Al was loved,by some, & liked by alot, unlike you.
        If you’ve made a new life for yourself (get that-LIFE) how fortunate, for you.
        But, the old Dawn had to creep back in, & join this blog, & stir it up.How typical,of you, it’s ” Lookie Me” time,again, & some things never change.
        Now, my suggestion is, bow out, go back to your world,or crawl back under a rock. Either way, SHUT UP!!

    • What u “witnessed”???? You mean what u helped John do (or so u stated)

  106. Oh Lord!! The old Dawn was hooked on drugs and a hooker…how is that ANYTHING like the “new Dawn”???

    The old Dawn didnt kill Alan, nor did she kill any of the other tricks (too numerous to mention). Fact is they were ALL playing a dangerous game. Alan Canty wasnt just some trick, he was in over his head playing a game he shouldnt have been. If the old Dawn had ANY inclination of what John was going to do, she would have cut off ties with Alan, warned him.

    I NEVER said “poor Dawn”…I say “LUCKY DAWN”…and I realize this every day!

    • I repeat my previous comment-

      • I have little sympathy for the “old” Dawn or the “new” Dawn. She is still playing “poor me”

    • Dawn, if this is you….if you had any remorse, you wouldn’t be on this blog trying to defend yourself. I don’t believe this is the real “Dawn” because you’re talking as a third party…never admitting you were wrong for what you did. Remorse is apologizing and admitting to your part in Dr. Alan Canty death. What you should be doing is reading the “Bible” and asking “God” for “Forgiveness” and a clean “Heart”! Have some “Respect”….for Mrs Jan Canty because she is on this blog! You’re acting like you were raised by “Wolves”….

    • “Alan Canty wasnt just some trick, he was in over his head playing a game he shouldnt have been.” I couldn’t agree more. At times when I was younger reading this book, I felt sorry for Al. Now this many years later, I am annoyed by him and he is not here to take responsibility for his role in this whole thing. He was arrogant, irresponsible, playing a game he had no business playing.

      • You just thanked Mrs Jan Canty and with the same breath you bashing her husband. Whether he was playing a game or not he didn’t deserve to die in that manner. John Fry was a psychopath from the beginning and I believe in association…Dawn, had to have issues too. I don’t care how you slice it, they were two “Crazy” ass junkies. This man losted his life because he got tied of supporting their damn drug habit. Dr. Canty is not the first man to be with a prostitute…that mess been going on for centuries. Dawn, is still living…Dr. Canty is not.

      • The doctor supplied that drug habit for almost 2 years…not just with money, Im talking trips to the dope houses, smuggling it into hospital rooms…lets not forget that…we are talking about 3 people who used each other for various reasons…NO ONE deserved to die, in any matter, but to say the doc had NO blame is silly…

        imo Jan is the true victim in this crime, Gladys Canty a close second, Alan Canty a distant third

        I dont even consider myself a victim…

      • Dawn, what do you consider yourself then, in this situation?

      • I don’t think of Al as a victim. He was in a game over his head. Like a girl that wants to date the “bad boy” and finally realizes it’s not for her. Al was in too deep. Al also deceived a lot of people also. Like the “perfect storm” he took a gamble and paid wit his life

      • Areed

      • Answering soul4real:
        I was part of the hustle, it is MY fault john and alan ever came together…I was just as involved, if not more, in using alan for the money, and the blackmail attempt at the end…I didnt want the free ride to stop


        the book has it right…john didnt make up shit to cover for anyone…

      • Thank you for responding. Would you say…being on drugs brought on psychological problems? You didn’t give a sh*t about anybody or anything, only your “Fix”? Is that the hustle?

      • If you take the murder factor out of the story, and just look at it as 2 junkies…now look what other junkies do for heroin…they sell their bodies, they steal, sell their possessions, live on the street…nothing matters other than keeping from getting dope sick,,,women will get in a car with a stranger, park behind a building and give them a blowjob for money that could be earned working 2 hours at mcdonalds or burger king…they risk their health, lives, risk it all for that…someone who gets to that point has no morals, is not in touch with ANY reality that straight people are in touch with…straight people want their houses, to raise a family, enjoy their kids, have sex with their spouses, watch tv, go camping or to disney, barbqs and birthday parties…a junkine doesnt give ONE FLYING FUCK about any of that…(crying now,,,sorry)…

        Anyone who was once a junkie, and then got clean will look back, especially as time goes by, and look at their old selves as if it wasnt them, as if it was a completely different person…as do i…that person 30 years ago was a dispicable, unlikable junkie…there was little humanity, spirit, woman in that person…just a machine dependant on drugs…

      • Dawn I look back at my life once in a while and wonder how I made it out. Tricking I never had too, but setting up tricks to be robbed was a different story.(hahah) My son’s father has relatives who still reside in SW and I make an occasional visit ( bdays an occasional holiday etc) and I rive down and past streets I once knew well and memories come back.

      • Well said Dawn. I really don’t think most people understand this.

      • Me
        you and I battled the same demons when we were younger…and as you know, those demons dont go away…it really hurt me that you attacked me and got so vile at points in this blog…I didnt understand it…you of ALL people understand what intravenous heroin use does to a person…what happens to your soul, your sense of right and wrong…your morals…you of all people have been there…I was a broken person even before I ever started with the hard stuff…by all rights I should be dead right now!

      • Dawn it was just the way u came out in anger and you also said vile things about the book and possible move. I am NOT the only one you attacked. You made it sound like Lowell had a personal vendetta against you

      • Yes I also should be dead. Actually I find it funny as a lot of my veins resurfaced but due to the constant blood draws and IV’s they collapsed. I have to relive my past sometimes on a daily basis when telling the phlebotomist’s WHICH veins won’t pay and sometimes where the “good one” can be found. Quite a few times (more than I can count I have had ER personal do a drug screen on me (because of my past) for opiates and whatever they think they will find. I have told them many many times ( INCLUDING all my doctors) “Look if I were to use I would tell you at my age I see NO reason to lie but since YOUR paying for it go a head” Insurance company’s DON”T pay for drug panel screens ( which are very expensive) so the hospital ends up paying for it.

  107. DMS, Hello. I wonder if you would indulge a test question. I ask it only to satisfy my own curiosity, if you’d prefer, I won’t post the result here. Well here goes: where did you do the majority of your sunbathing in the summer of, I guess 1981 or 1982?

  108. …Or alternately, name a couple of Dee’s older brothers ( I believe they’d actually be step-brothers)

    • I have NO intention on verifying or denying others claims…DMS might stand for what you think it does, it might not…continuing in my 3rd person flavor, if DMS was to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that she was Dawn, then the floodgates of abuse would go from partially open to fully open…and I wouldnt blame any one either…no thanks…

      I am simply offering other perspectives, but some are SO intent in placing that bat in HER hands its not worth it…

      if that is a problem with you all, I will stop posting here…people I am close to have been telling me about this blog for a long time and I dont even know WHY I finally piped up.

      • You make no sense….you pretending to be someone who the world has floodgates of disgust, has been open for some years. You should be ashame of yourself Mr. A.Canty has a family and friends who loves him…”STOP THE MADNESS AND GO BACK UNDER YOUR ROCK”!

      • Again-Hoorah to you,Soul4Real. I think we get it, don’t you?

      • Yes…..some people today don’t have any empathy, and it’s a shame.

      • If this IS Dawn I am surprised u r posting pathetic replys under your maiden initials! If this IS Dawn..being a “wife” and “mother” , having a job has NOT changed you! I guess ho’s know peoples intentions and actions and men like to have a “ho” in the sac. Mayb your husband never had a piece of ass b4 and wanted an experienced female in bed. Or bust a nut while he asks you questions about your tricks. Your still a dop fiend..but NOT using

      • Don’t drop posting DMS. I notice you still have your fists up, hopefully, in time you will add your perspective. I welcome it. And I am not a “fan.” Rather I respect the opinions of all who post here. Speaking of small addictions, I myself fancy good red wine and Breaking Bad!

      • Dawn, I am glad that you came in. How everything has unraveled has surprised me, but then again it has not. Unfortunately with John gone, you are the only person left to ‘answer’ for the crime. I suspect this is why things have gotten so heated in here.

  109. DMS, I respect that decision and, whoever you may be, in my opinion your perspective adds value to this discussion. RMD

    • Thank you RMD…but I think I made a bad decision coming here. I went back and re-read some of my posts and it just sounds like someone with both of their fists up ready for a fight. There is NO WAY to justify or apologize. To Jan, I am truly sorry for what you went through, NO ONE deserves that and I would not wish that horror on my worst enemy. Many here have said they hope you have found peace and happiness, I will simply reiterate that. To anyone else I have upset, I am sorry.

      • Ohh Dawn( if this IS you) Stop playing “innocent”! You did the same thing in court! You would have made your amends to Jan YEARS ago!!! Not now. Your fists r still up in self-defense!

      • Oh Me!!!! Stop playing holier than though self-righteous jack ass! Give me full access to YOUR past and lets watch you squirm, back-pedal, and defend yourself. Unless of course you are perfect, but I highly doubt ANYONE so addicted to such a horrible story as this is perfect, right??

        Why dont we look within and ask ourselves what it is about this story that has people reading it 2-5-10 times, taking tours, driving by the casper house or down cass??? Why is it so intriguing??

      • One reason I believe some people are so intrigue with this horrific crime, many were there in Detroit, when it happened. “Unbelievable”!

      • Agreed…most of the people who have posted comments here are familiar with the places and even the people in the book. I enjoyed the comments & stories up until things got crazy in here.

      • Everyone has their own answer for those questions and you know what? This kind of stuff has happened every day for years, they all just don’t end with a murder, and a book telling of the events. Humans are strange creatures…I’d be willing to bet that every one of us knows someone that we have formed a pretty straight and narrow opinion of is probably leading some kind of secret double life as we speak. This is just one story of many, but this story happened to have gone on close to home for many, and it was re-told in book form. There is much, much more that the book did not go in to. Probably only scratched the surface. We’d be fools to think otherwise.

      • Dawn, that’s the best thing you have said so far, apologizing to Mrs Jan Canty….give yourself to “God” and make peace with “Him”! Growth comes with change….change comes with growth.

  110. WOW, what a turn this blog has taken since I first left a comment back in 2010. This is the only blog I subscribe to but I have to imagine that there aren’t too many other ones that are being followed by the actual people who lived a book firsthand.
    Since 2010 while receiving email updates of new comments, I’ve periodically asked myself why I was still so fascinated with a decades old tragic story and the book that told it.
    As I stated previously, I was a young neighbor of the Cantys on Berkshire Road and I did know Dr. Canty and his wife personally only because I helped the Dr. with small odd jobs in his yard and garage.
    Being neighbors probably led to the initial fascination due to the shock factor but that surely isn’t enough to continue to hold my interest all of these years later.
    I do believe that the way Lowell Cauffiel put this story to words and the way he was able to so vividly describe each person and the key locations is only one of the reasons that Masquerade still has a following after so many years.
    I remember the first time that I re read the book knowing full well that two waste of skin losers were going to commit a gruesome murder. (yes, I believe Dawn was equally involved). As I started to read it already knowing the ending, I thought about the truly sick betrayal the doctor inflicted on his innocent wife. I just don’t understand how someone can have such a blatant disregard for another persons feelings. Its a mystery to me
    Maybe that’s why Masquerade and this case still holds my attention today.

    To everyone who has contributed their views and accounts I thank you for giving me a more in depth perspective.

    To DMS,
    If you are truly Dawn, by even doing a Google search to find what information is available about you and what you’ve done let alone actually feel the need to add your 2 cents in a public forum shows me that your obviously still a manipulative loser at heart.

    To Lowell Cauffiel,
    Thanks for a great book!
    Looking back is there anything more that you wish that you would have included in Masquerade?

    To Mark Bando,
    Thanks for your input. Question for you, after reading Masquerade did you feel that there was anything missing that you would have added if you were the author?

    To Jan,
    First and foremost I’d like you to know that I hope you have found true peace and happiness and I’m sorry that you were ever involved in this at all. I would never want to invade your privacy on this matter and hope I’m not getting too personal by asking you a few questions. Please forgive me if I am.
    1. Did you read Masquerade? If so what did you think about it?
    2. When and how did you find out the details of just how in depth your husbands double life was?
    3. Do you find it odd that there is still a fascination in the book Masquerade and this case?

    Thank you,

    • Hello, Mike
      I am sure you are a grown man by now. it’s been decades since we’ve seen one another. Say hello to your parents for me, please.
      In answer to your questions:
      1. Yes. Twice (25 years in between readings)
      2. I learned about his other life through the police and Lowell C.
      3. Yes.

      • Mrs Jan Canty, I have so much “Respect” for you….being the strong woman that you are. May “God” continue to bless you with his “Strength”! Thank you, for answering the questions, to clear up some of the misinformed information. Have a bless day!

      • S4R:
        Thank you but you give me too much credit. I truly believe everyone is more capable than they think. Just look at the “ordinary” people who do extraordinary things in natural disasters, traffic accidents, soldiers, etc. We got it in us. I collect autobiographical books about people who “rise above” the circumstances they find themselves in. For example: ” 33 Men” by Franklyn. Couldn’t put it down. (Although my favorite book of ALL TIME is called “Life Is So Good” by Dawson. It never ceases to bring a smile to my face.) I am blessed and so appreciate to have had the parents I did. They have always been my inspiration. Best of luck.

      • Well said, Mrs Jan Canty….thank you.

      • I don’t know if I said this the last time I logged in to my blog, but I thank you Jan for coming in and taking the time to comment. Unfortunately this comment section has turned a bit nuts.

      • I am so happy that you posted here to let all of us know how you are doing. Like everyone else, I’ve often wondered “what happened to Jan” and am so pleased that the answer to that question is “she’s doing great!”

  111. It has been almost 30 years passes since this horrible, unbelievable incident happened. It really happened. There is no way any of us could understand the life changing horrors that come with something so unimaginable. I don’t know who DMS is. Everyone speculates whether it is a friend or family member of Dawn. I don’t know who it us. I do believe that people who are neck deep with drugs and an abusive partner are in their own trap to begin with. I want to believe that people can change and feel. There is so much attacking here. I respect there is a lot of emotions that are now being expressed freely. I will probably take some shut for this, but I do want to think that people can change…..what is horrible is that the life was pulled away from a great many people who loved and respected Dr. Canty. However, having been a junkie many years ago, and having gotten my life together and being a productive member if this world, I really want to believe that those who have been wrongful in their lives can change. Just my thoughts, not trying to offend anyone. Thank you for reading this everyone.

    • I too was addicted long ago and did get my life together. I lived at the Royal Palms Hotel (now Park Ave house) Sociopaths (made by nature or nurture) DO NOT change…they just rearrange their lives to adapt to their situation whether good or bad. If it’s really Dawn posting on here look at how angry and defensive she is. Yes I hurt many people in my addicted years (including myself) I don’t point the finger at anyone else BUT me. I made amends to people (except if my life was in danger) . Dawn apologized to Jan Canty on this blog ONLY after many people said she should! The only thing that changed about Dawn is her living conditions( which is called geograpy)

      • Me,
        I definitely understand your point. Even though the addict may stop using alcohol and or dope, the addict personality lasts and hopefully, becomes a little less explosive and / or quick to fight with others, whether verbally or physically. We all have to pick our battles. I just feel like this has gotten very explosive at times. It can stop someone from wanting to say what might be on their mind when fists are raised. Indefinitely appreciate your input. And yet, I can say that at times I still come out swinging when I might do better to hold my tongue, which I think might explain DMS in her reaction, which initially was to come out swinging. And true, who is DMS?

      • Yes i used to get pretty mad at the people who still make negative comments against me! My mother died in June, I took care of her the last 3 yrs of her life, when she died 2 of my family members had her cremated and had a small service w/o telling me. They also tried to clean out her bank account( she had 300$ to her name), tried to turn off her utilties in her home where my son and I still live. They rummaged through her personal belongings looking jewelry or what ever they thought had monitary value. I was hurt and very angry over not being at her funeral for about a month. But some very good friends told me I was with my mom in her final hours when she was dying, I was with her for 3 years when she was alive, they were only with her when she was dead. So who REALLY lost out?? It wasn’t me, it was them! I remember our daily conversations every morning over a cup of coffee, our jokes, our animals, my deseased father, and just about everything else under the sun. I have ALIVE memories of her. They have dead memories.

  112. DMS….LOL I also lived in the coridor…I also lived at the Royal Plams hotel (where u and Donnie lived) so yes I have a past..but I am noy defensive about it! I paid my dues, made my ammends (where I could) and am at peace with myself. A few people still have anger and resentment towards me but it doesnt bother me, as it’s THEIR problem and their wasted emotions. I have te “power” over them to have such “control” over their emotions over me so it’s I that has the last laugh over them.

    • Me
      You sound every bit as “defensive” as you accuse me of being!!
      Its NOT defensiveness, its empowerment over your past…you are saying “FUCK YOU” to your old self, its part of staying the course. I say “FUCK YOU” to my old self a LOT!!!!!!! EVERY fucking time one of my children would cry, or be hurting, it was almost a trigger.

      How does ANYONE apologize for something like this? “I am SO sorry I was a key player in the murder of your husband, I am SO sorry I stood there while someone “took care of the evidence”…I am SO sorry I was in that car when he hid the evidence…I am SO sorry I ruined what your life currently was, that I was a key player in a double life”…LMAO…you cant apologize for that, there are NO words, NO sentiments that can. If I was Jan, and Dawn apologized to me, id punch her in the face…”FUCK YOU and your Im sorry”…NOTHING I say or do will EVER EVER EVER make up for what happened, or even add any closure to it!!

      And yes, addiction NEVER goes away….oh it hides when things are copacetic, but when things are difficult or challenging, it pops up and says “hay asshole, I am still here…im in it for the duration, dont forget about me”. Anyone who puts this shit in their system is a complete idiot, given what we know today and the resources available!!!!

      • When my child would cry or get hurt it wasn’t a “trigger” to me. I was diagnosed with cancer about 2 yrs ago. Had 2/3 of my left lung removed, went thru chemo ( i was hospitalized many times during chemo with a “Santa” list of health problems related to chemo) my veins collapsed many times from repeated blood drws and IV’s and “alternate” places had to be used to get blood. Did any of that “trigger” me??? Nope!! I was more concerned about my child NOT having a mother (since I am a single parent by choice). “IF” you were Jan…yup “IF” A FROG HAD WINGS HE WOULDN’T BE BOUNCING HIS ASS ON THE GROUND. Mayb Jan wouldnt forgive you BUT an apology to her should have been on your list of of the 12 steps of Recovery and serinity ESPECIALLY steps 4 thru 7 and 8 and 9!! But then again..I am posting something “foreign” to a manipulative shooting moves dope fiend personality person. Trust me when I say you will have nightmares about what you did (but continue to blame circumstances and others) until the day you die!! God have mercy on your soul!

      • Donnie was released from prison in 2001. He moved from PA to VA to TN and us now back in Michigan. To DMS.. have you talked to Donnie since way back in the day? Maybe it would be therapeutic for both of you

  113. Me you make absolutely no sense…and it sounds like you just like quoting phrases from that book. I am done talking to you.
    Shooting moves dope fiend?? Sounds like you would also know about that
    Can you still taste the multitude of dick you had to suck to get that dope?
    You read a book and think you are an expert…ha…you dont know shit and I am DONE talking directly to you OR addressing the crap you spew.

    • I wouldnt know about sucking dick Dawn…I helped run a shooting gallery!! But YOU would know! You gave up more ass than a toilet seat. I never read the book. but when the grim reaper has his hand on you I can guarentee you will also see Al Canty and your “handiwork”

      • Ok, I guess I cant stay away from you…I was a very good whore, I gave up a surprisingly SMALL amount of ass…I was more of a hustler than a hooker, throw in a few regulars and there you go…that is, until towards the end when I really did become a hopeless junkie…

        The grim reaper?? really? You made it sound like you were older, my age..but now you sound like a young child…there there me, there there!

      • You still are a ho, and hopeless junkie though not using acording to you. If this site gives u nightmares why do u come here???

      • EVERYONE is a whore…isnt that what John used to say???
        You ran a fucking shooting gallery and probably took money from a LOT of street whores…not to mention getting others addicted. How many lives do you think went down the proverbial shitter because of you and your shooting gallery?? How many families destroyed??

        Dont you dare get condescending with me you simple little fuck!

    • DMS,

      Like I said, It’s getting very heated with no logical outcome to generate a discussion. No matter what people are thinking, everyone has a right to express themselves.

      • Which is pretty much what I expected. Stupid on my part to even come here, I seriously dont know what I expected to accomplish with this. I STILL see a therapist and still talk about all this occasionally, but I hate it. I have been having the same old nightmares since I spoke up in here, which didnt happen when I was just lurking.

        I lived life on the dark side for a LONG time, even before DC. I guess a few nightmares is a small price to pay for what happened.

      • I am interested in what you have to add.

      • You would know more about what John said than I. Who helped you mark the spot in your groin so you could shoot there?? I am wondering though..did u see a plastic surgeon OR a dermatologist to erase the abcesses from your arms, groin, and legs???

      • John didnt mark the leg in my groin, a friend did
        and it doesnt take an expert to know abscesses heal, you fucking moron!!!.How many groins did YOU mark at that shooting gallery??

      • I NEVER typed John had marked your groin!! I taught the person who marked your groin! Poor you …good job and all (so u say) but u r on here “defending” the murder you helped John with all day long! What r u hoping to accomplish on this site Dawn???

      • Abcesses heal up but there are scars. I had dermabrasion done on mine. One abcess on my leg healed up but after 20 yrs plus the scar is still visible it was almost down to the bone, I was very lucky as I was on the verge of losing my leg. And one old healed abcess on my arm still bears the circular tell tale junkie “badge”

      • First you say abcesses heal now you say they don’t. I had a few skin graphs and dermabrasing yes it DID help. And sorry..I am not park ave person…mayb it’s another ‘fan” of yours or an old trick that u burned money out of. Even towars the “end” of your addiction and even willing to suck a dead dogs dick or a 1 legged one eyed carnie you always thought u were better than everyone else. Sad to say ..no one thought u were.

      • Man I hate what drugs do in the short and long term.

      • Yup….

      • I still have ALL my scars…ALL of them…dermabration wont get rid of them!

      • “me” and “park ave” are the same, methinks…the same miserable little fuck trying to stir the pot…

      • I’m hoping these exchanges temper down some. Hoping……DMS, do you live in mich?

      • Yes dms still lives in Mich with her regular trick Michael

      • No I do not live in Michigan…that is all I will say about that!

      • Sure u don’t dms!!! Every person posting on here (except for about 4 people r from Mich. Y would u be soo upset with this blog if u werent in Mich?? Your NOT in Canada!!!

      • Was just curious. No need to jump at me!

      • Well said…No logical outcome…

    • I’m glad to hear you say you’ll stop addressing “me”, (even if you don”t 😉 ) “me” hasn’t got a leg to stand on and zero right to badger you. It seems to me that you are handling ALL of this better than “me” ever could. Don’t let “me” bother you. A liberal friend of mine once famously said: “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone” and DMS said something very simular on this blog, and DMS was right. You have been contributing to this blog from a unique perspective in a civil manner, unlike “me”, and that adds value to it all. DMS, to the extent that Dawn has recovered, regrouped, succeeded, progressed, thrived, survived is a win for society. This was a tragedy for real people in the world, and Dawn had a role, but no one involved was blameless, but where healing occurs, and lives get back on track, that is a positive place.

      • DMS….I told you there are those of us who want to keep you on board here.

      • Me is an idiot and a fucking liar…he ran a shooting gallery and then he helped with 12 step programs?? My fucking ASS he did… With sush disdain for users and hookers?? LMAO…I think he is a 12 year old with a boner, as are the 2-3 alter egos he has created here. He slipped up once while posting as park ave. Are you getting off talking to an ex junkie/whore, me/park ave/whoever the fuck else you are??

        thank you for the kind words. I am and always have been VERY abrasive, its just who I am. So if I come across as unremorseful or proud of what happened, I am sorry.

        Part of the problem has always been blaming others for whatever shitstorm I created. I used to tell my psychiatrist that there was a trifecta of users, manipulators in my story…three people lying, manipulating, pretending to be somethjg they are not, and that ONE of them was seriously out of their element and that person paid with their life. I truly believed this AT ONE POINT…I was sorry someone died, but I justified my role in it…this really used to irk the psychiatrist. Eventually I realized that there is no excuse, someone died period and you cant blameshift your role in that. SO FUCKING WHAT he was playing a game and did NOT understand the other players, I should have just ended it. John so many times threatened to tell on him, expose him, but needed the cash cow.

        It wasnt part of the story, but there were a few “doc’s”…always were a few regulars paying a lot of money and getting little or nothing in return…Part of my recovery was donating time and money to charities and organizations involved with addiction recovery, but I wont get into that…its supposed to be personal and confidential!

      • LOL i AM A “SHE” AND HAVE BEEN CLEAN AND SOBER FOR OVER 20 YRS…as I said in a previouse post..I used to do quite a bit of work in aa/na and domestic violence( asociated with drug use/pimps/etc..) I also stated I do less now due to health problems( ca of the lung) wow U sound like u r repeating phrases of what OTHER people ave said to u! I DO believe u r sorry…….sorry u got caught but then again you ONLY did 10 months. You were ALREADY a “disfunctional” child..from a disfunctional family, and hooked up with Donnie another disfunctional male. LOL the statment you had many “well paying” Alan Canty’s in your hooking days. Had you had MORE “well paying” tricks. Did they also supply u with drugs in the hospital??? Tff The most valuable “trick” in your life now is your hubby who (like John) is quite a bit older than you. AGAIN I ASK U DAWN…DO U HAVE HEP-C ALSO?? You were jaundiced in the early court trials ( a SURE sign of liver disease)

      • It wasnt part of the story, but there were a few “doc’s”…always were a few regulars paying a lot of money and getting little or nothing in return…Part of my recovery was donating time and money to charities and organizations involved with addiction recovery, but I wont get into that…its supposed to be personal and confidential! hahahah umm sure Dawn ..omg…

      • Im glad your life got better Me.

      • Sorry those were Dawns words…MY life did get better..also I have NEVER pointed the finder ( like Dawn did and does) at others for my behavior.

      • Yeah I am glad your life got better!

      • I dont believe you for one fucking second, me…you are a 12 year old little boy with a boner. Shouldnt you be in school or something.

      • go easy on the little guy, me…youll go blind! 😉
        I am a consultant now and work out of my house…and I make 4x the money my husband does so if ANYONE is trickin’…(sorry honey, just kidding)

      • LOL who lashed out and was bitter about a “possible” movie and “they” will only know “one” side Jan’s. I hope your “therapist” perscribed meds for your Bi polar “disease”. I wonder how Jan was in emotional pain. Was it almost a yr???? A highschool “party girl”??? hahahahahaha

      • Me
        lets do a movie about your past…and only consult the fathers/mothers of the people who threw away their lives in your fucking shooting gallery?? hmm…does that sound good…

        the movie, as the book did, will accurately tell “dawns” story from casper onto the trial…but EVERYTHING “she” went through at home and before that WONT be told, there is no one to actually tell that story but me, my husband, and my therapist…and you cant pay me enough to do that…hows that for a shooting moves dope fiend!!
        You condescending self righteous little fuck!

      • Indianapolis, IN

      • also…me…I sincerely hope puberty sets in soon for you…you need a new hobby!

      • DMS-


        I dont expect to hear from you. And no need to comment either. However, it is continuosly difficult to “talk” when dodging knives every other post, is it not?

      • If “me” used a name there would be no confusion as to me.

    • DMS, E-mail me @ parsonhenry1957@gmail.com Please

  114. thank you cc…NO ONE in my life talks to me about this except for my therapist…

    • Dms, it’s not my business to come out with anger and wanting blood. Heck I don’t even know who DMS is, but starting a fight and pointing fingers is no good!

      • LOL…DMS…the mystery…you know who DMS is, even if “she” would never admit it…it is more obvious than DMH, dont you think? Apparently I am still a ho…a ho who will retire wealthy before her 50th birthday with a family, a life, and no more addictions. Well maybe one or two little addictions 😉

      • I’m definitely wondering who we are talking with. Human nature right?

      • How can you retire “wealthy”? U must have one heck of a job that lets you blog on here all day long! Or do u get little “perks” for your “contibutions” to your boss in the bathroom stal??

      • yes it is human nature.

  115. THERAPIST???? Did you say therapist? OMG, if that isn’t the pot, calling the kettle black!!!! Just how do you choose one, not knowing if they were connected? All these years later, still attending, & from the way you talk, it isn’t working. Maybe it’s all the lies-to yourself,also.
    My comment on that is-Ha,ha,ha,ha,ha.

    • If it surprises you thast I have been in and out of therepy for decades, than you are even more cluelss than “me” is. My first good therapist was in Ann Arbor and had never heard or the Canty’s. That was definitely a concern over the years. When my therapist retired, I found another who had never heard of them nor the case. The therapist insisted on reading “the book” before she would see me…after she read it she squeezed me right in and I have been seeing her ever since.

      Both of my therapists thought I was, for the most part, handling my past VERY well. But maybe they were clueless and I should listen to the likes of me and dgc…

  116. DMS – I’m not sure if you’re really Dawn. You keep going in and out of the third person. If you are, I really believe you are sorry for what transpired. I believe that people can change for the better; if not, what is the point of trying? I hope you are a good mother to your kids because they deserve nothing less. I think the problem some of the posters have is that you are in-your-face instead of being contrite. You have to remember that Jan Canty reads this blog. She might not accept your apology, but you owe her one. Also as a mother, you should feel the heartache of Mrs. Canty. No mother should ever outlive their child. I have never been a junkie, but I have hurt my family in the past. They have forgiven me, but I have never forgiven myself. That is my cross to bear. As to why this story still fascinates people, I think it’s because it shows how you really don’t know people, and what a thin line it is between one lifestyle and another. I have an intelligent, Mensa member brother who was in love with a crack whore who set him up to be robbed. He worked at 1300 Beaubien in the computer division making great money and wound up homeless. To ME, Good for you and stay strong. Reading this blog is heartwrenching because of the loss of Alan Canty, but I also find it uplifting because of the stories of the survivors who are doing so well. I think that is a fitting epitaph for Dr. Canty. He was a flawed individual, but I think he was a kind, caring person.

    • I really had no choice…I HAD to change, or die. I was and still am VERY VERY LUCK to have had the opportunities Ive had since this tragedy. Who the hell is going to hire someone with THAT record…I am not religious, agnostic…but stars aligned somewhere to help someone who didnt deserve the help. How often does someone like me turn it around and end up college educated, professional career, family?? Almost NEVER…and thats not a testament to me, thats a testament to the system and the people who helped me, again, someone who did NOT deserve the help and was NOT a good bet, very bad odds!!!!!

      I dont think I could ever talk to Jan directly…I wouldnt even know how to begin…there is nothing I can say or do that will even scratch the surface of making up for the pain caused…NOTHING…I cant apologize to alans mother as she has passed away…all I can do is say to whomever cares to listen that I am truly sorry for what happened, not just the death, everything…everything!

      • I’m glad you are here DMS. I believe your last post too. Again, your input does add to the discussions, and hopefully, at least today, there can be a more civilized tone amongst all if us. Would you not agree?

      • Dawn, if this is you….if you have any sense, you would get off this blog and never return. Like you said there’s nothing you can do to change the situation so stop trying to justify your actions. You did it…you should be talking to “God” about “Forgiveness”….you are opening up old wounds.

      • I am NOT justifying my actions…there is no justifying what happened…a human being, a son, a husband was murdered…everything else is just details…

        I dont believe in god, at least not the man made god…he is for the weak minded fools who cant do the right thing without a map (yes I know, look whos talking)

      • You have got to be tripping….that’s why you got into the shit your in, no “Foundation”. You need something or somebody or are you just a “Bad Seed”? I believe you’re perpetrating a fraud, just by your comments. You need some “Holy Water” thrown on you, the bride of “Chucky”. Why would you want your children to read the gruesome act that you all did to Mr. Canty? Yes, you got some deep issues…association speaks volume! John Fry….

      • Amen how right u r Dawn is just playing “victim” again

      • I really don’t believe that’s Dawn….who ever the person is, they aren’t showing any remorse about anything. Anybody that have done what she did, would be hiding their face in “SHAME”. This person is “NOT”.

      • I agree. It may be a member or very close aquaintance trying to see if the “interest” in her pathetic life has died down.

      • It can also be someone who read the book and like drama…the way the person talk is not logical…you firing back at people who is trying to understand how another human being can do what she did, it just don’t make sense to me.

      • Hopefully soul…the duffel bag packer will remover herselfe (or itself) from this blog

      • Hopefully….she’s not playing with a full deck or she wearing her narcissistic mask, either way she’s a sick person.

      • I also believe she is STILL a danger to herself and others. Charles Manson , Lynette Fromm, Sandra Good and many of his followers never killed anybody but I wouldnt want them as my neighbors Dawn is of the same sociopathic make-up .

      • Damage Goods……

      • Dawn, you did deserve the help. I wish you had gotten it earlier. You can make amends by paying it forward. Be the best mother you can be, your children deserve nothing less. Volunteer somewhere. Most people are redeemable. I think one of the aspects of this story that hit me so hard was that I was your age and lived on the East Side of Detroit. I had friends that went on to great success and others that went on to drugs and crime. I dabbled in the drugs, but nothing serious. I have seen the dark side though. Ironically enough, my best friend (at the time) also witnessed a person being beaten with a baseball bat. Thank God she lived, but people were being threatened not to testify. I never in my white, middle class life thought that I would be associated with anything like that. I appreciate everyone’s comments and insight and hope that it will bring peace to the people involved. Rachel – who would’ve “thunk” that your blog would start such a maelstrom!

      • This is not a blog that is brings a happy outcome. If wounds are being opened from it, would it be best to stay away from reading it? When it gets nasty, it only promotes harsh comments and no one wins from that. I am glad that Dawn turned it around. I would assume she will be in therapy for another couple decades. That would be expected. I wont judge Dawn. I am not a “fan”. But input on this blog fills in many blanks and answers questions that apparently many have. Again, I dont want to contribute anything that is harsh or judgemental, because there but before the grace of GOd may go I.

        Just an obversation.

      • I agree with you CC. I see a lot of damaged people lashing out. Some of these posters have suffered horrific lives whether by choice or circumstance. I am an outsider looking in. In my opinion, the only one who can dispense forgiveness in this case is Jan Canty, but everyone else can make amends by being good, productive people. ME – I knew you were a female just by your posts! Congratulations on your sobriety – I wish you a long and healthy life.

      • Thank you Sarah. Hopefully, it will not be as emotionally charged today.

      • CC – You and I have the same old stomping grounds. You are younger then I am though. I was born in 1962. I went from being a straight A student to being a delinquent and back to being the responsible one in the family. I think my family has forgotten my past, but I never do. It’s my past, and I own it. I can say it’s because I was a middle child, my parents ignored me because I had straight A’s so they concentrated on my siblings, I was shy and wanted to make friends, etc. I f’d up and I am paying for it 35 years later. I hurt my family and they have forgiven me, but I have never forgiven myself. I think that most of the people posting here are trying to find some form of redemption, be it ME or DMS. Dawn, if that is you posting, for the sake of your children, I would stop posting on this website. Your children are truly innocents and do not need to be privy to the comments and emotions your posts evoke. Best wishes and continued health to you all.

      • Sarah, I am not suprised we ran the same areas. Today, life is good and I am grateful that I never got caught with my actions way back. I would never have thought I would even go to college. I went to U of M in y late 20s for my masters and I fell in love with the campus, the restaurants, the bookstores…ohh the wonderful bookstores.

      • Jealous! Good for you. I love success stories!

      • Thanks Sarah. Do you still live in the metro detroit area?

      • Grand Blanc with my beautiful twin daughters. Oh and my husband too! LOL

      • How about you?

      • I live and work around the Howell area. Thank goodness it is Friday! WIth my hubby but I dont have children. That of course was by choice. I still struggles with issues of complete selfishness and chose to have freedom from having kids. Yeahm I still have that selfish part of me!

      • cc – Choosing not to have kids is not a shortcoming. Everyone should not be parents – look at the fall-out here! I think you should do what is right for yourself. There are plenty of unwanted kids to go around! My Mom (who should’ve been sainted) always told me “Just wait until you have kids Sarah!” My twin girls are now 131/2 and have Asperger’s. They might be a little frustrating at times, but I know they are not out there drinking and having sex! I think about what I was doing at their age, and I am horrified!

      • At least you KNEW you didnt want children. I waited kinda late in life to have my child ( i was clean for 12 yrs) Your children are with you till DEATH due u part..

      • No kidding…..My better half…he has kids which means I get the experience the “joys” of their drama!!!!! But I bought the ticket and took the ride!

      • Sarah, I have a nephew with austin. He is now in his 30s but presents as very, very young. Having girls is definitely a challenge!!!! Im glad you changed for the better! There are some bad things going on inthe world!

      • Thank you. I just went to parent-teacher conferences for them both this week, and they are doing better than ever. I am walking on clouds! It’s a different kind of struggle than what a lot of people here have had, but it’s been a long, hard eight years to get where we are. I can’t fully understand what a lot of people posting here have been through, but I appreciate the effort they have all put in. I can’t compare my struggle with my kids’ autism with other peoples’ struggles with their addictions; but I think we are all trying to better ourselves, and that makes us all human.

      • We all have skeletons in our closets! Some still the meat on the bones!

      • Thanks for your comments CC. Reading through this stuff, I agree.

      • I will be in therapy the rest of my life. All of my children are old enough to read “the book”…the oldest doesnt want to, apparently no desire to although ive told them a little…chances are therapy is in their future as well, because of what i did…it never does end…

        can you fucking imagine finding out your mom went from highschool party girl to cass corridor junkie/street whore to spending almost a year in jail because her pimp murdered a trick??? How does anyone even deal with that?? Now my bullshit will hurt them, and it has already to a degree…somethings had been said and done to them in school…its better now that we are out of mich and they are older

      • Honestly, hell no. I cannot even begin to imagine how this had / has haunted the family. I will say, there is NO justification for people to take it out on someone’s kids. I have wondered about that though, that the past lingers around the corner…I am from Roseville originally and I can remember practically living at Eastland Mall. I definitely dabbled in dope but never heroin. Never used a needle. I know that whenmy family watched me getting and they could not stop me, well…that aged my folks at least 10 tears. Im in my 40s and do not miss my past at all. I did do some pretty awful things to others. SOmetimes with malice and sometimes for survival. I relive my past everytime I see my siblings.

      • I often fantasize about going back in time, and making that stupid troubled girl finish highschool, then move the hell out of THAT house and to Ann Arbor with some girlfriends…instead of some slum in detroit with Donnie…

        the money I made on the streets of detroit would have paid for 2 undergrad and grad degrees at UoM…hell sex was a joke to me, my virginity was taken, sex was just a tool, a device…If I was going to sell myself, it should have been to pay for school…NONE of this would have happened…instead I ran from one bad situation to a worse one…stupid stupid stupid…my choice though, I was honor roll student, AND I was street smart…academics always came easy to me, I could have done SO much had I taken the right path…

      • what exactly is your point, me??? Do you want a cookie for your computer skills???

      • You must know who’s on the list of who you owe explanations/apologies to and who you do not. You are the one who has to look at yourself in the mirror every day, and while some may think you should never be forgiven or think you are the same person you were 20+ years ago, it can’t have been easy for you all of these years. How long must one pay for something like this? I believe with the right opportunities and state of mind, people can change and turn things around. Some people can, some people cannot, and it seems to me that you did. Someone would have to have a pretty sick mind to not have any remorse.

        Just saying…I did not write this blog to judge you or anyone else, or for the intention of others to judge. That is all.

      • If you’re Dawn, I’m John Fry. You are so full of it.

    • Sarah – I have only scratched the surface of all of the comments and ugliness that has gone on here lately, but some of these comments are misleading everyone to believe they are coming from the same person because they are using the same poster name. Looking at the IP addresses, I believe there are multiple personalities here. I have found at least three different addresses for “DMS” so far.

  117. Shucks!!! Your very good with “consulting” and being a very high class call girl. You must have just liked “slumming”

  118. I am a consultant for a computer firm. tff NOT

  119. Sleep well tonight Dawn

  120. DMS,
    Things have deteriorated and turned downright nasty here between the finger pointing and insults which I do not agree with.
    Will you please contact me privately by email so that I can ask you a few questions. I am not trying to invade your privacy and I don’t think that you will find my questions too intrusive at all.

  121. Sara thank-u….

  122. Again, I have no intention on providing irrefutable proof of who I am…if you dont want to believe me, I dont care. Im not asking anyone for anything and I am just providing my input as opinion, not facts…remember?

    So if I cant remember who my first kiss was, or whose yard I sunbathed in because it was 30 fucking years ago, then I wont have to explain that as well…sorry…

    • But u sure can remember who “made” u sell pussy….and whos fault it was ( of course NOT U) who killed Al Canty. ..tff what a piece of shit u r

      • Sounds like someone who is sour grapes their pussy was NEVER worth a pinch of shit…that is if you really are a woman and NOT a 12 year old prepubescent little fuck!!!

      • For someone who has a job, kids and a husband you sure are on here alot! We can all see by what your post here your a GREAT role model for your kids. You should have them in therapy NOW so they don’t end up like you. And in your case, heads are not for hatracks but duffel bags.

      • Oh the nastiness continues doesn’t it. I’m done for awhile.

      • Wasn’t meant to offend you CC and if u notice this blog was fine UNTIL DMS came on here. She is like the plague.

      • Me
        The only person you are NOT offending is DMS, your intended target…do you think you can possibly say anything that I havent heard before, or 10x worse?? Its like coming back from combat and then getting into an altercation with a little old lady…

        you are offending everyone…you, however, make ME laugh!

    • Oh, so now all of a sudden, you have “Amnesia”? Do you know who you are? Maybe a “Narcissistic”, “Sociopath” or a “Psychopath”? Girl, go on with your “Game” and find your way to a “Higher Power” because you have some “Real Issues”.

      • Soul…Dawn is proving not only to herself and the other people on here ( of which she will NEVER understand OR admit) that she is like a plague. This blog was ok until she came in here alternetly whining OR making accusations against others. Dawn is just proving how pathetic she really is. If you read her posts first she blamed John (who beat her MADE her a hooker) then she hid behind her “new life” with the “I am a mother and have children” crap. I only hope her kids (of which I feel sorry for) never read the stuff she is putting out there.

      • I agree, this why I don’t believe it’s really her….what person in their right mind would be talking the way this person is talking knowing damn well that she is just as guilty as John Fry. Maybe she don’t know that the public knows that she was on drugs and hooking before she even got with John. What is her excuse about that? If she had any sense like I said before, she would be real still and quite…when she know at heart she know the “Real Truth” because the others are dead.

      • Read up a few blogs about Dawn answering some questions. I still have no empathy for that hep-c saturated whore

  123. Nobody could offend you Dawn as you lack any type of remorse (except when it’s in your favor) or empahty for others. You also laughed about what you and John did to Alan Canty. She IS a sociopath lets hope her kids didn’t inherit the gene or trait. I have long thought that people like Dawn along with child abusers, animal abusers etc..should be spayed and neutered. I can only shudder at the thought of “little Dawns” out there.

    • WHEN did I laugh at what John and I did?

      • DMA??? hahha guess u don’t remember. Like you wont remember (or will lie) about what DennisR wrote and point the finger at im saying HE made this up and you were at a Recovery Meeting OR your theripist OR doing charity work..etc…sociopaths like you NEVER admit OR do ANYTING for anyone UNLESS their is something in it for you.

      • Who is “DMA”? There it is…this is not the real Dawn! Who forget their own initials?

      • As i said read up a few blogs on a question(s) DennisR put to dawn. We may never know the truth, it could be Dawn or someone thats an aquaintance ,could be her mother. Just a mystery like Jack The Ripper

      • I read enough, didn’t want to go any farther….she’s like the many faces of Sybil, with all of her different personalities.

      • Ted Bundy was referred to as the “deliberate stranger”

      • See, what was strange about Ted Bundy…he fooled his victims with his looks. Duped, because people have the tendency to think because you look good, you have to be a good person…”Dawn” included.

      • Soul Dawn believes I have something against her. If you read her hostile replys not only to me but to ANYBODY who (in her mind or on here) disagrees with her or made a negative comment you will see not only “damaged goods” but a very fragile psyche. People have come from worse homes or situations but have NOT done what Dawn did nor continue to harbor resentments or blame everybody around her( read up on Carla Fay Tucker or Charles Manson’s son Michael Brunner or Jan Canty herself) . As dawn states she still see’s a therapist which is good but I believe Dawn is STILL a danger to society.

      • I don’t believe she’s a threat to society because the public would have heard of other crimes…she slipped through the system the first time, she want make it through a second time. Don’t get me wrong, she still have issues…psychological, meaning the mind is twisted, from the drug use and the street life. She will probably need therapy for the rest of her life. One day, she will have to answer to her “Maker”.

      • I believe given the right circumstances or situation dawn will explode again. It’s a 50/50

      • She’s not that damn “Crazy”….you can fool people sometime but not all the time.

      • No Dawn is not crazy,…but she is (as you said) damaged good with (as I said) a fragile psyche. I think shes a walking time bomb which can or cannot go off

      • A ticking time bomb will go off, just don’t know when….Dawn, escaped prosecution by a thin thread, she’ll probably never get caught up like that again. Association has a lot to do with it too…no more “Wet” people far as we know.

      • Those that don’t remember the past are condemned to repeat it

      • No….those who don’t “Learn” from their past or mistakes will repeat them. Only a “Fool” is not open minded for correction…..

      • I am not the “owner” of that quot Actually I saw it on a documentary about Jim Jones the leader of the Peoples Temple. His members committed mass suicide at Jonestown , Guyana. Jim Jones was found dead under a sign with that quot.

    • I met John when I was 18…18 years without a murder…few months later I met alan…and then 2 years later (roughly) one is dead, one is in prison and one fresh out of jail…29 years later and guess what freinds and neighbors, no more murder!!! I accept my role in what happened, I brought the 2 of them together…but I am NOT a murderer then or now, idiot!

      • John died of hep-c…do u have it, not that u would admit it. And yes Dawn..John may have swung the bat but your guilty as hell. I personally don’t care what u do with your life THEN or NOW or how you try and sugar coat what u did. I don’t wake up from a sound sleep shaking and screaming (as what u have said) I am just wondering when the hell do u work??? You have been on this blog every day almost all day and night…are u paid to “consult” this blog??

      • Guilty of what, you fucking worm?? What exactly am I guilty of??
        Maybe now that you only have one lung, you might have time to get some law books and read them…that is, if you have reading skills past the 5th fucking grade. Your time in that shooting gallery was hardly an education, no??

      • My time in the gallery was just as educational as your time playing a very bad version of Masters & Johnson ( a.k.a consulting ) I don’t know what post you are replying to as “someone” cloned my name and made some comments to you and Gail. Actually the removal of my lung(2/3) 3 yrs ago has put me in a position to do more reading was able to do when I had a job. I never cared for law books (although I started out going for a law degree) I love reading Nietzsche, but I find myself draw to reading books about the profession I was in (medical field) Actually I was going for my degree, P.A ( physician assistant) combined with a bachelors degree in biology and a masters degree in the science of P.A. with my specialty in TBI’s (traumatic brain injuries) but I was cut short in my last year of school due to the cancer. I think there is enough of jail house, street corner, and bar stool lawyers around, as you must surely know. If you look at my name there is a period after my name of which I put there after someone cloned my name and made comments to you and Gail. I am going to change my name on here and am trying to think of a few you would be familiar with …genie wart, std , umm maybe hep?

      • If someone is going to pretend to be DMS, at least get the fucking username correct…idiots…

        Weve gotten to the point where no one know who is posting what…so its silly to even continue this.

      • DMS, let’s just say that as the blog owner, I can see the IP address of who’s posting here, and not all the ones supposedly coming from you are from the same IP…interesting.

      • Cheetah
        I have used 2 different computers (home and office) to post here, never my phone. I have listed a few different emails, however, as I wasnt sure how private this was going to be. I am using a gmail account, and they typically go through proxy servers so im not sure how you can trace those.

        I will say someone has HAS posted a few times under DMS and it wasnt me…is there any way to lock it so unless they use a certain email address, they cant post under dms??

      • Not sure there is a way to do that on this blog, Dawn. What I do know is that the IP address you have posted from remains pretty consistent, but I found postings under a couple of other IP addresses using DMS when things were getting ugly. I didn’t do a ‘full-on investigation’, LOL…but I did want to throw the possibility out there that not all posts were actually coming from you that were from the DMS name, and also some others may have had some clones.

        As far as the email and the name used, I wish these were more like message boards and only one person could log in and use a particular user name. But, they’re comments on a blog and had I known this blog would get 500+ responses, I’d have set it up differently!!

      • Thank you Rachel.
        I repsect this blog and as the owner, if you want me to go away for a while, or go more incognito I will.
        If you have an email, I can email you, or feel free to use the email I list when I post to email me.

      • Dawn – I just emailed the address XXXXXXXXXX

      • EEK…you almost put my email address out there…r u trying to kill me???

      • R u referring to me about your email addy>?? I didnt put it out there I will put out one of mine adysif anyone wants to email me icancu12@hotmail.com

      • Oh no, I would never! Sorry about that Dawn 🙂

  124. LOL…ok DMS…how about a question from someone in your recent past…
    You and some dude at a bar on Mich ave on the outskirts of Canton
    1995 winter time
    You and he were fighting, he slapped you
    me and 4 buds stepped in and beat his ass in the parking lot
    you and I got real cozy
    we dated for a few months until I found out your REAL NAME and your past
    We had 2 pregnancy scares and broke up when you got mad at me for getting pissed about your past…

    what vehicle was I driving when you pulled all 4 valve stems out and carved “bastard” on the hood with a nail file???

    Just name the vehicle and the color…you were off most of the hard stuff (unless you lied about that too) and just drank too much if I remember correctly

    • A TRUE person in recovery KNOWS to stay away from ANY mood altering substances. Dawn showed you her REAL self!!! Dawn wont admit anything to you to “prove” it’s her…as she would be showing everybody her TRUE self…while she is here playing “victim”

    • 1993 or 4 Dodge Dakota.
      had some stupid ass sports stripe on the door
      I didnt do anything to it, my boyfriend at the time, the guys whos ass you beat, did the damage
      we broke up right after
      r u happy????

      • Hello Dawn
        or as I knew you, Lori
        I remember your alias, I really liked you
        Sorry, I assumed you had your boyfriend do it, I NNEW it was him.
        I read through the blog and all I can say is WOW, people really really hate you. I never even heard of all this until I caught you lying about your name.

        I am very happy now, went through an ugly divorce but am remarried with a daughter. We live in Milford, and I commute to Dearborn for work.

      • Dennis do you REALLY believe Dawn didn’t know about what her b/f did to your truck??

    • LOL Dennis what did I tell you!!! Dawn didnt do that…her b/f did it!! Just like John killed Alan Canty…and her home life in Harper Woods made her leave etc….tff I could have written Dawns answer to you as I knew she would point the finger.

      • Her boyfriend did the actual damage, I always assumed she put him up to it, at the very least told him where I lived. But I saw his ass pull out of my apartment complex and when I walked to my truck, there it was!

        Maybe he did it to make me think it was her so I would dump her?? Dont know or remember that much about it.

        I am going to read the book, though. I had the chance to read it in a criminal justice class back in the 90’s, but chose something else. When I saw one of “Lori’s” bills and the name was Dawn Spens, the name hit me, I remembered a bit from that class. Everyone wanted to read masquerade so the prof had to pick one, and she did some project on it, never forgot the name.

        Dawn drank a lot, but wasnt a drunk. She did turn down a few joints while we dated.

      • Ok but I will hold to my assumption that Dawn HAD something to do with your truck getting damaged.

      • Could be, Ill never frickin know. She paid for the damages and at that time she was broke, going to school. If she had anything to do with it, she was frinkin stupid as hell LOL

        She REFUSED to tell me anything about the case. My curiosity got the better of me and she kept telling me to “go read that fucking book”. That was the only time I ever saw her cry, when we had it out over her past. Even in the bar when she got bitch slapped, she didnt cry, she got pissed and attacked him.

      • Really Dennis…Really??
        Are you going to tell them what I was like in bed??…or if I wanted you to pretend you were John??…because stick around and THATS the shit they are going to ask you, especially the “me” bug…he/she is a sick little fuck

        My boyfriend followed me around and found out where you lived…we werent seeing each other, hadnt talked since you and your bro beat his ass, but never officially broke up…he HIT me…I was done…just hadnt told him yet…at that point and to this day GOD FUCKING HELP any man who hits me!!!!!

        I paid for new valve stems and to have the hood fixed, remember?? I had to take one less class spring semester to do so!!!

      • That thought never entered MY mind Dawn. However r u going to start calling Dennis pindick, or is that a reserved name

      • Lori/Dawn never asked me to play out any fantasies
        She was phenominal in bed, quite the little nympho
        She was a bit of a party animal, and very self centered, but was fun

        There I am done. I will be back after I read the book, and hopefuly after DMS goes away. This looks like a good place to discuss true crime stuff and I like to read that stuff. god bye for now
        bye bye Lori 😉

      • Dennis, any guy that would kiss and tell on someone’s sexuality is a bum. You are a bum.

      • I’ll be happy when his 15 minutes of fame are up. LOSER

      • Gail..actually Dawn brought up the sex b4 he did

      • Whatever. A gentleman would maintain his own dignity by maintaining a quiet manner.

      • LOL..I must have invaded somebody’s thoughts to have u clone me!!! tff…

      • Al never asked me to pretend I was Jan. I did ask him to pretend he was my father. He would even let me call him by my dads name.

      • Me,
        Your last post reveals your level of intelligence. You have spoken volumes of yourself by spewing very little of the disgusting puke you pour onto this blog. You are an embarrassment to women calling you stupid would be an insult to stupid people. I prefer to think your dim tiny pea sizes was the result of your birthing process. If you are female, then you are a vile, disgusting swine. Your language has been as nasty as other people on this blog. You delusional, welfare Scum sucking, rude, brain dead, piece of shit. Do you realize that Jan Canty reads this blog you moron? The questions and accusations you control to throw are enough. You insult my gender. You wallow in shut in my opinion.

      • Gail…I did not write the last couple of posts. I guess someone wants to b “me” if u look I started putting a period after my name . I did not post that reply to u about “not being a gentleman but a “she”

      • I would like to confirm that not all of the “me” posts are coming from the same IP address. It’s always possible one person can post from two different computers, but likely? Probably not.

      • Thanks Cheeta for clarifying that. No I didnt run to the library to post under a differ IP addy. I started putting a period after my name when someone started cloning me. However I WILL stand my ground when saying this blog was ok UNTIL Dawn came on here. I don’t see Jan pointing the finger and hurling out hateful and angry responses to people who have blogged on here.

      • No worries! I never thought for a minute that any of the main persons written about in this book would ever run across my dumb little blog. With Dawn showing up, sparks were bound to fly.

      • I don’t know why Dawn even came in here. She did get quite a few people pissed (including me) due to her pointing the finger. I myself would NOT want to be in her shoes for all the tea in china. My respect goes to Jan Canty . Out of all of this she was the true victim and really rose above the situation she was thrust into. Some people say prostitution is a “victimless crime well here is a perfect example that is is NOT!!!

  125. Your lucky Dawn didnt refere to you as pindick and say u r lucky she even sucked your dick. If you read this blog from the start you will see it did not turn nasty or hostile until Dawn came in here

  126. Gail, a “lady” wouldnt have added a sexual accusation to former gentleman friend she was with over 14b yrs ago. One would think that would be the LAST thing on her mind

  127. Oh ME…before this blog is done you will probably have quoted the entire book…Lets talk about the way YOU talked about users when you ran that shooting gallery, hmm??

    • I never read the book. And what do u know about the gallery>??? It helped finance MY 242$ a day habit? anything else??? Also I wrote I “helped” run a shooting gallery. Plus I was a bartendar at a “colorful” home (aft 2am) on Meldrum Street, anything else???

    • And WHO THE FUCK calls it a shooting gallery?? Can we just call it a fucking dope house??? When you research your characters for whatever blog you are on, try and get the vernacular right…

      • What a simpleton you are…No drugs were sold here…across the street they were. I never have to research anything..as I said, I never read the book nor would I buy it.

      • Wow dawn ..such language..do your children know u talk like that??? Does your husband actually kiss you on that mouth???

      • Wow….this is Rachel, writer of this blog. I am writing from my phone, not logged in to my account, it’s been a while. I am Facebook friends with Ray Danford and he mentioned that things were turning interesting here. I had no idea. I just skimmed through all of the responses and am really taken aback by how this turned from postings by those curious and fascinated by this story, to something kind of ugly. More to.come when I’ve had some time to read more and get on a PC, posting here has proven not to be very cell phone friendly (can’t even scroll down to get rid of the extra text below!)

        aback by how this turned from people posting about thei curiosity

      • Hi Rachel…yes this blog was pretty good until Dawn came in and tru to the parasite she is the blogging has taken a turn for the worst

      • These posts go every where. To DMS: in some places they were called shooting galleries, dope dens, today they are called, crack houses.

  128. I’m not the judge or the jury on this blog but we all as adults should speak as adults. How did the blog go from the murder of Dr. Alan Canty….to “Sex”?

    • Dawn brought it up in a comment to a guy named Dennis who asked her questions

    • Lets get off this subject and talk about another crime of murder maybe it will get the “asshats” off her or give them something new to blog about.

      Anyone remember Capt Jeffery Macdonald accused of killing his pregnant wife and 2 children? Does anyone think he is guilty or not guilty. I can’t make up my mind

      • Ohh so now everybody wants to shift attention away from me and on to another poor person. Ignore me now that you have put me own made accusations, insults and whatever else you think hurt me . Well, I laugh at all of you who think they have hurt me in some way

      • Now Dawn, you’re showing your ignorance…you should appreciate that people are giving you some air. There’s nothing funny about what you and John Fry did….many people got hurt behind the choices you all made. You, being who you are, you should expect this or worst, what kind of human being would do such an horrific crime? From, what I can see and read, you don’t have a conscience…any sane person wouldn’t even be on this blog trying to defend themselves…knowing damn well what they did. As you get older, you’re suppose to get wiser…I guess “Wisdom” passed you by. Hurt? You are the one who hurt somebody and in the process you hurt yourself. You will never live a normal life…guess what? You did that..no one else but “You”!

      • One more thing….you or any other murderer is not “Poor”! What you all are, a bunch of “Cowards” and “Heartless Monsters”! Remember that!

      • Someone else is posting as dms…just a heads up!!!

      • This is the original DMS…the one who was horrified at the thought of making the movie,,,NOTHING about this story or blog makes me laugh…there is nothing funny about it…someone else posted the blog I am replying to…I DID post the one above about someone else posting as me…pathetic

      • Someone was also posting as me dawn. I didnt re read all the posts but some were made to you and another person named Gail

      • About making a movie..yes I would watch it. And movies were made about several murders such as Fatal Vision. Jeffry MacDonald is still alive, but he sued Joe Maginnis and won for the inaccurate and false portrayals of Joe Maginnis time spent with Dr MacDonald. If u were to read the book you would say he (Dr Macdonald was guilty). But if you look on Dr MacDonalds web site and the info that was not presented and the mishaps of the investigation one really dosent know what to believe! Also look at Jon Bennet Ramsey( another case that people r fascinated with) Casey Anthony is another fascinating case. I personally believe she is as guilty( as does thousands of people. I have no beef with you only the way u reacted when a movie was talked about. Only u know the truth Dawn we can speculate on here till doomsday and the result will be the same. NOBODY knows when went on in that house the day Al Canty died except you and John and John is Dead.

      • And yes it IS pathetic to be posting as someone else. Reminds me of people who call the police and make fake confessions to crimes.

    • soul4Real, I don’t think that is Dawn posting the last few post. I may be wrong but some people have been cloning names (including mine) and posting in their names

    • On your comment : Soul4Real said this on November 17, 2013 at 3:02 pm . Everyone has their own self worth. What is yours ? Are you wiser, better than or smarter than everyone or anyone else If so, that would put you in the same category as the the late Dr. trying to be something your not. No one is better than any other. we are all the same. “He who is without sin, cast the first stone”. What gives you the right to say, who is worthless than another namely you. Some take a life with a gun or a baseball bat, you choose to take a life with words.Some choose to kill the body, and others kill a soul.

  129. Well….I was able to get myself logged in today. Internet at home wasn’t working today very well, and trying to post from the Android was painfully slow and tedious. Yuck. I promise to check this thing more often, and today I have a Sunday afternoon planned that includes reading and catching up on the comment haps in my absence. Regardless, this story still hits home with me and I am excited (albeit a little apprehensive) to see who has visited since I last logged in, and what they have to say.

  130. i grew up in s/w detroit, i can remember clearly, these people roaming the neiborhood…janet and sixpak walking with there kids to go shopping,…the people that would go to there house for dope,..i waited in the car out front more than once, everyone knew that you were taking your own life in your hands messing with these people.

  131. Anyone still hanging around and possibly following the blog comments, I commented to several postings above. I also would like to note that some postings may not be from those they seem to be coming from. Based on the IP addresses used, please consider that someone may be posing as someone else, while others are posting from the same IP posing as multiple commenters. Just a note..

    I am Rachel – the blog writer, ‘owner’ and the only person who ‘moderates’ this blog. Although, I haven’t been doing a very good job and neglected it for a while. Posts are not set up to be approved before posting, although it does catch a few that may look like spam and puts them in a folder for my approval.

  132. Wow! Reading these posts, first by Dawn Anderson, then dms, then dma (Dawn Marie?) I believe these are made by the real Dawn.
    Another observation. She sure throws those F bombs around a lot. I hope she doesn’t talk like that in front of her kids. They shouldn’t have to hear language like that.
    I’m interested in the DVD also. If it’s available, please email me at foxyforgottenbella@gmail.com
    And last but certainly not least, I’m glad Jan is all right, even though we’ve never met or even know each other. By the way Lowell wrote about her in his book, I knew she’d rise above all this and rebuild her life. But something like this is always in the back of your mind.

  133. I didnt know this at the time, but Dr Canty’s book: “Theraputic Peers” was a complete fraud! He was also probably worried THAT would come out as well. Looking back, I dont know if he was committing suicide by confronting John the way he did, but I certainly think he KNEW he was about to lose everything, his wife, his practice, his lifes work. His entire sham of a life was about to come crashing down, he KNEW if he didnt produce that $$ for John and Dawn to move, John was going to tell his wife about them.

    • Yes you are right there was no book only a manuscript. I still am leaning towards the lack of appointments in his calendar was due towards the fact he was in a no win situation. Had his life come out into the open he would have been a broke , dejected, outcast .

      • absolutely…he would have lost his license to practice!

      • Not only his license to practice but the “shame” of his secret life would have been out in the open.

      • A couple of sites (Ebay, Abebooks) have the book for sale-published in 1976 by Harlo Press-72 pages. (one site specialneeds mentions it but according to Norton, that site may have a virus). I remember at the end of the book when Conny Van Dyke was interviewed and she felt that his work was valid. One fundraising site says that she had a stroke.

      • I never read the book so I don’t know who Connie is. When I was hospitalized about a yr ago ( I was in isolation and bored out of my mind) a nurse aid had the book and I partially read it. I did check at a used book store yesterday and was told I would be at the mercy of someone turning the book in.

      • Book is on Amazon and Amazon has some interesting good reviews. Conny was one of the girls that Dr Canty hired (she was an actress and Motown recording artist). She said that she saw that he had broken through to the autistic children.

      • I think I remember..was she one of the girls he hired to “read” ?

      • Yes she was

      • Ok I think I remember but the name didnt ring a bell. I do remember a girl he wanted to hire for a reader was told not to do it by her b/f. He (if I remember) he told his g/f what Al was paying was way to much for what she was asked to do. I believe the b/f also said he (al) must be some kind of freak or something like that

    • If a book existed it would have made headlines in the field of Autism! I have a neighbor who’s son is autistic and she would ave had that book in 5 seconds, along with every other relative who has an autistic child

      • me. I have twins who are on the autism spectrum. When I first wrote on this blog, it was from memory. I remembered that Dr. Canty had done work with autistic children. I didn’t remember at the time that it was probably bogus. My girls have Asperger’s though, I don’t think that was on the spectrum at the time. I think that I was looking to explain his odd behavior. My girls have a hard time interracting with people, and they have strong attachments to things (their blankets, his thermos). As I mentioned before, I have a genius brother drawn to the darker side of life. It interests me from both sides. I wish you continued good health and appreciate your input.

      • My neighbor’s son has autism Asperger’s Syn also..he also has a hard time interacting with other people and peers his age. I babysat him many many times and to be quite frank he drove me nuts. His certain “rituals” ( like milk and cookies at EXACTLY 4 pm, not a minute sooner and god forbid not a minute later) He is also borderline genius with a photogenic memory. He now drives and goes to college. His parents have had him in therapy for the last 2 yrs to help him understand his condition. My hat goes off to ANY parent in this situation. Autism at that time did not branch off into the Aspergers type. I think Al had some type of borderline Aspergers ( like his coffee and thermos, the bricks for his driveway ) My younger brother is (was ?) very intelligent but started using about 4 yrs ago. He hasn’t been heard from since 210 as I had to put a ppo on his as he had begun to get violent towards my mom for money. I give you my highest praise in raising your twins. I know how difficult it was for my neighbor raising 1 child with Aspergers . 2 children i don’t know if I could handle it. Please keep me informed. I will keep you and your twins in my thoughts!

      • Thank you me, My girls have been doing so much better lately. I think we have finally gotten a good team together for them and they are going great for the first time (both) in 13 years. I think that’s one of the many reasons this story continues to occupy me. Al Canty reminds my of my older brother who is a genius, but drawn to the dark side of life. He finally fell in love with a crack whore who helped rob him of his $80,000 pension and he was left homeless in a funeral home on the east side. My best friend also reminds me of Dawn. She was always taken advantage of some men, but also took advantage of others. If you were nice to her, she would f@k you over big time. If you beat her, she would stay with you. My nose still has a bump from pulling a violent boyfriend off of her. My nose was broken, but I scratched the heck out of him. The next day they sent my home on the Greyhound from Pontiac to Detroit with a broken, bleeding nose and black eyes, and they put make-up on his scratches. I never put up with a boyfriend who laid his hands on me, but I put up with Bob because I wanted to help my friend. As you can imagine, it doesn’t end well, My family took her brother and her in for years. They stole antique engagement rings that were to be given to my sister and me. My mother and brother have passed over the last five years, but no response. This is a cautionary tale. I will not blame everything on everyone else, but be careful of who you let in your house. I was a straight A student and a virgin. Within six months of dealing with this family, I was neither. I am begging you please, please, please. listen to your daughters. It is a scary place. I know TMI, but I have teenaged daughters. I know I will take heat for this, but
        Dawn, please be the best mother you can be. Your kids deserve it. If you want to apologize, than do it. Don’t backtrack. I don’t know why some people are taking other people’s websites, but they don’t have good intentions.

      • My brother stole my mothers entire life savings thru identity theft. She died (may 19/213) destitute and almost a prisoner in her own home. I moved in with her a few years ago and paid her bills( utilities cable etc), My mother was a very spiritual woman, since I was little she went to church every sunday in the last yr of her life she didnt go..I told her I would take her and go with her she refused..she was THAT terrified of him showing up at church. No one has heard from him since 210 ( no he is not at the morgue I checked) but if he was he’s gonna stay there! I doubt he knows my mother is deceased. I have deep resentment for him which will never change!

      • me. Your Mom knew who was there for her. I hope that gives you some peace, Please forgive yourself. You can’t change what you were, but you are what you are now. Please forgive yourself. Regret is no way to live. You’ve done your time. You were there when your Mom needed you.

      • Thank-you

      • I’m so sorry to hear of your loss…your mother are in good hands with “God”! There’s no better place to be…she’s at “Peace” with no more worries, you were there when she needed someone and I know she looks over you. “God” bless you…..

      • Thank you (and a few others for the kind words) I really think my mom knew she was ill ( she had terminal stomach cancer) but at 83 just wanted nature to take it’s course. Also for 1 and a 1/2 yrs straight she was my caregiver. My surg, my chemo and repeated hospitalizations ( I had MRSA 2c) She also drove my son to school so technically she held down the fort for me and my son. She died at home which is what she wanted

      • You have and had a beautiful and strong “Mother”, regardless of her illness she still held her family down. “Selfless” she was putting her family before needs….now that’s what I call the “Agape Love” which is “God Love”. Thank “God” everyday for blessing you with a “Loving Mother”.

      • Me. Sometimes I have to learn how to shut up and just say thank you! Thank you for the best wishes and I wish the same for you!

  134. TO DMS,

    Do you really think that is John Fyrs kid??? Did he (john) have a kid name John Jr?? Did Fry have children???? I have only seen on here that he roughed up somebodys b/f or husband for abusing her kids.

    • I dont know…I never met any kids but I KNEW he had them…doesnt matter, he has a valid opinion…just one I disagree with with every ounce of my being.

      This whole blog is a Masquerade…is dms dawn, is dawn anderson dawn, is john really Fry’s kid…is ME really ME….

      Is jan really jan
      is mark bando and mr cauffield really…you get my point

      I think Cheetah is really…cheetah 😉

      • Ya it’s me. I started putting a period after my name. I don’t think this blog is a masquerade. Like many crimes through out history that has captivated an audience (from Jack the Ripper to Casey Anthony) everyone will have their own thoughts and opinions. And to be truthful, I DON”T think that was Jon Fry;s kid posting on here. It just didn’t ring right with me..but I could be wrong

      • You made a valid point! ;-))

      • I don’t know what happened on this blog, but civility is back! I am so glad. I’m sure I’m repeating myself (I blame it on the menopause), but I think the posters here have interesting and insightful stories to tell. Thank you all for sharing.

      • You’re welcome….you brought a smile to my face with the comment about menopause, I going through it too. ;-))

      • Welcome back Sarah 🙂

      • The book said that at that point, John had “sired” at least 5 children.

        But I assure you, Cheetah is really Cheetah but you all can call me Rachel 🙂

      • This blog is a lot like a C.B. radio of the 60’s and 70’s. On a blog like in lock up or on the radio, you can hide behind a code name and be what ever you want to be.

    • DMA, would you e-mail me

    • Yes the John Fry that posted is luckys son
      There are 4 of us lets leave it at that.

  135. Welcome back Rachel 🙂 And thank you for straightening out where your blog was heading. Im the same guy (Mike) who first posted back in 2010. I guess my posts are boring since no one has pretended to be me 🙂

    First…Rachel, Congratulations, I don’t think anyone could have planned a better blog with so many first person comments.

    I did ask some questions previously and was happy to receive a response from Jan.

    Also, because of the hostilities that were aimed at DMS I did ask her to contact me privately through email so that I could ask her a few questions but I haven’t received a reply.

    Since it seems like things have calmed down here I will ask them now.


    First of all I’m glad your still here on this blog after taking the unnecessary verbal abuse that you did from some.

    I believe I read a post or comment from you that stated that you didn’t like the way Lowell Cauffiel portrayed you in Masquerade. To be more precise, I think you said he only told one side of the story.

    -When did you first learn about the book being written and when did you first read it?

    -If you had a hand in writing the book how would you describe yourself differently during that time than the way Mr Cauffiel did?

    -How would you describe Dr. Canty, John, or any one else differently then the way they were portrayed?

    -Did you kick heroin when you were locked up or sometime after you were released?

    -If Dr. Canty wasn’t murdered that day how and who do you think you would be today?

    -Why do you think that this book still has an obvious following after almost 30 years?

    These are just a few questions off of the top of my head. I hope they are not too intrusive and are answered. I, (and I imagine others on here) am just curious.

    Thank you,

    • When I am being 100% honest, I dont have a problem with the books accuracy…I have a problem with the fact that there is a book period…no one who lived that role wants it published…I apologize for attacking mr Cauffield…sure there are little things here and there that were a little off, but no real gross inaccuracies in the book…he did his homework…

    • There is a lot more to why I left Harper woods and ended up with Donnie, but I didnt offer that up and I wont…its too personal…THAT is part of the story that is important, WHY did this girl from harper woods, a 4.0 student, end up where she did…think about what must have happened to force her to drop out of highschool months before grad…im sure you can guess

      • I agree it is most likely very private…

      • I happened to pick up the book and start reading it again after all of this was going on in here. I was overdue. I did read again through the parts noting that you were a good student and that your friend Dee was trying to stop you from dropping out with only a couple/few months to go. I too wondered the same thing, what could have happened? I myself have a 16 year old daughter and fear her making some bad choices as well (though so far she has been a great kid, considering!).

    • Hey Mike! Luckily no one was posing as me either (ME as in myself, Rachel, not the “Me” posting in here also, lol). I remember you posting back in 2010…I spent this last Sunday reading a lot of posts. Some I had to skim through, just not enough time in the day, but you visited early on.

    • I missed some of mikes questions: And this is very difficult to say, but:
      If Dr Canty had NOT been murdered, I would be dead today, my kids never to be born

      If John had simply pushed Dr Canty back and told him to leave, instead of killing him, and there was NO murder, I would have kept at it and I would be dead today

      the only reason I am alive today is because of the jail time and rehibilitation…

      John told Dr Canty that he was going to go west, and leave me in detroit, he also told the doctor that I thought he was going to bring me with him…he told ME that he told the doc this to further align himself with him to gain his confidence…but I truly believe with every ounce of my being that John was going to go west WITHOUT me…that is until the murder, at that point he wasnt going to let me out of his sight…

      • Dawn, I don’t believe John (if he WAS going to go west) would have gone w/o you. I do believe he cared for you and you him ( although is was a relationship that was base on addiction) You were Johns “bread and butter” and although he pulled a few deals off..YOU were his main $$ source. I believe he wanted to blackmail Al for as much as he could. If Al got the $$ up is a question nobody has an answer for. Would the “relationship” with Doc and both of you ended at that point? I doubt it as John ( or you)would have probably given Doc a call when $ was tight.

      • We were TOXIC…getting off the H and onto the C, we both new it…he blamed me I blamed him…it was over…after the murder we clung to each other a bit but eventually that faded as well…I wasnt johns bread and butter any more, Alan was…if Alan handed John the money he wanted, i believe John would have just upped and left me, and then he would have somehow exposed alan…he was intent on exposing him no matter what $$ he produced…it was SO fucked up and horrible, looking back…there was NOTHING good about that time, nothing…if they DO make a movie, I hope its graphic as hell and that they show it to every first time drug offender…after watching that, if you are still stupid enought to CHOOSE to inject opiates into your bloodstream, then I guess the gene pool is cleaning itself out

      • requiem for a dream…what a fucked up horrible movie…THATS how the masquerade movie needs to be…dont glorify the life, make it dirty and ugly and bloody and nasty…people should leave the theater nauseas and disgusted
        dont show the 2 villians as 2 evil monsters, wringing their hands and always laughing “muwahahahahaha” at their evil plot
        dont show the doctor as a hapless victim

        the problem is the villians arent interesting at all, they are 2 broken individuals with little or nothing to them other than a drug addiction…they sit around and nod off 99% of the time…for dramatic affect, I see them making the villians out to be a lot more than they were, what works in a book does NOT work on the silver screen…and I see them exaggerating alot…there is no way to accurately portray dawn and john and sell it in movie form…

      • If there was a movie on this, I can guarantee it wouldn’t be done right. I always wished there was a movie, but movies based on books seem to always get screwed up. I’d also consider the Doc a villain but you’re right, he’d likely be portrayed as a hapless victim for sure.

        They would need to consult with those who have actually lived that kind of life.

        Ray Jr sent me a link to a movie trailer a while back, don’t know what ever came of it but it looked low budget and like it would have SUCKED.

      • in some ways your right Cheetah about Doc portrayed as a “victim” in a life style he (in a way at first) he thought was exciting.

      • Yes, that movie link was like a fishing expedition looking for investors. I don’t think it went anywhere.

      • Hello there Ray!

        Was this the Julia V producer? I read she was an indie film producer wanting to take it on with what looks like one of her many film projects.

      • Hi Ray! GOOD! It looked horrible! But, I still like seeing things like that.

      • Dawn, why r u acting like this??? I would not want a movie made about my life..and with 100% accuracy a few of my family members and my kids father would REALLY add a bunch of b/s to it. Other movies, books and what not has been made about other people’s tragedy’s as well! Just look at the Jon Bennett Ramsy”s parents. They were vilified NOT only in the press but with a movie and on several talk shows! I am not glorifying it but mayb the movie would help wanna b druggies who think the street life is glamorous ( like petty women, shaft and other movies made about street life and prostitution etc..

      • I guess my point is, if they made the movie accurate, it would suck in movie form…it would be disturbing at some points, down right boring at others…

        you need protagonist and antagonists in a movie, and in this story the lines are too blurred…well, at least with the protagonist…the ONLY way to make this movie work in my opinion is if it is a story about JAN, she would HAVE to be the protagonist…and the three of us antagonists…

        Again, I am NOT for the movie, period…I dont want this thrust into public eye again…who would??

      • That’s completely understandable! Unfortunately even the attention on this blog I am sure has opened up a whole can of worms to those of you whose lives were actually affected.

      • I can and do walk away from this blog, and away from the past, back to my current life…if a movie came out, my current life and this story would be forever intertwined…there would be NO getting away…

        I cant just move further into northern canada to get away from it, not with the internet and streaming movies…I would have to legally change my name most likely

    • I would not have had a hand in writing the book, who the hell would want the world to know that story…the only way Id change it is to add a true account of my life BEFORE I quit highschool, and I could NEVER EVER tell that tale either…

      I would have added my mom and dads story, how parents could let their 17 yeard old daughter move out and into the life and do nothing about it…if it were my daughter, id be in prison for what I did to Donnie

      • LOL I remember Donnie got his ass beat by the homosexuals in the building next door to the Royal Palms Hotel( now park ave hotel) because he was harassing them. They did a good job on him tff

      • They put him in the hospital…he was badly beaten…thats what you get for calling MEN “queers”…stupid ass…of course when he got out he gave me a good ass beating as well…someone that jealous should not be a pimp…

    • I kicked hard drugs and heroin (for the most part ;)) in jail…
      Lets just say mt days of mixed jive, injecting drugs, and prostitution were OVER when I went to jail…I fell and got back up many a time in the beginning

      • dms..do you remember tonya bartlet? she hung out with janet early on..

      • I do remember Tonya…I liked her…did NOT like Janet or Six pack…they both scared me, especiall six…

      • i was crazy for that girl…we were so young, always wondered what happened to her, i know she knew you cause i took her to see you once, and she mentioned lucky and i was kinda worried cause it was common knowlege he was not good news.

      • took her to see me once??? When?? I dont remember her coming to visit in jail…dee did…but not Tonya…was this at Casper??

        my memory is a little fuzzy, as to be expected…but I am positive Tonya never came to see me in jail…afterwards I saw no one from the life

      • sorry for the confustion…this was before anything happened, it must have been on casper, but for some reason im thinking it was on mercer my memory aint what it used to be,

      • dee is her cousin right? i remember her dad was a biker in a wheel chair from a bike wreck, in the scorpions i believe, mom was a real bad acoholic. the things i remember about janet are mostly before she got with six, wouldnt be polite to discuss those things here…

      • I remember Tonya staying at the casper house once, maybe twice…I dont remeber a boyfriend, sorry…my memory is off and on during that time…

        mercer?? Do you mean the appartments on Morrell?? Dont remember tonya coming there…

        Dee was a friend from high school…I didnt know or dont remember her and tonya being cousins…ugh…too many people and fuzzy memories from back then…Last time I heard from Dee was when i was in jail…havent heard from tonya since Casper

        Yeah Janet was one messed up girl…worse than me…I dont know what became of her but i cant imagine she is still alive…I wonder if she ever lost her kids, she didnt take care of them…

      • Dawn, I as i said b4 I did NOT read the book except for a few chapters I glimpsed thru (off and on) when I was in isolation in the hospital( a nurse aid had the book and let me read it) I think I remember in the book when Dee went to see u in Jail you laughed when talking about how Al died( or something like that) I may be wrong as I was on some pretty heave duty antibiotics and pain meds ( I contracted MRSA) and and my face and eyes were pretty swollen also they were gonna insert a trache in my throat bcause the MRSA was starting to close my throat up and I couldn’t breath. So my memories of reading bits and pieces of the book may be wrong also

      • i know what you mean about memory…:) alot of those days are a blurr. it must have been casper, i lost track of her not long after that, and i joined the army. best move i ever made, it got me the heck outta there! but i always find myself thinking of her once in a while, life was unfair for her. i hope she is doing good, she was a good soul.

      • Dimples
        If I remember correctly, I was still detoxing in jail…and I had to explain to an old highschool friend how I got involved in such a horrible mess…that laugh was embarrassment/nerves…it was not that I found anything truly humerous about what transpired…

        Why the hell would I think that DEE would find that funny…she wasnt in the life…I KNEW that her first visit would be her last…situations reversed I would not have stayed in contact with dawn…

        I remember the book ALSO said that I spent most of the time after the murder crying and sobbing…and that I was a mess…

        How do you know so much anout a book you never read???

      • Dawn as I said before I was in the hospital in isolation( 32 days) with MRSA. I was bored out of my mind as I couldnt even leave the room. My eyes were swollen, throat was gradually swelling up..and Doctors were ready to trache me ( so I could breath) if the swelling got any worse. An aid ( i think) had the book and let me read it. I read bits and pieces of chapters in the book. I was alos on some pretty heavy duty pain killers ( oxy, morphine, Dilaudid, and about 5 other pain meds) plus heavy duty antibiotics. I just read thru chapters when I could.

      • I also 4got to tell you..I lived in the Royal Palms Hotel and the owners and a few people there knew you. I dint know about you but they ( owners r STILL there) were talking about tenants that lived there and they brought up your name and also Mr Cauffels name as they said he sat in the lobby for about a week or so. I also lived at the Ansonia Hotel, and a few others in the area. We used to sell our government cheese and food stamps to the owner at White Grove restaurant. haha

      • kikdude
        I lost touch and dont know for sure…
        But I would bet tonya got out and is doing well…from what I remember she had a good head and heart…unless something really tragic and unforseen happened, I would bet she is alive and well somewhere, a mom, a wife…maybe even a grandma LOL

        Janet, on the other hand…

      • ive seen janet in action with my own eyes…ya dont need to convice me!!! we used to hang out at a freinds house on grisel st. near mich ave. lotta partying going on…

      • Tonya and I got along well…but Janet hated me, as did Cheryl
        I was a prima donna among other hookers…

      • just a lil funny side note…the one and only time i ever met tonyas dad was when they picked him up from the nursing home in his wheelchair, he had his colors embroided on the back of the chair, tonya comes right out and says “my dad has a scorpion tattoed on his d***!”, i said no way! all of a sudden the he says i sure do! then zip! i was shocked! i asked him did that hurt? he proudly exclaimed, hell it gave me a h**d on!!!

      • The Royal Palms is still owned by the original owners??? R u sure or is it their kids maybe…theyd be pretty old right about now LOL

        I dont even want to know what they said about me, it cant possibly be flattering!!

      • Grandma H is dead..Mr H and his wife Still run it! One of their sons S.H. help them along with their daughter K.H help. I used to find it funny as their ENTIRE family could keep a board of shrinks busy for 50 yrs. Their other son Mark was in a group home (or something like that) for uncontrolable anger. They wanted to “save money” and took him out and brought him to the hotel to help (BAD MOVE) he killed a tenant with a baseball bat. I don’t know if Mark is still in prison. They had nothing nice to say about me but i DID spit in Mr H’s face on the way out.

      • Funny stories about the Royal Palms..I have seen the ENTIRE family duke it out in the lobby. And granny H tried to call immigration on Mrs H ( i think she is here on some type of visa or mayb she doesnt have one) The kids S.H and K.H got into a few fists fights in the lobby. Granny (i don’t know why ) was always nice to me when she saw me and invited me into her room to show me the quilts she would sew. She would tell me all kinds of stories about Mr H’s wife (whom she Hated with a passion). One time she asked me to spy on Mr H when he was taking rent money as she thought HE was stealing because the $$ wasn’t adding up. Like I said they talked trash about EVERYONE except themselves. When I left i put a big plastic garbage bag in a toilet so when it was flushed it would flood the place.

      • I am sorry for your recent loss.

      • who is stash??
        Sounds like he knows something…

    • When did I first discover the book?
      Sigh…I knew the book was being written long before it was published…lets just say a few people came out of the woodwork and warned me, questions were being asked, interviews with the author

      I was horrified…I think THAT was when it truly sank in that I wasnt going to just erase my past, that it couldnt be done…that I was going to have to own it and live with it…thank god for anxiety and depression meds…

      I didnt actually sit down and read the book until mid 90’s maybe…I remember buying it, looking through the pics, read the first few and last few pages, cried…through it away…bought it again, through it away…my second therapist wanted to read it before she would agree to see me, and asked me to do the same…so I finally sat down and read it cover to cover, non stop, breaking only to eat and sleep…

      Ive read it 3 times total…I DO still have a copy, a hard cover…maybe I could get Lowell to sign it 😉

  136. Cheetah – I agree with you that Gladys Canty was an enabler, but I think she was trying to be the cushion between Al and his larger-than-life father. Al Jr. was expected to do bigger and better things. I don’t know, but maybe if he didn’t have so much pressure, he could have been a good, successful therapist. As mothers, you and I take the blame for our children’s behavior. You and I know that’s always not fair. Did Gladys Canty spoil her son? Yes, but I think he was always chasing his father’s success. That’s not a happy place to be. I’m so glad you’re back on your own blog! I think everyone has an interesting opinion or fact that deserves to be heard, but lately it has gotten really ugly. I am glad that DMS has joined the blog. She has given everyone insight that they would not have gotten otherwise. Do I think she was an angel and got a raw deal? Hell no! Do I think she deserves a second chance? Yes I do. After reading the book at least three times, I didn’t think I would ever say that.

    • Sarah, I have to say I feel the same way. In my 20’s reading this, I had completely different thoughts of some of the people in the book than I do now. Maybe it’s maturity, or realizing that these are in fact real human beings, and not actors in Hollywood. Also, personal life experiences since the first time I read the book have kind of thwarted my feelings, especially in matters pertaining to these types of deceptive men….regardless if Al set out to hurt people (which I do not believe he did) he is responsible for his choices. To put it lightly, I am highly annoyed by people like this. At least with the John Fry types, you had an idea of what kind of person you were getting.

  137. Cheetah:
    Mark B did have my permission to release the pic but on second thought, would you please remove it? Thanks.

  138. Was John Fry interviewed for the book? Also, will this ever be made into a TV movie? I’ve always wondered what it is like to see a TV movie and see someone playing you?

  139. Cheetah:
    Mark B. did have my permission to post pic but on second thought would prefer you not to, OK?

  140. Cheetah:
    My computer is acting up so don’t know if my earlier post went through. So, to repeat…. Mark B. did have my permission to post our pic, but on second thought I’d like you not to… OK? (sent you an email).

    • Hi Jan – I didn’t get an email but I saw your comment here a little while ago and removed it immediately. Completely understand. My email is rreneecaudill at gmail dot com.

      • It was a very nice picture. Thank you Mark and Jan!

      • Cheetah……..I think there is someone posting as Jan….in several posts Jan asked u to remove her and Brandos pix….in another post under Jancanty1985 she asks you NOT to remove the pix….

      • What the heck!! I didn’t see anything saying not to remove the pic. For now it’s gone until I hear otherwise. Better safe than sorry.

  141. New blog Topic…
    For those of you who think Dawn got off WAY too easy, I have a question:

    What about Frank Mcmasters???

    He got immunity for prosecution in return for his statement/confession…but what about the role he played??

    • To be honest Dawn I DO think you got off easy. I don’t remember what role Frank played..I remember reading he took a leather coat from Cheryl as he didn’t want her to sell it. Also (from what I have seen on tv) prosecutors will make a deal with the devil for info. This reminds me of an drug acquaintance who was shot in the head ( he ripped off a dealer for 20$)and his body was hid by some steps in an apt on Henry St. The prosecutor made a deal ( immunity) with the person who helped the killer tie up my friend, give him the gun and haul the body down the steps if he would identify and tell what happened.

    • I wonder if Frank is still alive?

    • Frank Drove John all over detroit, trying to help him get rid of the Buick. When that didnt happen, he helped torch it.
      He also helped John bury body parts…Frank acted like he didnt know what they were burying…MY ASS…check cashing scam documents??? Really??
      Come on…oh this is just opinion but he knew DAMNED well what they were burying…Frank was driving the van when the villians got arrested…he took off…he also lied and continued to lie until he realized he was caught, and then he demanded immunity in exchange for his testimoy

      He also claimed that John told him that Dawn helped with the dismemberment and packing of the body parts…bullshit!!!The only people who know what happened in that house are john and dawn, frank claimed john told him this and that…john told a lot of people alot of things, including a bunch of bs to impress female inmates at the jail

      and I agree with you…dawn did get off too easy, she was lucky…

      • So you got off easy – you have to know what’s important now is what you did after it, and what you did with that opportunity.

      • I agree.

      • absolutely…when I was arrested, I was a machine…programmed to get drugs into my system…that was my life…everything I did was part of that program

        jail and more importantly rehab reprogrammed me…to be a student and to stay away from illegal substances and it worked…but I was still a machine…little or nothing of a real person there

        my husband and more importantly my kids were the beginning of becoming a person again…to be able to function with out the programming…does that make sense??

      • Makes sense to me any person(s) with an addiction be it drugs, gambling, food, etc..wake up thinking about it go to sleep hating themselves or making “deals” with god or their family’s”tomorrow will be the last time” I will stop on Monday etc…

    • I definitely think Frank did these things out of fear…he acted tough towards John to protect Cheryl, but deep down Frank was afraid of John…Frank could handle John in a fair fight, but he couldnt match Johns CRAZY…thats for sure…

    • Also important to note…I was never UP for 10 years…the most I could have gotten was 5…Sapala said at my sentencing that I was fixable, that he had NO faith in a prisons ability to rehibilitate, and that if I was given the max 5 years, i would be out within 1 or 2 MAX anyways due to the prison over crowding…that is why I got the time served and was able to do a year as an in-patient at a rehab center…

  142. Again, good points connie…nor will we EVER…patient/doctor confidentiality…

    And to say dr awes failed him is BY NO MEANS BLAMING HER for the outcome…

    had she insisted, could she have prevented the murder?? maybe…

    but was it in any way her fault?? absolutely NOT!!

    • There are no answers to those questions….just speculation.

      • this blog is flinging my replys all over the place…sorry 🙂

      • Same here on where my responses end up…Dawn I have a question to ask you may I ask??

      • better ask asap…I dont know how long I will be here…ive not wanted to talk about any of this horrible stuff for SO long, the floodgates seem to have opened…

      • Ok..I will ask…is your sister still alive?

      • ouch…I thought it was related to this blog and not my personal info…
        I cant talk about Patty…sorry…

      • N/P

      • ok, heres a quick one..back in the day, there was a rumor going around the hood that lucky killed sixpack…do you think there might be any merit to that?

      • I remember that…as far as I know, just rumors…supposedly John killed 2 people and six witnessed it…six was losing his mind to drugs and john was worried hed blab, or get arrested and use that knowledge to bargain…as far as I remember, totally just a rumor…

        john was a mess after six died, really heartbroken…all I remember

    • kikdude
      Didn’t the book say the prosecution debated whether or not to try Fry on the murder of six pack, but decided not to. Didn’t they have some circumstantial evidence to support this??

      • im not sure.. i just dug up my copy of the book and im now on chapter26 im past the tenn event and so far i havent seen anything about that, its been a number of yrs since ive read it

  143. good points connie…patient/doctor confidentiality, you have to wonder exactly what dr awes told the author…

    I still think she failed him…that by no means BLAMES HER for what happened

    could she have prevented it?? maybe
    But is it her fault?? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!!

    • IF she could have prevented anything she would have to live with it. I honestly don’t think she or anyone else could have helped it. If it was not Al, it would have been someone else.

  144. I would like to respectfully ask that no one post that DVD to the internet at this time. Ray Danford, jr. Summer_of_95@hotmail.com

  145. AMAZING blog post! You’ve included so much great information, I know I’ll come back again and again. You’ve got me looking for my copy of the book, I’ve read it at LEAST a dozen times and somehow it captures my imagination each time. I’ve done the tour but it was YEARS ago. I’m not positive but I think I have some photo’s old photo’s from back then. I will forward anything I find. Thanks for the great post, you did a lot of research. You’re Mom got me hooked on the book years ago :). I’ll be spending tons of time on this page!

    • Hey Lori! Yep, my mom said you’d be stopping by and that you had some pics. She showed me one on Thanksgiving that you had of that Chung’s restaurant. I took a computer hiatus over the holidays, if I am not at work I generally don’t log on to an actual computer in my ‘spare time’ since I look at the thing all week, all day. And, I can’t stand trying to type out responses to messages using my phone. Takes too long!

      Anyway, welcome!!

  146. And who are you, stash?

  147. Happy new years 214

  148. I knew Dr. Canty personally and I thought he was a great guy. I stil think so. I also knew Jan. She administered a career test to me to see what careers would be suitable for me. I didn’t know her as well as I knew her husband but I could tell that she was a lovely woman from the one or two times I met her. I don’t for one second believe that the person on here who claims to be Dawn Spens is actually Dawn Spens and I don’t believe that the person on here who claims to be Jan Canty is Jan Canty. It’s certainly possible that they are those people but it’s highly unlikely. This is a very sad story. I miss my old friend Dr. Canty. I don’t mean to be disrespectful but I think that this blog no longer serves a meaningful purpose.

    • Well, here is a description of my late husband’s office. Once off the elevator on the 9th floor you enter the hallway and go into his office on the right. There is a waiting room with two dark brown chairs and a small magazine table to the left. There is no lamp. The reception desk is to the right behind an arch. My office was at 1:00. You enter Al’s office opposite the reception desk and go right. To his left was a low slate table. To the patient’s chair, on the right, was a set of shelves. He had African art on them and books. He had a spot behind his head on the wall from where he leaned against it. The primary colors were tan and brown. You exit from a different door to the hall that you came in.

      • The 9th floor of the Fisher Building has been overtaken by Detroit Public Schools now. There are also two sets of elevators in the building, one is on the east side of the building near the New Center skywalk, and the other set is on the south side by West Grand Boulevard. Both sets of elevators also have cars on both sides of each hallway that they occupy, so it is not possible to know which “right” Mr. Canty’s office was on because you can walk out of an elevator on either side of the hallway from both bank of elevators and “right” would depend which side you exit from. The now “public” entrance to the 9th floor is from the Grand Boulevard elevators and has been thoroughly modernized (so much for preservation of a historical building), and getting off the elevators you see glass-enclosed offices on both the right and left. If you go up the elevators from the east side near the New Center Building, you arrive in a small lobby on the 9th floor that has a single stairwell-type door to the west and a DPS employee-only door to the east. That area looks like it hasn’t been redecorated. I realize none of this is relevant and of course there have been changes in the last 30 years, but I did take a peek while down there for work this week.

  149. Nice page but a bit long. I wish that there were more pictures.

  150. Too bad you could not find anyone with pictures of the people featured in the book like Cheryl or dawn or “Lucky”.
    I did find one small picture of Cheryl in elementary school about the 3er grade.

  151. It’s absolutely striking to see how this story, and my exploration of it in MASQUERADE, has ignited such intense emotions in this long comment section. Lots of blame being tossed around here. I never approached the book looking for blame, but instead tried to offer enlightenment as well as just a good read. As for Dawn, I don’t know why some of you can’t seem to accept that a person can change in recovery, though I seriously question that the DMS in this thread is the real Dawn. I’ve witnessed hundreds of incredible positive transformations in recover groups over the past 30 years. Drug and alcohol dependency is a neurological disease that often manifests itself with immoral and destructive acts. But it’s a form of brain damage. This has been clinically established beyond all reasonable doubt. This is not to excuse it. But once a person has taken responsibility for their disorder by maintaining a program of sobriety, they certainly deserve to be treated with dignity for overcoming a condition that only 5 in 100 ever beat. And recovering people provide the priceless service of bringing others into sobriety, as they can carry the message and speak to dependency in a way no doctor, psychologist or non addict or non alcoholic will ever understand. Anyway, I’m grateful you are all so intrigued. And Mysterious Press this year will be releasing Kindle and iBook versions of the book.

    • Well said sir. I’m not so sure about DMS though.

    • I really wish this book was never written. Do you know how it feels to hear about your mother like this as a 10 year old child? just stop

    • I was alerted by a Facebook friend that things were getting heated in here again. Sigh. I am torn as to whether or not I should disbale the comments. I hate to see all of this ugliness as a result of this blog, but clearly this story has touched and intrigued many. I’ve been going through my own personal things in life, on top of general life-stuffs (busy), and it’s difficult to find time for some side things such as this. Whomever is out there still reading – Apologies for being MIA but thanks for understanding. I am not going to take down this blog because while the subject matter (the case, the story) has brought out some anger, it has also brought some good people together. I have spoken ‘off-line’ with quite a few of you and have enjoyed the “meeting” and correspondence.

      • Thanks for deciding to leave the blog up. I have found it extremely interesting. Anyone who is offended by comments could choose to just stop checking out this site. Thanks again! PS – recently read Masquerade for the fourth or fifth time.

      • That’s the beauty of pretty much anything in life – it is one’s choice to visit, look, and read, or don’t. The blog itself I take responsibility for, but I know there was no malicious intent when I posted it. The comments by others, however, are an open public discussion. Therefore, there are bound to be several different personalities and points of view. I do not take responsibility for the comments posted here, but I have hidden or deleted several that I thought were crossing the line a bit. Just my judgment call at the time!

      • I hope the blog stays alive. As disturbing as some of the comments have been, this is also freedom of expression and speech. I am grateful to quite a few comments and gaining some insight. However, I am also very sorry that there is pain here as well. I respectfully appreciate the comments.

      • Agreed, Connie. Most of us who were “just” readers have no idea exactly how it feels to be involved with a case such as this, or related to / close to someone who was directly affected by it. But the fact is, a book was written about it and it was publicized, and naturally the public is going to be curious, intrigued, and probably even have some sort of unsolicited opinions.

      • If someone dose not like this blog, stop viewing it, stop reading it, and stop commenting negatively.

  152. I’m looking for some police pictures, and some crime seen pictures. and some pictures of the people that are in the book. parsonhenry1957@gmail.com

  153. DMS, Do you know my sister Cheryl ? I’m her oldest brother if you do. I would like to talk with you via e-mail at gmail . com

  154. I never understood what the pic of the 5 beers in a 6 pack mean ? I don’t know how to crop but I did find one pic of CJMc.

    • Henry can you post a pic??? I always wondered what Cheryl looked like. Were any of her children John Fry’s??? I believe i remember reading she had her kids taken away at one point and miscarried due to a beating by Fry

      • just leave us alone and if you post one fucking picture of my mom you will regret it

      • Christine, I never in ANY way meant harm or disrespect to you, family OR mother. Contrary I think your mom should be an inspiration as to how she got her life together after she left the corridor! From what I have read in the book your mom seemed to be a VERY sensitive and caring person.

      • I only have a picture of my sister back when she was in the 4th grade.

    • Henry – that was just some individually-priced beers my friend and I had purchased in Detroit. You don’t often find that in the ‘burbs, and I can guarantee it’d be hard to find them sold that way in the Pointes. Nothing to do with anything really.

  155. This blog has gone quiet for some time

  156. To others whose lives have been altered by homicide, I am in the process of setting up a blog. The intent is to offer a safe platform to share stories, post a memoir, suggest resources, be aware of cold cases and comment on the postings. There is strength in numbers. It will be entitled Living After Homicide and the future address will be http://www.livingafterhomicide.com I want to thank Rachel for setting up this blog because it allowed me to connect with others closely tied to my husband’s murder and gave me the nudge to come out of the shadows. I will post again when it is ready. I sincerely hope it will serve as a safe and helpful resource for other survivors of homicide.

  157. I cannot find any pictures. Have you ever wondered the history of the “Spens” family name came from ? Here is something you might enjoy.

    The Grenvilles and Drakes were related to the famous and daring sea captain, Sir Francis Drake, who fought so many gallant battles for Queen Elizabeth. In company with the Grenvilles and Drakes the Rockwells went on voyages of exploration and conquest with Sir Francis Drake. John Drake was the High Sherriff of Devon during the reign of Queen Elizabeth I. His marriage to Amy Grenville acquired him more land. He bought the lordship of the manor of Mushbury, and another small estate at Trill, near Axminister, Uplyme and in Axminister parish. 17th century Devon historians describe him as a man of very great estate. John and Amy’s son Edmund and his wife Elizabeh Mylwaye were the parents of Sir Francis Drake. Sir Francis Drake and his descendants suffered rejection for many years from the original family. He personally was beaten several tmes by his cousins of the original family of Drakes of Ashe. His branch was later accepted. John Drake of Ashe was in fact in his time the richest man in Devonshire (1500’s). Once he married Amy Grenville the family became Protestants in England , yet remained Roman Catholic in Ireland . A descendant of the Ashe family was the 1st Duke of Marlbourgh, John Churchill of Blenheim. His descendant was in fact Sir Winston Spencer Churchill, the Spencer appendedum being added due to the death of the heir presumptive of John Churchill. A daughter was married to a Spencer, a cousin of Diana Spens (Princess of Wales. The Roman Catholic branch in Ireland say they are a direct line from 1447 in Westmeath (Normans of The Pale). Another branch of the family; Protestants arriving in Ireland with Cromwell armies. The Catholic family supporters of the King were dispossessed for their latter day 1st cousins. The Roman Catholic family survived via an infant boy, of 1690, his family being slaughtered in the Battle of the Boyne . His kinsmen being the Earls of Limerick. Memorial Inscription tablet in the Musbury Parish Church :Mushbury, in the vale of the Axe, 3 miles S.W. of Axminister, is a village and parish, containing 495 souls, and 2187A.IR.10) of fertile land, including the hamlet of Maidenhayne and several scattered houses. Ash, now a farmhouse, was anciently the seat of the De Esse or Ash family, and afterwards of the Drakes. Sir John rake, who was created a baronet in 1660, rebuilt the old castellated house, which had been destroyed in the civil wars. His nephew, John Chuchill, the great Duke of Marlborough, was born in the old house in 1650. Ash was occupied by Sir John Pole in 1778, when the stables were burnt down. J.V. Payne, Esq., is lord of the manor of Mushbury, which was anciently held by the Courtenay’s, and afterwards by the Drake and other families, John Gregson, John Woolcot, and Samuel Parr, Esqrs., Mr. Richd. Wills, Mr. F. Gillett, and several other freeholders, have estates in the parish. The church (St. Michael) is an ancient fabric, with a tower and five bells, and contains several handsome monuments of the Drake family…. John Drake inherited Ashe, m. Anne (daughter of Roger Greenville); had issue: Bernard, who inherited Ashe, Robert, Richard, who settled at Eshire, County Surry . John Drake of Ashe married Amye, sister of Richard Graynfield (Grenville). She received a bequest of 20 marks, by the will of her brother dated 8 Mar 37 Henry VIII. Gaye, Frank B.; The Descendants of John Drake of Windsor, Connecticut; Tuttle Co., Rutland, Vermont, 1933; p. 13. John Drake of Mt. Drake , Ashe and Exmouth, son and heir. High Sheriff of Devon in the time of Queen Elizabeth. He married in the twenty-sixth year of Henry VIII (1535) Amye, daughter of Roger Greenville/Grenvile of Stow , Cornwall , the ancestor of the Right Honorable Earl of Bath. he died October 4, 1558. He and his wife were buried in the Parish Church at Musbury, where may still be seen their tomb, bearing their effigies, with the following inscription: “HERE LIETH THE BODY OF JOHN DRAKE OF AISH ESQ. AND AMIE HIS WIFE WHO WAS THE DAUGHTER OF SIR ROGER GRAYNEFILD KT. BY WHOM HE HAD ISSVE SIX SONES WHEOF LIVED THREE AT HIS DEATH, VIZ BARNARD ROBERT AND RICHARD. HE DIED THE 4 OCTOBER 1558 AND SHE DIED THE 18TH OF VEBRVARIE 1577.”

  158. Of information to all. The Temple Hotel will soon be destroyed and removed and replaced by a power Co. sub-station.

  159. Prayers requested for Jan Canty. As some of you know, Jan has been writing a book about her perspective on the 1985 tragedy and her personal life since then, and the manuscript is now basically done. I am currently proofreading it for her and it is brilliant, readable and informed, about life in Detroit and many of the people who lived there, in that era. Jan is also serious about her hobby of photography and has been planning a visit to Detroit from her new home on the west coast, to take photos for the book, (of some of the locations which played a role in the story).
    She might now have to cancel or postpone that trip, because she recently learned she is seriously ill. About a month ago, Jan was standing on a hill near her home, taking pictures, when she fell and broke her upper arm. The medical personnel who treated her discovered a tumor in that bone and she is now scheduled for radiation treatments. Jan was planning to delay those until after her visit to Detroit, but lately she has felt anemic and tired, so possibly her illness is more extensive than first thought.
    I have become friends with Jan since we connected, via this blog and I actually met her, in her current home state, last summer. When she first surfaced on this board, I was surprised and disappointed that there was not an outpouring of concern and sympathy expressed for her and what she had to live through. Some individuals on this blog have expressed doubt that the people who have posted here under various names are really who they claim to be. When you read Jan’s book, as I am doing now, it will remove all doubt. Her prose is brilliant, highly entertaining and readable and even laced with much dry humor. Some passages describing her life before the tragedy are even laugh out loud funny-not what you might expect in a book dealing with such a heavy subject. But Jan’s ability to see irony and humor in life is one of the things that have enabled her to survive and to keep working and being productive in this world. Her book discusses many details that only she could know about.
    She is a talented writer and story-teller.

    Please keep Jan Canty in your prayers. She is only in her early 60s now and I’m hoping she has a lot of years left, after all the tragedy she has already endured. She deserves better than to be critically ill now.
    Jan would not post this info about her own plight and I hope she’ll forgive me, for telling all of you about it.
    -Mark Bando, Detroit PD, badge # 3462, 1974-99.

    • Thanks-I’m hoping for her…hope you’re doing OK too.

    • Thanks Mark for the update and I am sending out a prayer for Jan. Also – appreciate the info on her upcoming book. I wasn’t aware she was writing this and look forward to reading it. Inquiring minds want to know more! I was unsure if her earlier posts on this blog were really from her but now am pretty satisfied that they were. Thanks again!

      • Best wishes to Jan…I am fighting cancer ( not well though) and I hope she beats it!

      • The text for Jan’s book is basically finished now. I am currently proofreading it, for any DPD-related inaccuracies. But I can tell you, it is a real page-turner. You will find it difficult to put-down, once you start reading it. Her account really succeeds in conveying the agony of her loss, the feelings of betrayal, and the insensitive behavior of the media, as well as some of her friends and neighbors. The aftermath of the slaying was a prolonged nightmare for her and I believe anyone who read Mr Cauffiel’s book with interest will find Jan’s riveting account gives ‘the rest of the story’. It answers questions we’ve wondered about for several decades now. Jan is highly intelligent, sensitive and above all, a Survivor. She deserves better than to be facing serious health issues at this point in her life. Please do pray for her.

      • Prayers and good vibes to a survivor. I ran the corridor too and lived at one of the buildings dawn and Donnie lived at (Royal palms now called the Park Avenue) way back when….one of the desk clerks at that time remembered Dawn and especially Donnie when he was beat up by the gay guys next door. I sit back sometimes and wonder how I made it out of the corridor alive as there was once a saying “Once your ass hits Cass , you never can go back”. I have fought a 2 yr battle with cancer and it seems to be winning now but what ever happens I have learned I am also a survivor!!!!

      • Mark – I for one am extremely interested in reading Jan’s story. I wish her nothing but success with it.

  160. I was a member of “OUR GROUP” and I knew about the book but I had no desire to read it because I didn’t know how accurate it was and I’d rather put it out of my mind.
    Then a several months ago I got an email from DGC telling me about the blog. at first I was pissed because I thought that this is the last thing that Jan needed was having to rehash the worse time in her life. I hadn’t talked to her since the reunion, and the last heard was that she was leaving town with her parents and she didn’t want to talk to anyone.
    after seeing that she had responded in this blog I guess that time has eased the pain, and I’d like to say how sorry I am for what she has gone though and that my wife and I could have gotten to know her better.

    • She is a very amazing, sucsessful, woman. I should know- I’m her daughter. Seeing this blog pisses me off. How can someone be so interested in something that causes my mom horror to this day?

      • if not for the interest in this story,…your mother would not be writing a book about the subject….

      • I suppose that is true, yes. However, in reading some of these comments and arguments, I’ve noticed the fact of “dismembering parts” “and the sound of skull crushing” has been brought up numerous times. I find that sickening. This is not a law n order episode. My mom is a human being, and though had moved on with life and is happy, I find brining that up very insensitive. My mom has helped my sister and I cope with our birth mothers murder, she would never throw instances or memories, or stories in our face about how she was murdered, all I ask is people who comment on this blog, is to at least give her the respect of that. And for those who have prayed for her recovery, and supported and defended her, thank you.
        (I’m proof reading her book as well, and I’ve only known so little about Al’s death, and I find my mom to one of the strongest people I know, she always was, but even more now. And mom I know you’ll see this, I love you, and am proud of you, sorry I get over protective of you! )

      • If your mom is writing a book, it is probably because of the interest that is still held for the story. You can’t tell people not too be interested, but then tell us she is writing a book. I am assuming she wants to sell copies and share her story, yes?

        My interest in the book is because the east side was my stomping grounds and it is a “there but for the Grace of God story”. It’s a Detroit story. It’s a psychological story. It is a relationship story.

        I think your mother has been nothing but gracious to the posters here, and we have been very respectful to her.

      • I also think Jan has been NOTHING BUT gracious! Dawn came in here spewing trash that only Al’s side of the story was told. If Dawn were to write a book about this I would read it also but be more inclined to believe Jans insight.

      • who is your mom ?

      • Jan “Canty” is my mother. she adopted my sister and I both, together, after our birth mother was murdered. She adopted us knowing we could not be split up, and knowing how murder would effect our lives. She adopted me when I was 4 years old in 1995, and I am now 22. I knew about my moms, husbands death, I never knew the extent until reading the book she has written. I support her, and her book 100% it’s her time to share her view, her struggles and the anger that came with. With that said, you probably think I am another nutcase pretending to be who I am not, but I assure you, Jan is my mother, not by birth, but by adoption. I never knew the effect this had on her, why she adopted my sister and I, with such traumatic background of murder, drugs and gang violence,we were not healthy (physically/mentally) children, but it really makes sense. She bettered our lives, by something she went through. I knew of Al, but not what he did to her, reading these things..breaks my heart for her, but it’s made her, who she is today, a headstrong, sucsessful, beautiful, courageus woman that I look up too.
        Also- if this was made into a movie.. Cathy Bates as my mother? Hell no. Susan Surandan. Her doppelgänger. To a perfect T, would play my momma fantastically.

      • Welcome Iman! I pictured more of a Sarandon-type personality, good call 🙂

  161. Jan Canty is my mother, she is writing her own manuscript about her view and her side of the murder of her husband. Seeing this stuff on here really sickens me, people are interested in something that made my mother suffer, to this day. She adopted my sister and I years, after Al’s death, mostly because our birth mother was brutally murdered as well. She felt she could help is cope and get through. And she has, my mother is an amazing roman who has suffered loss, tradgey, nightmares, and depression from the shit Al, reporters, John Fry (nor deceased) put her through. Her book will be coming out soon, to share her story, her suffering, pain, loss and anger.

    • Your mother is an amazing woman and to write a book is just as awesome! Maybe someone even if its ONE person will get guidance or a wake up call. Just like other murders that still captivate other for generations they too had family’s that probably would have preferred it be forgotten.

      • I was not saying all of you, those who have mentioned gruesome comments like I explained, the sounds and dismembering of his body, has been brought up many times to “prove a point” and that is what irritates me. I wasn’t saying all of you have been disrespectful. Put yourself in her shoes, she went the through it, reading comments about those particular events, can be very tragic, and should not be thrown around easily. That’s all I was saying. I just feel like many people were, being very light hearted about it, like oh she’ll never see it so why not mention the most horrible parts of her husbands death. And I do not mean to come off rude, by any means, a lot of you have been very respectful, so I’m sorry of you felt my comment was targeted at you. That’s not what I intended. I just feel those comments aren’t necessary, I love my mom more than anything and the last thing I want is for her to be hurt by horrible comments that bring back pain.

      • Don’t worry as in every crime people come out the woodwork. There were also people cloning other nics on here and posting rotten stuff. Although Dawn has been clean and sober, married with a career I believe she is STILL the same manipulative person she was years ago. When she came in here the entire blog took a downward spiral. I wish your mom (jan) the best. As I stated I have lung cancer had 2/3 of my left lung removed. Yet I took care of my own mother while she was dying and am still standing. We are survivors in spirit!!!

  162. Visiting Detroit. Coincidentally the Temple Hotel was being demolished as I stood looking at it through a fence.

  163. As the author of this blog, I have currently closed the comments. Temporarily, maybe. If anyone else would like to pick at each other, type profinaities and insult each other, you may now choose a spot on the internet other than my blog comments to do so.

    This blog has had some positive connections of people related to the case, and also connections of those not related to the case, but intrigued by it. I get it – this is a very personal subject for those written about in the book and that some of the things posted IN my blog or IN the comments section can be tough to read. The fact is, a book was written and humans will be humans. Who are we to judge what intrigues and interests someone else?

    I believe there are over 1,000 comments in this section, and I would like to say I had the time to go through all of them again. Unfortunately, I do not, but I would hate to hide all of them in one swipe of a hand. Eventually though, I would like to filter out all of the garbage to allow mainly comments from those in the book, those closely related, and those interested in discussing the case, to remain.

    Believe me, I don’t feel as though I am doing some sort of special service to society here. I simply read a book and wrote a blog. My feelings and thoughts on the book’s “characters” have evolved and changed a lot since this blog was originally written and since I have corresponded privately with a handful of those individuals – and those indivuduals know how to get in contact with me if you would like to.

  164. Just read an article about Jan Canty this morning in the Detroit news.
    I lived in Warren when this happened,and I was also around your age.
    I vaguely remember this being on the news and in the papers.
    What shocked me was the body parts being dumped in Alanson.
    I’m currently in cheboygan and drive through Alanson whenever I go to Petoskey.
    I’m moving to Florida this weekend, if I wasn’t I would have tried to find the area.
    Thank you.

    • Thanks for stopping by and commenting, Daniel. Definitely check out and “like” Jan’s Facebook page if you are interested in her story. I mean, I read Masquerade 20 years ago and it still interests me. Crazy!

  165. Very interesting blog. I actually found it when I was reading some articles about the Jane Bashara case. Bob Bashara and Al Canty had similar personalities and lifestyles.
    Thank you for this – I just purchased the book!

    • Hi Sunny, come on back when you’re done reading the book too!

      • Hi there, friends family owened the casper house, actually spent plenty of time in the house in the backyard! I would actually read parts of the book inside the little bungalow!

      • How ironic!

      • There are so many, many victims in this story. Yes, Jan Canty was the main victim. But, in many ways, Al was a victim too. A victim of his own demons. Dawn was a victim of drug use and her immature lifestyle choices.

        This was a haunting crime.

    • I have to respectfully disagree that W. Alan Canty and Bob Bashara had similar personalities. I think they were about as different as two people could be but they did both have secret second lives and they both had successful prominent fathers.

  166. Thanks for sharing!!

  167. Recent article about this case:

    • I saw that article linked on Jan’s Facebook page for her booK (Just search Til Death We Did Part, A True Crime Memoir on Facebook). Thanks for sharing!

  168. Thanks for posting this tour! I have read a lot of Michigan true crime books and I just read Masquerade for the first time a few weeks ago. I can’t believe it took me so long to find out about that book!

    Anyways, whenever I finish a true crime book I always do a “where are they now” Google search. I have to say I have never found out as much updated information as I have on this blog! It’s good to see that Ms. Canty and even Dawn are doing about as good as can be expected all things considered.

    Also imagine my surprise to see that the article about Ms. Canty was written just a couple months before I read the book.

    I am following Ms. Canty’s Facebook page about her new book. I hope she finds a publisher soon as I will definitely purchase a copy!

  169. Jan Canty is coming out with her own book. It will be under the old name. She has since changed her name.

  170. Being an avid true crime reader and lifelong SE Mich resident, I can’t believe I’ve never heard of this case! I thought I knew all the big local ones. I’m currently reading a book about murders in Michigan that included this case, did a Google search and here I am. Hours later after reading all the comments….Wow! That’s all I can say.
    Thanks for posting this, Rachel. I’m excited to get Lowell Cauffiel’s book and read it. Also following Jan Canty’s FB page and looking forward to her book.

    • Welcome – Warning, the story is pretty intriguing! You’ll be wondering for years what happened to everyone…I know I did.

      • So while it is true that Henry Krizanovic, or Parsons as he uses in earlier comments is the sister of Cheryl Krizanovic please do not provide him w ok th any pictures of her or my brother and I. In the book it says that Cheryl turned to John while recovering from a rape. That was in fact committed repeatedly by Henry Krizanovic, the very brother who is sickly asking for pictures of her and her children. Please remove his comments and I will answer any questions about my late mother and my father

    • did you ever receive a copy of the CD of the TV news clippings ?

    • If you like true crime, Lowell is the best. I have all his books, but Masquerade is special.

  171. I am Jim’s oldest daughter I don’t know if the twin’s even know they have a sister. I think of them all the time I have looked for they threw the years but with no success. I just hope one day they know they have an older sister and I think of them.

  172. no I never received a copy of the C.D.

  173. I was recently in a relationship with Donnie carlton who is recerenced in the book. He was Dawn’s boyfriend in the early 80’s. He was with her when she started turning tricks. I didn’t know that dawn had went in to help murder someone. The book was informative

  174. I lived in this house when I was in kindergarten or first grade. My parents rented it from a very sweet, elderly lady. It’s where my sister and I found out we had a half brother and half sister (paternal) who were twins. They lived down the road from us with their mother and stepfather. My mother saw them and realized who they were. My brother and sister’s grandmother moved to KY when she found out their mother was pregnant. Long story short, my father met his kids and we met our brother and sister. I was 13 when this happened. I vaguely remember seeing it on the news. I’ve always wondered what happened there. Thank you for writing this blog. Now I don’t have to wonder anymore.

  175. Just read the book last month and found it to be the most interesting book I have ever read! Have been researching all the players (as have most on this blog!) and found Jan Canty on Facebook and am so happy that she has finally come to a peaceful time in her life, she above all else deserves it! Just wanted to say to Rachel so glad you have this blog because this is one of those stories you can never quit thinking about. I have known people that have some of the same characteristics as many in the book and always just wonder what makes them turn out like they do. Interesting material!

  176. It was very interesting reading all of the comments. I will say that I knew Dawn well as we worked together for many years. She was quite young and was addicted to Heroin when all of this happened.
    I don’t feel she got off easy. I feel that she got a 2nd chance at life and took full advantage of it. She completely turned her life around and was drug free and even quit cigarettes cold turkey. She continued her education and excelled at it with a 3.99 average all the way to her Masters degree. She married Michael Hammes and they had 2 beautiful children and she was very happy. I do believe they divorced amicably but she is still in a good place in her life. I am very sorry for Mr. Canty and I feel super bad for Jan and I wish her the best.

  177. I grew up around the corner from Dawn Spens in Harper Woods, although I was a few years younger, and knew her younger sister a little bit. I was always fascinated by the story, and recently picked up a copy of the “Masquerade” book (it was a discounted Kindle book). I happened on this site googling some of the locations (I guess I’m not a freak, at least one other person did the same, lol). Very interesting adventure you had, thanks for the blog.

  178. I don’t get it… spam????

  179. If you have a Facebook account, Dr. Jan Canty has written an as yet unpublished manuscript about her side of the story. She puts excerpts on her page a couple times a week. http://www.jancantyphd.com

  180. I was hanging out with crack heads and heroin fiends in the cass corridor when the book was this happened. I realized how I could easily end up like Canty and backed off from anyone who stole from me or bugged me for rides to scarier places. I finally gave it up for good when Rosa Parks was assaulted right near where I frequented.
    I realised they’ll kill anyone and I could be next
    a coworker just gave me the book and we talked about it at length. He was fascinated by my story down there too and just texted me a picture of Canty’s grave . he’s there right now

    Im pretty harsh with junkies now rather then accepting. they’ve ruined so much and I view it as a lifestyle choice

    Yeah, I wonder if I knew any of these people too

  181. My mother was married to Jim Fry John’ s brother Her name is Linda I have been looking for information on him as he may know my father I heard he shot himself do you have any information

  182. I had never hear of these happenings when took place back in the early-mid 80’s. In fact only time I’d been to Detroit was back in the mid 70’s to see a Red Wings Blackhawks game at the old Olympia. Anyhow I just started reading Masquerade, which is just a fascinating story. In an effort to learn more I came across this blog. Unfortunately it looks to be abandoned. Hopefully it will start up again. I plan to read “A Life Divided” as soon as I conclude Masquerade. Nevertheless I’m deeply curious about Dawn’s life in the aftermath.

    • Dawn did quite well in life, Look her up on People Search.

      • I’d love to know more about her life in the aftermath. How she picked up the pieces. Certainly the odds of 20 year old drug addicted prostitute extracting herself from that lifestyle and predicament going on to receive a college degree from an exceptional university and becoming (from what I’ve heard) a corporate executive at a major corporation are beyond remote. Very impressive story. In my estimation probably as good or even a better story than Masquerade itself. Beyond remarkable. Personally I’d love to hear her speak on the subject. But I’m sure it’s the last thing she wants too do. And I respect that. Unfortunately we won’t have the pleasure of hearing first hand what I would consider a remarkable against all odds life.

      • I found her on Twitter, I think it was, a couple of years ago when she had a picture of herself and her son. A closeup. There were also pictures of her daughter. Yes, I could recognize her face. Her account is no longer there.
        I know where she lives now and who’s she’s married to. I’m glad for her that Dawn Farms was close to University of Michigan as maybe that’s why she ended up applying there. Her exceptional IQ gave her a ticket out and up.

  183. I had never hear of these happenings when took place back in the early-mid 80’s. In fact only time I’d been to Detroit was back in the mid 70’s to see a Red Wings Blackhawks game at the old Olympia. Anyhow I just started reading Masquerade, which is just a fascinating story. In an effort to learn more I came across this blog. Unfortunately it looks to be abandoned. Hopefully it will start up again. I plan to read “A Life Divided” as soon as I conclude Masquerade. Nevertheless I’m deeply curious about Dawn’s life in the aftermath.

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